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Extrasensory Perceptions: ESP

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Dear friends,

A few interesting facts:



Parapsychology is the study of the ability of the mind to perform

psychic acts without any known physical energy acting as the carrier of

the information or force. Psychic phenomena, as the term is applied to

the human mind, generally fall into two broad categories:

1) Psychokinesis is defined as the ability to move or alter animate or

inanimate matter by thought alone.

2) Extrasensory perception (ESP) is defined as the ability to acquire

information without the benefit of the senses.

Extrasensory perception is further divided into two sub-categories:

a) Telepathy:

It means the perception of someone else's thoughts by intercommunication

between one brain and another by means other than that of the ordinary

sense channel. It has bearing on all psychic phenomena. Many cases are

on record where vivid impressions have been transmitted from a distance.

It is believed that telepathic communication goes direct from one mind

to another irrespective of the distance. The mechanism of telepathy is

generally supposed, so far, to be in the form of yet unknown ethereal

vibrations or " brain waves " .

b) Clairvoyance:

Clairvoyance or 'remote perception' is sensing of an object or event out

of range of the senses. The term denotes the supposed supernormal

faculty of seeing person and events which are distant in time and place

and of which no knowledge can reach to the seers or perceiver through

the normal sense channel.




A) Telepathy


(1) " ...Some days later, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) was with the

Master. Sri Ramakrishna looked at him and went into samadhi. Narendra

felt the penetration of a subtle force and lost all outer consciousness.

Regaining presently the normal mood, he found the Master weeping.

" Sri Ramakrishna said to him: 'To day I have given you my all and I am

now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do

immense good in the world, and not until it is accomplished will you

return.' Henceforth the Master lived in the disciple. "

" Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to

himself, 'If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his

Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God.' He was

alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the

Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, 'He

who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna - but not in

your Vedantic sense. "

(2) " -Narendranath (Swami Vivekananda) once made himself ready secretly

to renounce and wander away into the broad world. … Knowing his

intentions through his divine power, Sri Ramakrishna persuaded him to

come to Dakshineswar to stay with him that day. Touching his person

afterwards, Sri Ramakrishna sang in a spiritual mood, " I am afraid to

speak and also not to speak; I am afraid lest I should lose you, O Rai. "

And instead of allowing Narendranath to renounce the world and go away,

Sri Ramakrishna kept him with him consoling him in various ways. "

Thus we see that Sri Ramakrishna was able to exactly read the mind of

Swami Vivekananda without any physical sense perception channel.


B) Clairvoyance:


One incidence in the life of Swami Vivekananda is quoted to give an

example of this type of phenomenon.

" Swami Vijnanananda once told of an incident which revealed Swami

Vivekananda's superhuman sensibility. Swami Vijnanananda used to stay in

the room next to Swami Vivekananda's at Belur Math. One night he (Swami

Vijnanananda) woke up at 2 a.m., came out of his room, and was surprised

to find Swami Vivekananda moving restlessly along the portico.

Vijnanananda asked him, 'Swamiji, why are you not in bed? Don't you feel


'I was sleeping well', said Swami Vivekananda, 'but suddenly I felt a

sort of shock and woke up. I am sure there has been an accident

somewhere in the world and that many people must have lost their lives.'

Swami Vijnanananda did not take Swami Vivekananda's words seriously at

first. It seemed incredible to him that Swami Vivekananda while lying on

his bed could have become aware of a far off occurrence. But to his

amazement, he read in the newspaper the next morning that many people

were killed in a volcanic eruption near Fiji. The eruption had occurred

at the exact moment when Swami Vivekananda had received that shock. "


C) Psychokinesis:


We see an authentic and recorded state of samadhi for a prolonged period

of time in the life of Sri Ramakrishna. By remaining in " Bhavamukha " (on

the threshold of relative consciousness) it was possible for him to

bring about these aspects of communications in his life. He could by

telepathy fathom the minds and thoughts of others with ease and

perfection, and by clairvoyance and psychokinesis, he could effect

necessary modifications beneficial to the persons he came in contact

with. One example will suffice:

" During his last illness, at the garden house of Cossipore, Sri

Ramakrishna was bedridden due to loss of weight and weakness as a

consequence of his throat ailment. One evening, some of his young

devotees were proceeding to take juice to a place south of the garden.

Suddenly Ma Saradadevi saw Sri Ramakrishna going out of the room with

great speed and returning with the same speed after a while. She was

surprised as well as terrified. When she asked about this unusual

phenomenon to Sri Ramakrishna, he answered that he could see a very

poisonous cobra on the way of his devotees. That cobra could have done

harm to someone. He had gone to drive away the snake for the welfare of

his devotees! "


dr c s shah



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Guest guest

Yes the yogis of the caliber of Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa n Swami

Vivekananda do have these powers. but it's not these powers that make them

great. One can thosands of yogis having these powers In India or abroad



One gains such powers during ones spiritual quest but one has to rise

above these powers to know Lord. These powers r sort of test . If one

becomes mesmerised by these one will get stuck n will start playing

with these powers just like a little child there n if one has true

quest for lord one will see above these powers n go for Lord.



When one starts getting the power of ESP . The Pineal Gland too starts



> A few interesting facts:


> Parapsychology:

> Parapsychology is the study of the ability of the mind to perform

> psychic acts without any known physical energy acting as the carrier of

> the information or force. Psychic phenomena, as the term is applied to

> the human mind, generally fall into two broad categories:

> 1) Psychokinesis is defined as the ability to move or alter animate or

> inanimate matter by thought alone.

> 2) Extrasensory perception (ESP) is defined as the ability to acquire

> information without the benefit of the senses.

> Extrasensory perception is further divided into two sub-categories:

> a) Telepathy:

> It means the perception of someone else's thoughts by intercommunication

> between one brain and another by means other than that of the ordinary

> sense channel. It has bearing on all psychic phenomena. Many cases are

> on record where vivid impressions have been transmitted from a distance.

> It is believed that telepathic communication goes direct from one mind

> to another irrespective of the distance. The mechanism of telepathy is

> generally supposed, so far, to be in the form of yet unknown ethereal

> vibrations or " brain waves " .

> b) Clairvoyance:

> Clairvoyance or 'remote perception' is sensing of an object or event out

> of range of the senses. The term denotes the supposed supernormal

> faculty of seeing person and events which are distant in time and place

> and of which no knowledge can reach to the seers or perceiver through

> the normal sense channel.


> Examples:


> A) Telepathy


> (1) " ...Some days later, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) was with the

> Master. Sri Ramakrishna looked at him and went into samadhi. Narendra

> felt the penetration of a subtle force and lost all outer consciousness.

> Regaining presently the normal mood, he found the Master weeping.

> " Sri Ramakrishna said to him: 'To day I have given you my all and I am

> now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do

> immense good in the world, and not until it is accomplished will you

> return.' Henceforth the Master lived in the disciple. "

> " Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to

> himself, 'If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his

> Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God.' He was

> alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the

> Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, 'He

> who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna - but not in

> your Vedantic sense. "

> (2) " -Narendranath (Swami Vivekananda) once made himself ready secretly

> to renounce and wander away into the broad world. … Knowing his

> intentions through his divine power, Sri Ramakrishna persuaded him to

> come to Dakshineswar to stay with him that day. Touching his person

> afterwards, Sri Ramakrishna sang in a spiritual mood, " I am afraid to

> speak and also not to speak; I am afraid lest I should lose you, O Rai. "

> And instead of allowing Narendranath to renounce the world and go away,

> Sri Ramakrishna kept him with him consoling him in various ways. "

> Thus we see that Sri Ramakrishna was able to exactly read the mind of

> Swami Vivekananda without any physical sense perception channel.


> B) Clairvoyance:


> One incidence in the life of Swami Vivekananda is quoted to give an

> example of this type of phenomenon.

> " Swami Vijnanananda once told of an incident which revealed Swami

> Vivekananda's superhuman sensibility. Swami Vijnanananda used to stay in

> the room next to Swami Vivekananda's at Belur Math. One night he (Swami

> Vijnanananda) woke up at 2 a.m., came out of his room, and was surprised

> to find Swami Vivekananda moving restlessly along the portico.

> Vijnanananda asked him, 'Swamiji, why are you not in bed? Don't you feel

> sleepy?'

> 'I was sleeping well', said Swami Vivekananda, 'but suddenly I felt a

> sort of shock and woke up. I am sure there has been an accident

> somewhere in the world and that many people must have lost their lives.'

> Swami Vijnanananda did not take Swami Vivekananda's words seriously at

> first. It seemed incredible to him that Swami Vivekananda while lying on

> his bed could have become aware of a far off occurrence. But to his

> amazement, he read in the newspaper the next morning that many people

> were killed in a volcanic eruption near Fiji. The eruption had occurred

> at the exact moment when Swami Vivekananda had received that shock. "



Dr. Shah i think the incident describes much more than Phycokinesis . It

can that master was on the bed n there is this second master who went to

drive the cobra away. I mean say two masters exist at the same time.


Psychokinesis as far as i know means causing changes in physical

objects( location, shape etc. )


I read in one of the news paper articles that small children can perform

this act of psychokinesis very easily. Like bending of spoons through

etc.... very easily. Small children r still pure , mind is free from

worldly botherations. Psychologists have been doing much research on it.



> C) Psychokinesis:


> We see an authentic and recorded state of samadhi for a prolonged period

> of time in the life of Sri Ramakrishna. By remaining in " Bhavamukha " (on

> the threshold of relative consciousness) it was possible for him to

> bring about these aspects of communications in his life. He could by

> telepathy fathom the minds and thoughts of others with ease and

> perfection, and by clairvoyance and psychokinesis, he could effect

> necessary modifications beneficial to the persons he came in contact

> with. One example will suffice:

> " During his last illness, at the garden house of Cossipore, Sri

> Ramakrishna was bedridden due to loss of weight and weakness as a

> consequence of his throat ailment. One evening, some of his young

> devotees were proceeding to take juice to a place south of the garden.

> Suddenly Ma Saradadevi saw Sri Ramakrishna going out of the room with

> great speed and returning with the same speed after a while. She was

> surprised as well as terrified. When she asked about this unusual

> phenomenon to Sri Ramakrishna, he answered that he could see a very

> poisonous cobra on the way of his devotees. That cobra could have done

> harm to someone. He had gone to drive away the snake for the welfare of

> his devotees! "


> dr c s shah

> --

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Guest guest

Dear friend,

I agree with what you say. But,


Most scientists outside of the parapsychological field are reluctant to

accept the existence of psychic phenomena. But recently some scientists

are interested in these phenomena because they are recorded and

documented and can be said to constitute the 'body of facts'.

" Many hundreds of carefully studied cases and laboratory experiments

have now established that extra sensory perception (telepathy,

clairvoyance, precognition, etc.) exists- but what does all this mean?

Pri-marily that there is far more to man than we have known. We have the

data, and they are strong and clear. But they could not exist if man

were only what we have believed him to be. If he were only flesh and

bone, if he worked on the same type of principle as a machine, if he

were really as separate from all oth-ers as we have thought, it would be

impossible for him to do the things we know he sometimes does. A new

concept of man, a new way of looking at others and ourselves, a

knowledge that there is more to man than our old concepts allow, is

scientifically demonstrated in these facts. And that is the real

importance of ESP. "

Because of such intense concern being shown by many a scientist, it is

decided to include the extra-sensory experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and

Swami Vivekananda without much emphasis to explain the same.

However, Sri Ramakrishna considered these powers as least important and

even harmful on the path of realization of God. He used say, " It should

be shunned as a filth, and it is actually an obstacle in God

realization. "

Thus we see the real scientific spiritual attitude in the life of Sri

Ramakrishna. We have given a few examples of ESP from the lives of Sri

Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda keeping the above statements in view.

dr c s shah


Anurag Goel wrote:


> Anurag Goel <anurag


> Yes the yogis of the caliber of Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa n Swami

> Vivekananda do have these powers. but it's not these powers that make them

> great. One can thosands of yogis having these powers In India or abroad

> too.


> One gains such powers during ones spiritual quest but one has to rise

> above these powers to know Lord. These powers r sort of test . If one

> becomes mesmerised by these one will get stuck n will start playing

> with these powers just like a little child there n if one has true

> quest for lord one will see above these powers n go for Lord.


> When one starts getting the power of ESP . The Pineal Gland too starts

> modifying.


> > A few interesting facts:

> >

> > Parapsychology:

> > Parapsychology is the study of the ability of the mind to perform

> > psychic acts without any known physical energy acting as the carrier of

> > the information or force. Psychic phenomena, as the term is applied to

> > the human mind, generally fall into two broad categories:

> > 1) Psychokinesis is defined as the ability to move or alter animate or

> > inanimate matter by thought alone.

> > 2) Extrasensory perception (ESP) is defined as the ability to acquire

> > information without the benefit of the senses.

> > Extrasensory perception is further divided into two sub-categories:

> > a) Telepathy:

> > It means the perception of someone else's thoughts by intercommunication

> > between one brain and another by means other than that of the ordinary

> > sense channel. It has bearing on all psychic phenomena. Many cases are

> > on record where vivid impressions have been transmitted from a distance.

> > It is believed that telepathic communication goes direct from one mind

> > to another irrespective of the distance. The mechanism of telepathy is

> > generally supposed, so far, to be in the form of yet unknown ethereal

> > vibrations or " brain waves " .

> > b) Clairvoyance:

> > Clairvoyance or 'remote perception' is sensing of an object or event out

> > of range of the senses. The term denotes the supposed supernormal

> > faculty of seeing person and events which are distant in time and place

> > and of which no knowledge can reach to the seers or perceiver through

> > the normal sense channel.

> >

> > Examples:

> >

> > A) Telepathy

> >

> > (1) " ...Some days later, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) was with the

> > Master. Sri Ramakrishna looked at him and went into samadhi. Narendra

> > felt the penetration of a subtle force and lost all outer consciousness.

> > Regaining presently the normal mood, he found the Master weeping.

> > " Sri Ramakrishna said to him: 'To day I have given you my all and I am

> > now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do

> > immense good in the world, and not until it is accomplished will you

> > return.' Henceforth the Master lived in the disciple. "

> > " Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to

> > himself, 'If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his

> > Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God.' He was

> > alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the

> > Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, 'He

> > who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna - but not in

> > your Vedantic sense. "

> > (2) " -Narendranath (Swami Vivekananda) once made himself ready secretly

> > to renounce and wander away into the broad world. … Knowing his

> > intentions through his divine power, Sri Ramakrishna persuaded him to

> > come to Dakshineswar to stay with him that day. Touching his person

> > afterwards, Sri Ramakrishna sang in a spiritual mood, " I am afraid to

> > speak and also not to speak; I am afraid lest I should lose you, O Rai. "

> > And instead of allowing Narendranath to renounce the world and go away,

> > Sri Ramakrishna kept him with him consoling him in various ways. "

> > Thus we see that Sri Ramakrishna was able to exactly read the mind of

> > Swami Vivekananda without any physical sense perception channel.

> >

> > B) Clairvoyance:

> >

> > One incidence in the life of Swami Vivekananda is quoted to give an

> > example of this type of phenomenon.

> > " Swami Vijnanananda once told of an incident which revealed Swami

> > Vivekananda's superhuman sensibility. Swami Vijnanananda used to stay in

> > the room next to Swami Vivekananda's at Belur Math. One night he (Swami

> > Vijnanananda) woke up at 2 a.m., came out of his room, and was surprised

> > to find Swami Vivekananda moving restlessly along the portico.

> > Vijnanananda asked him, 'Swamiji, why are you not in bed? Don't you feel

> > sleepy?'

> > 'I was sleeping well', said Swami Vivekananda, 'but suddenly I felt a

> > sort of shock and woke up. I am sure there has been an accident

> > somewhere in the world and that many people must have lost their lives.'

> > Swami Vijnanananda did not take Swami Vivekananda's words seriously at

> > first. It seemed incredible to him that Swami Vivekananda while lying on

> > his bed could have become aware of a far off occurrence. But to his

> > amazement, he read in the newspaper the next morning that many people

> > were killed in a volcanic eruption near Fiji. The eruption had occurred

> > at the exact moment when Swami Vivekananda had received that shock. "

> >


> Dr. Shah i think the incident describes much more than Phycokinesis . It

> can that master was on the bed n there is this second master who went to

> drive the cobra away. I mean say two masters exist at the same time.


> Psychokinesis as far as i know means causing changes in physical

> objects( location, shape etc. )


> I read in one of the news paper articles that small children can perform

> this act of psychokinesis very easily. Like bending of spoons through

> etc.... very easily. Small children r still pure , mind is free from

> worldly botherations. Psychologists have been doing much research on it.


> > C) Psychokinesis:

> >

> > We see an authentic and recorded state of samadhi for a prolonged period

> > of time in the life of Sri Ramakrishna. By remaining in " Bhavamukha " (on

> > the threshold of relative consciousness) it was possible for him to

> > bring about these aspects of communications in his life. He could by

> > telepathy fathom the minds and thoughts of others with ease and

> > perfection, and by clairvoyance and psychokinesis, he could effect

> > necessary modifications beneficial to the persons he came in contact

> > with. One example will suffice:

> > " During his last illness, at the garden house of Cossipore, Sri

> > Ramakrishna was bedridden due to loss of weight and weakness as a

> > consequence of his throat ailment. One evening, some of his young

> > devotees were proceeding to take juice to a place south of the garden.

> > Suddenly Ma Saradadevi saw Sri Ramakrishna going out of the room with

> > great speed and returning with the same speed after a while. She was

> > surprised as well as terrified. When she asked about this unusual

> > phenomenon to Sri Ramakrishna, he answered that he could see a very

> > poisonous cobra on the way of his devotees. That cobra could have done

> > harm to someone. He had gone to drive away the snake for the welfare of

> > his devotees! "

> >

> > dr c s shah

> > --


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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

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Guest guest

Dear friend,

Yes u r very right. i knew that this would be ur objective

behind posting abt ESP. I was explicitly trying to give it

a sort of complete picture for sometimes people can look at

the things with different view.



On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Dr C S Shah wrote:


> Dr C S Shah <drcssha


> Dear friend,

> I agree with what you say. But,


> Most scientists outside of the parapsychological field are reluctant to

> accept the existence of psychic phenomena. But recently some scientists

> are interested in these phenomena because they are recorded and

> documented and can be said to constitute the 'body of facts'.

> " Many hundreds of carefully studied cases and laboratory experiments

> have now established that extra sensory perception (telepathy,

> clairvoyance, precognition, etc.) exists- but what does all this mean?

> Pri-marily that there is far more to man than we have known. We have the

> data, and they are strong and clear. But they could not exist if man

> were only what we have believed him to be. If he were only flesh and

> bone, if he worked on the same type of principle as a machine, if he

> were really as separate from all oth-ers as we have thought, it would be

> impossible for him to do the things we know he sometimes does. A new

> concept of man, a new way of looking at others and ourselves, a

> knowledge that there is more to man than our old concepts allow, is

> scientifically demonstrated in these facts. And that is the real

> importance of ESP. "

> Because of such intense concern being shown by many a scientist, it is

> decided to include the extra-sensory experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and

> Swami Vivekananda without much emphasis to explain the same.

> However, Sri Ramakrishna considered these powers as least important and

> even harmful on the path of realization of God. He used say, " It should

> be shunned as a filth, and it is actually an obstacle in God

> realization. "

> Thus we see the real scientific spiritual attitude in the life of Sri

> Ramakrishna. We have given a few examples of ESP from the lives of Sri

> Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda keeping the above statements in view.

> dr c s shah

> ------------------

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