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Harischandra and Thakur as Sri Hari

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I read somewhere that if a person pratices the discipline of truth than

one day one by itself gains the siddhi of watever comes one mouth it will

become truth . It is a slow process .



On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, Shankar wrote:


> Harischandra, the great king who practised truth in a very literal sense, has

made a deep impact on humanity as a whole. He also used to chant the names of

Hari in the evenings with a lot of devotees.


> If we consider the devotees of Hari as stars, he was a moon amidst them, in

the sky of exalted devotion to Hari. Hence the appropriateness of his name,



> Inspired by his undaunted devotion to truth, Mohandas Karamcahnd Gandhi, in

his later days turned into a Mahatma.


> But, in the life of Thakur, a full incarnation of Hari Himself, we find an

exceeding even in the devotion and adherence to truth.


> In the case of Harischandra, there was a total adherence to truth, in the

sense of not denying what he already had stated and translating all that he said

into action.


> But, in the case of Thakur, he was a perfect instrument in the Hands of the

Divine Mother and hence, whatever He happened to say,even if apparently

inadvertently, was the Statement from the Divine Mother alone. Hence, it had to

become true.


> Here, there was no effort, first of all, by an egoistic frontal consciousness

to say something and then proceed to adhere literally to the same.


> Once, Sri Ramakrishna, told Hriday that He would like to go up to the Kali

Temple from His room. Then, He started walking. But, since he was in spiritual

ecstasy, as He always used to be, He was not aware of the direction in which He

was proceeding, in an external sense. He was then actually walking

inadvertently towards the RadhaKrishna Temple, which was adjacent to the Kali

Temple. But, to His own astonishment, He experienced a pull upon His legs as if

somebody was preventing Him from proceeding further. Upon His inquiring Hriday

as to where He was proceeding, Hriday told Him that He was proceeding towards

the RadhaKrishna. It is then that Sri Ramakrishna relaised that whatever He

happened to say came directly from the Divine Mother alone and that His words

can never become untrue.


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What Anurag Goel says is true.


Here is the meaning of a Tamil Couplet, relevant to the context.

'If (one) pursues ( & ) pursues, 'Not Telling Untruth', it is good 'Not to Do' ( & )

'Not To Do' other righteous deeds'. (Kural 297)



Anurag Goel <anurag

Ramakrishna <Ramakrishna >

Monday, June 28, 1999 11:51 AM

Re: [ramakrishna] Harischandra and Thakur as Sri Hari




>I read somewhere that if a person pratices the discipline of truth than

>one day one by itself gains the siddhi of watever comes one mouth it will

>become truth . It is a slow process .




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