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In the World but not Of it...

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Here is something I wrote years ago that perhaps better expresses the

feelings that one has at times, when living in the world, yet has no taste

for it.





A deep dark brooding restlessness

is boiling inside.

the expanding emptiness

is vast and consuming.

Vulnerability is high

for such worn weary souls,

of have become tepid and discontented.

We have grown tired of wandering

in this foreign land,

where no one speaks our language.


A land filled with pretentious people,

wearing many faces.

People who only use and abuse,

as they cling to their possessions

and ambitious ego’s.

They live lives of drudgery

in Corporate trenches

to fulfill their selfish desires.

They have grown cold and callous,

lacking vision,

blind to their own brutality.

Sucking life from all that is

gentle and pure.

They rape the land for profit,

poison our waters,

and rip the sky.

They are destroying Natures balance

without conscience,

or care for the ‘morrow.


We revolt against these tyrants

with their shallow greedy ways.

We can not yet embrace them,

for we are still lacking

in our indifference.


So, here we stand amidst this madness,

precarious and alone.

Like a one-winged flightless bird

spinning circles on the ground.

We are helpless and afraid,

for predators easily prey on

fatigued and damaged souls.


We long to flee to the high places,

where the Saints and Sages dwell.

Where simplicity is cherished,

and complexity despised.

Where no rules are placed

to bind or limit,

for no one claims authority.

Where silence is the language,

and love, the warming fire.

Where all encumbrances drop away,

and we live and play with God.

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