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[ramakrishna digest] 146

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Hello Eeverybody !


Swami Yogeshananda Hari OM!


Dear Jay,


This is an auspicious day. Cromwell wins the battle of Gainsborough, 1643 and

John Dalton, English chemist and physicist, went to his reward in 1844.


A man after your own heart, Jay. [here is a brief quote from THE NEW

INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA, New York, Dodd, Mead and Company 1905]


" Profound, patient, and intuitive, Dalton had precisely the faculties requisite

for a

great scientific discoverer. His atomic theory has revolutionized the science of


and has yielded a greater number of valuable results than, perhaps, any other

idea ever

introduced into physical science. In his habits, Dalton was simple; in his

manners, grave

and reserved, but kindly, and distinguished by his truthfullness and integrity

of character.

{consult Roscoe and Harden, 'a new view of the Oriigin of Dalton's Atomic


[New York, 1896]} "


Dear Jody,


I just knew that the following opinion would bring forth a comment from the

warmth and tenderness of your mother's heart !


<< If we continue putting animals BEFORE humans, Lord Shiva Mahadeva

Pashupati will commence His final destruction of this world.


That is my opinion.


Warm regards,


Tom >>




The God I know is one of love, not vengeance!





Jody, It is BECAUSE we are loved, that this world will be destroyed. Since

we all agree

that there is only ONE, and this 'One' dwells in all matter, animate and


[it's highest manifestation, being the human being]; then, we must also realise


if the level of

human degradation and the consequent sufferings, reach beyond the 'natural


then, the prophesies of John [Revelation], will come to fruit.


Here is an appropriate quote from Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan [the founder

of the

Sufi Order in the West]


>>'THE secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life's

destruction.' <<


To read more quotes of Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Paramahamsadeva, Sri Swami Vivekananda, Osho Rajneesh, Paramhamsa Yogananda,

Sri Sri Ravishankar and others, visit the follwing URLs




So, dear and tender heart, have no fear...we shall rest in the bosom of Jesus

Supreme !


By visiting the following URL http://danae.marques.co.za/users/DEATHIS.htm

and reading the brief text,

our spirits will become more 'at peace' with these 'events to come'.


Love and Blessings Always,









The original " quotation " seems like a parody

of Swamiji's actual words.

He acknowledged that vegetarianism was the highest ideal, but felt



least at the time he was writing) human diet required meat. One has


remember that the science of vegetarian food has vastly improved



day; we have all sorts of protein meat-substitutes he never had. So


the above opinion of his would be his today, we cannot say for


Namaste, Swami Yogeshananda


Namaste Swamiji, re: Sri Swami Vivekananda and the meat question


When I read Sri Swami Vivekananda's speeches [the ones delivered on the


of India], I get the impression that the first and foremost consideration in

Swamiji's mind,

was to get these young people moving, to be 'up and doing'. He realised that

India must

overcome her tamasic indolence, in order to stand proudly among nations.


And, if meat will give energy to accomplish this task, then 'so be it'. This

reminds me

of Thakur's parable about " the thorn of ignorance and the thorn of knowledge " .

We could apply it to this question, by saying that, once Bharat Mata has pulled


up by the bootstraps, then the 'thorn of meat' can be discarded along with the

'thorn of indolence'


What a great man was Swamiji Maharaj !


om shanthi om,






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