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[Ramakrishna Digest] 124

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Namste Everyone !


Swami Vivekananda namo narayana








RE: Message: 6

Sun, 04 Jul 1999 12:42:31 +0530

Dr C S Shah <drcssha

Re: Ramakrisha Digest 122


Dear friends,

In what way this age could be called age of 'darkness'?

I feel:

Kali-Yuga means a peculiar situation in the evolution of human


where extreme materialism and intense spirituality coexist.

Can any one deny the wonderful achievements of Science!

(Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Pasteur, and etc. etc.)


Can anyone deny the spiritual greatness of Sri Ramakrishna!

(+ Swami Vivekananda, Raman Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo, and many more)


dr c s shah




I certainly enjoy your postings as I am sure most other list members do!


I have heard it said many times that the life of the world may be compared

with the life of the individual soul. There are different 'ages' for the

embodied soul:

infancy, childhood, adulthood and old age. So also is the SOUL of the



And, if one doubts the imminent destruction of this world, as foretold by

Rishis, since time immemorial, then one doubts the very existance of God.


An excellent illustration of this propensity for destruction, inherent in the

Divine Nature, is revealed in observing the child at the seashore. He/she

builds intricate sand castles, plays with them, admires them...then

he/she destroys them.....only to start from scratch to build again!


It is also said that the child is nearer and closer to God's Real Nature

than any of us conceited grown-ups. We think that we know God,

because we have studied and meditated. As far as this humble

correspondent is concerned, God is not a 'rational' Entity.

{at least not in the sense of 'worldly rationale']


He/She does not follow the rules of logic or make decisions based

on empirical knowledge.


Study the child at the seashore. Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadeva

spent much time in observing things 'close to the ground'....such as

the jackal with his eyes on the bullock's testicles...and the crow proudly


about in others' filth...that is why the 'Gospel' is such a precious book!


Anyone, even a child may understand it....why? Because it was written down

by Mahendranath Gupta as the faithful diary of the life of a child...a child of


Divine Mother.


Blessings and Love,






RE: Swami Yogeshananda wrote:


> Swami Yogeshananda <yogeshananda


> Dear Tom,

> That is correct. kali is the yuga; it means " iron " , darkness,



> whereas kAlee, long A and I, is a name of the Devi (who, we know,



> sides to her nature, the benign and the terrifying.)

> Hari Om, namaste, Swami Yogeshananda




Swamiji Hari Om!


Thank you so much for your message. Yes, kAleemA has many different sides

'in between' also. Sometimes She is neither benign nor terryifying...but rather


slice of each. I would imagine that, as the occasion demands, sri durgA, can be

anything She wants. That's why we call Her the Divine Mother.


om shanthi om,





RE: Message: 7

Sun, 4 Jul 1999 16:56:47 +0200

" Shankar " <shankar

Re: Thakur & Upanishads-4


It is true that atheists do not admit the existence of God. But,


do not deny the existence of themselves. And, that Self is not

their body-sense-mind

combination, which is only a spurious offshoot from their




Thus, they will readily have to agree that they are experiencing

the three

states of waking, dream and deep sleep, irrespective of whether

they like

to experience them or not. Thus, they have admitted their


in experiencing these three states. This also amounts to admitting

a Higher

Power, that is God, which is forcing them to experience these three




Thus, as long as the ego does not abide as the Self, it is forced

to experience

the three states by the Power of the Self, which is God.


As for experiencing God as a person, we are constantly experiencing


Personal God alone, only without being so aware. It is only Thakur


experienced so with full awareness.


'Person' is a combination of name and form. We experience a world

of gross

name and form in the waking state and a world of subtle name and

form in

the dream state. All name and form constitute the body of the




From the Supreme Self, an egoistic identification arises, as Its


with the entire universe, comprised of name and form, thus: 'I am


Body of Universe'. This identification gives rise to the Personal


Hence, all names and forms are included in the Personal God.


Jiva is identified with his limited gross body and the Personal God


identified with the entire universe of name and form as His Body.


the difference between Jiva and Ishwara is only in the type of body


which they are identified.


However, Jiva is ignorant of his source, the 'Supreme Self'. But,


Personal God, having assumed the universe as His Body by His


is always aware of His Status as the Supreme Self.


Thus, all of us are experiencing 'persons' or 'names and forms' all


time, which are included in, but which do not exhaust, the body of


Personal God. When we seek with intense longing to have the vision


the 'Entire Body of Personal God' like Thakur, we can behold His


Form in Savikalpa Samadhi





Dear Shankar,


Please allow me to congratulate you on a most lucid explanation of vital truths.


om shanthi om,




RE: Ramakrishna-owner schrieb:


> Welcome and introduction to new members


> Revered friend

> Welcome to this moderated list started on 1st January 99. The

list is

devoted to

> portraying the life and teachings of Sri Sri Ramakrishna, and

other God-men


> our age.


> Your comments, views and news are most welcome. We request you

view our

web site

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


> We welcome any suggestions and contributions on suitable


> topics which can benefit all the participants .

> Suggestions and contributions to the list to be sent to: -

> ramakrishna





Dear Jay,


We must also remember that there are 'God-women' too !


Warm regards,




RE: " Shankar " <shankar


Common earthly

beings, distinctly lacking the faculty of discrimination, and

unaware of

the origin of these desires, allow these desires to invade and


possess them. Then, these become active part of their frontal and


consciousness. Since these people,-acting inadvertently and


as media for the unfulfilled desires of disembodied vital


strong powers of execution, they execute with a tremendous power,


often tending to ruthlessness, these unfulfilled desires.


One such effective ruthless medium was Adolph Hitler of Germany.





Dear Shankar,


From what I have read of Adolf Hitler, he was simply expressing the desires and

frustrations of the majority of his people. In other words, he was a 'medium'

for their ruthlessness,

vindictiveness and warlike tendencies. He was also the 'incarnation' of an

angry response

to the vindictiveness, ruthlessness and warlike tendencies, of the victorious

powers of the

Great War [1914-18]


Sri Swami Vivekananda said it so well: " Love must conquer hatred, hatred cannot

conquer itself. Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by


Armies when they attempt to conquer armies only multiply and make brutes of

humanity " .


We will also notice that mankind has learnt its lesson [to a certain extent]:


When hostilities ceased in 1945, the victorious allies set about to 'rebuild'

shattered Germany

and Japan, rather than subject them again to huge reparations and

'economy-stifling' sanctions,

as was erroneously done in the previous world conflict.


Only the communist dominated countries were allowed to go their own way...and

we have yet to pay the final price for this 'lapse' in judgement.


Sir Winston Churchill suggested that the victorious Western allies sweep into

Russia and

dismantle the soviet system in 1945. We can NOW see that he was absolutely


So much misery and suffering could have been eliminated by following the advice

of this great believer in humanity.


Please forgive me for straying so much from the topic at hand,


om shanthi om,






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