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" The most important virtue on this journey towards Buddha-Mind,

Christ-mindedness, or God-consciousness is not hard work and discipline,

although they certainly have their place early in the quest. Rather, it is

the simple faith necessary to believe that a God you have never seen,

utilizing methods you could never understand, will surely lead you to that

knowledge of ultimate things you could never put into words.


" The second most important virtue is the patience and humility to let God

deliver us in His own way and in His own time. As St. Peter once said,


'Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may

exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He

cares for you.'


" In this context, humility implies the willingness to place ourselves under

the guidance or tutelage of God, to adopt a 'beginner's mind' that is free of

preconceived notions and self-satisfied efforts. From this place of complete

safety, we can 'cast our anxieties upon Him,' and develop the quietude of

mind that is so necessary for the reduction of fear and the attainment of

salvation or enlightenment.


" ...to paraphrase Peter's words,


'Place yourselves humbly under the tutelage of God without any ideas about

what you know or don't know. In this place of perfect safety, let the peace

of God gently enfold you and quiet all of your anxieties. And at exactly the

right moment, He will awaken you.' "


Richard G. Young, Ph.D.

" Paths of a Prodigal "


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