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Light seen in meditation

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Hi Alan,


The blue pearl is a flashing blue dot of light, which is luminous, having a

golden aura around it. The soul is supposed to be encased in the blue pearl.

In meditation, one is supposed to hold the blue pearl steady, and in doing

so, will be able to eventually see and identify the deity within the blue

pearl, and who is the guiding light of the individual.


I hope that answers your question about the blue pearl.



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We received the following interesting message.

Does anyone wish to respond?





I recall some mention in " Autobiograhpy of a Yogi " of a small bright blue

light seen between the eyebrows at some stage of meditative development and

Sw.Muktananda had a lot to say about it as well. His successor indicated to

me recently that I did experience the " blue pearl " Muktananda referred to.

I've tried finding other mentions of such a thing apart from Muktananda but

could find nothing apart from a quote (attributed by Muktananda to Tukaram).


Could you please tell me what (if anything) such a blue light might mean

according to the Ramakrishna/Vivekananda school?


thanks sincerely,


Allan Curry

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Hi Allan!,


The blue pearl at eye brow can indicate that Agyaa Chakraa is

opening. Blue light normally represents love , stability n harmony.

Different colours are associated with different Chakraas. I don't know

for sure if blue colour is associated with Agyaa Chakraa. Ask

any Guru whose Kundalini is full awakekned he will be able to tell u more

abt it n guide u as well. The lord of Agyaa Chakraa is Guru. Hope ur

experiences between eye brows n as such r pleasant. It's best to have a

Guru to rise above in this path. Hope u have one.


There is one kundalini list where people do discuss abt such experinces.

Some of them r at high stage in Kundalini Awakening.

But lot of discussion is distracting also the discussion can sometimes be

violating n offensive there. If u want i can give u the e-mail address of

the owner of that list. She will be able to help u. Or i can give u the

e-mail address of my Pujya Gurudev n u can ask abt this to him.


Beware of not getting lost in experiences n focus totally on love towards

Lord. I think this will be helpful.



On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Vivekananda Centre wrote:


> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda



> We received the following interesting message.

> Does anyone wish to respond?



> Hi,


> I recall some mention in " Autobiograhpy of a Yogi " of a small bright blue

> light seen between the eyebrows at some stage of meditative development and

> Sw.Muktananda had a lot to say about it as well. His successor indicated to

> me recently that I did experience the " blue pearl " Muktananda referred to.

> I've tried finding other mentions of such a thing apart from Muktananda but

> could find nothing apart from a quote (attributed by Muktananda to Tukaram).


> Could you please tell me what (if anything) such a blue light might mean

> according to the Ramakrishna/Vivekananda school?


> thanks sincerely,


> Allan Curry

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May be, there are some materials in this regard, in the writings of 'Swami

Shivananda' (Mahaapurushji) and Swami Brahmananda (Rakhal) and writings of other

monks of the 'Ramakrishna' Order.


In Sri Aurobindo's Letters on Yoga (I think, there are about 4 volumes), you

find specific answers to such questions. Sri Aurobindo used to manifest in the

consciousness of his disciples, specifically following His Supramental Integral

Yoga, with auras or emanations of different colours. And, when disciples

subsequently rasied questions about the significance of such visions, He used to

answer them in great detail.


There can be useful material from the 'Prashanthi Nilayam' also, because

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, performs miracles, by appearing in dreams as well

as physically in different parts of the Globe.

Further, the 'aura specialist' have discovered that He is surrounded by a 'blue'

aura, which they say represents 'Divine Love'.





Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda

ramakrishna <ramakrishna >

Tuesday, July 13, 1999 11:17 PM

[ramakrishna] Light seen in meditation



> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda



>We received the following interesting message.

>Does anyone wish to respond?





>I recall some mention in " Autobiograhpy of a Yogi " of a small bright blue

>light seen between the eyebrows at some stage of meditative development and

>Sw.Muktananda had a lot to say about it as well. His successor indicated to

>me recently that I did experience the " blue pearl " Muktananda referred to.

>I've tried finding other mentions of such a thing apart from Muktananda but

>could find nothing apart from a quote (attributed by Muktananda to Tukaram).


>Could you please tell me what (if anything) such a blue light might mean

>according to the Ramakrishna/Vivekananda school?


>thanks sincerely,


>Allan Curry



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>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London



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In a message dated 7/14/99 1:19:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

JodyHolly1 writes:


<< JodyHolly1



Dear Alan,


The information I gave you on the blue pearl came from Swami Muktananda's



Hi Alan,


The blue pearl is a flashing blue dot of light, which is luminous, having a

golden aura around it. The soul is supposed to be encased in the blue


In meditation, one is supposed to hold the blue pearl steady, and in doing

so, will be able to eventually see and identify the deity within the blue

pearl, and who is the guiding light of the individual.


I hope that answers your question about the blue pearl.


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