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Chapter 13


Verse 1


The tranquility which is born of the consciousness that there is nothing but

the self is rare even for one who wears but a loin-cloth. Therefore, giving

up renunciation and acceptance, I live happily.


Verse 2


There is trouble of the body here, trouble of the tongue there, and trouble

of the mind elsewhere. Having renounced these, in life's supreme goal I live






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Chapter 13

Verse 1

The tranquility which is born of the consciousness that there is nothing


the self is rare even for one who wears but a loin-cloth. Therefore, giving

up renunciation and acceptance, I live happily.


Verse 2

There is trouble of the body here, trouble of the tongue there, and trouble

of the mind elsewhere. Having renounced these, in life's supreme goal I




These verses are absolutely facinating - particularly in context to the

current discussion about 'joining a monastry'.


Joining a monastry - can at times be escaping from this world. Probably

more easier to contemplate on God solitude - but ....


Some of Vivekananda's key messages: 'Action', 'see God in others', and 'who

will God love more - the person who praises God everyday or the the person

who devotes himself to the service of God's children'.


One of Shri Ramakrishna's devotee, Nag Mahashay - a householder devotee -

who is living example of a Karmayogi, was not part of any monastry - but

whose life is completely dedicated to others - whose mind was completely

tranquil, whose ego completely eliminanted and he was in peace and harmony

with this world.


Somebody compared Nag Mahashay to Vivekenanda 'Vivekenanda presence is so

hugh that Mahamaya cannot capture nor cover him, with Nag Mahashay - he was

so humble that Mahamaya cannot capture him because he slips through her




Dedicating your life to the service of others - could be an alternative to

living a recluse life.

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