Guest guest Posted July 14, 1999 Report Share Posted July 14, 1999 The following questions and answers on reincarnation may be of interest to others on the list. I am not an expert on this theory but have attempted to put across some of the interesting ideas that come across through this dialogue with Ron. .....jay Reincarnation: >Message: 1 > Wed, 14 Jul 1999 01:09:58 -0400 > " Ron Hooft " >Re: Some questions? > >I now have a question for you, Jay. > >The idea of reincarnation is a complex one and one that has raised a number of questions for me. Questions that seem to suggest an unworkability for me. > >How does a soul enter a new body? When? Can a person be born without one? >Would it be conscious? The popular idea in reincarnation is that soul associates itself with the conceived cell at the time of conception. Consciousness is the 'key' that is associated with the idea of the 'soul' hence it can be said the cell on conception becomes 'conscious'. >These are genaric questions because thye apply to both christianity and >Hinduism. (in fact, they apply to all religions that believe in a soul.) >Are we drawn to them? Do we wait until a couple has sex and slip in when we >know it has taken? Do we as souls fight over the new body? Is it like >sperm, a competition to see who gets there first? I do not think there is any fight regarding which soul is born. The idea behind reincarnation is that the individual with all his/her inherent qualities will 'feel at one' with the 'right' cell at conception and thus begins rebirth. >The logistics don't seem to make sense to me. A dead and lifeless body >suddenly has life only when this soul enters it? Where does it enter? When, >and how? The logistics are all right if you accept the hierarchy associated with the idea of body, mind and consciousness. The mind and soul (consciousness) cannot be defined as being here or there in space or time and ideas of it moving from here to there are meaningless. Ideas of here and there - entering here - leaving there are concepts of the mind - hence to say the mind/consciousness was here and then moved there in space/time is meaningless. (Space/time are concepts of the mind so how can something which is a by-product of the mind dictate these qualities to the mind and consciousness?). The best words I can use are like 'spontaneously feel at one with' >Christians, of course, see god taking the time to put each little soul in a >body. How does Hinduism see it? Hinduism does not have God sitting and sorting out individual souls. They say just as all physical objects move by law of cause and effect - in the same manner the mind complex of the individual too moves along driven by the law of cause and effect. Each mind complex will feel at one with another cell at conception and continue its journey dictated by law of cause and effect (sometimes referred to as law of karma). >What I see is a constant imigration and emegration of atoms and particles >through out our body at all times. >This is a form of constant dying and rebirth. I can see it in the theory of >the big bang, where the universe expands and then falls back in on itself >only to expand again. Those are practical and logical forms of reincarnation. Ideas of cycles are interesting!! You can even say that a straight line is really the circumference of a circle with an infinite radius! >But a separate soul that has to jump in and out of envelopes? The logistics >are just not there for me. >Ron Let me give you some interesting possibilities that reincarnation offers that may get everyone thinking. (1) Even if one case is found (we have to make sure there is no fraud) where one individual is able to recount his/her past life in vivid detail (including some information that absolutely no one would have known) -- then Science has to take on the challenge and try and answer, " How did this information travel? " There may be no genetic relationship between the two personalities. Earlier you had objected to this and suggested that some kind of 'atomic blueprint' was somehow left behind by the first personality and then it got transferred to the other personality through the food chain...... Well we then have to find an incident with two personalities where no food chain link could be possible due to geographic/physical restraints. (I am pretty sure you will find such incidents). Then what other physical phenomenon would science use? Science has to tackle this question -- How did the information travel??? (2) Ideas of why identical twins both brought up in the same environment will exhibit different characters -- better explained. (3) Child prodigies -- better explained. (4) Phobias -- say fire, heights, water - may be better explained by saying perhaps the person died through the above in the past life hence the severe fear of heights, fire or water etc. (5) Strong physical attraction towards person or people of the same gender -- a better explanation may be that the individual(s) have switched genders in the process of rebirth (this is accepted in the theory of reincarnation) hence this physical attraction towards the same gender remains as the mind carries the inherent characteristics while the body is now of different gender.....interesting explanation! I am sure list members can give lots of pros and cons on both sides of the debate. Let us see what the other members make of reincarnation? jay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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