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Views on Raja-Yoga

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Dear friends,



Raja-Yoga is a special class in itself. Literally it means 'King of

Yogas'. Sadhana of this Yoga is to be undertaken under the supervision

of a qualified teacher. It is absolutely essential for the sadhaka on

this royal path to be pure in words, deeds and thought (total continence

is called for), along with fulfilling the basic criteria of yama and

niyama. These are the persons who right from their early age are pure,

contemplative, serene, and mature; much ahead for their age. They have

no desires to gratify -both of body and mind. They are able to renounce

the sense pleasures with ease to the extent that they think that

possessiveness is an obstacle in their search for superconscious state



They are the true scientists in the field of spirituality. Their method

is most scientific, as if they perform the experiment to seek

superconscious state -samadhi! Their working laboratory is mind and the

instruments, objects, and subject are all one -the mind alone.


By controlling the outgoing tendencies of sense organs towards the sense

objects the Yogi stabilizes his energies. These are then directed to the

internal world to explore the truths hidden in the depths of mind. The

search for divinity lying hidden may lead to many visions and attitudes

-bhava- and occasionally glimpse of that state which we term as samadhi.

By concentration of mind the yogi develops the faculty of intuition. The

intuitive knowledge he gains cannot be obtained by ordinary sense

perception. Intuition means going beyond reason, although not

contradicting it.


The state of samadhi the yogi achieves by psychic control of mind and

senses is said to be very blissful and prompts the sadhaka to strive for

more and more inherent beatitude therein. Hence visions or bhava

themselves stimulate and encourage the Yogi to go ahead to reach the

state of nirvikalpa samadhi. As the mind itself is transcended the

language fails. Hence this state cannot be described in words. It can

only be experienced. The experience brings a new knowledge which is

ineffable and everlasting. Such a person is said to be liberated from

the samsara-sagara -ocean of worldliness.


Raja-Yoga is based on rational approach, the scientific method based on

reason. The state of samadhi and super-sensuous consciousness is taken

as constituting the Science of Spirituality. Therefore, our sages and

Rishis are scientists in this field for us, just as Sir Newton,

Einstein, Sir J.C. Bose, Priestly, Pasteur, and others are in the field

of physical sciences. Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda are the

great explorers of this science. Their views on science, scientific

methodology, and the need to view religion as science are far too

progressive than most of the contemporary scientists of the physical



Take for example, what Swami Vivekananda said one hundred years back in

front of the western audience: Complete Works of Swami VIvekananda,

Vol.I, Introduction to Raja-Yoga, page 125.


" Just as you would take up any other science, exactly in the same manner

you should take up this science (of Yoga) for study. There is no mystery

nor danger in it. "

" To get any reason out of this mass of incongruity, we call human life,

we have to transcend our reason, but we must do it scientifically,

slowly, by regular practice, and must cast off all superstition. We must

take up the study of super-conscious state (samadhi) just as any other

science. "

" All the different steps in Yoga are intended to bring us scientifically

to the super-conscious state or samadhi. "

" The science of Raja-Yoga proposes to put before humanity a practical

and scientifically worked out method of reaching this truth… "


dr c s shah



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