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An Emerging Pointer to a Subtle Body inhabited by a Psychic Entity

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Life Divine - Book 2 - Part 2 - Ch. 20 - p. 748, last paragraph ending in p. 749


But what, if it were found with the increase of our knowledge,

as certain researches and discoveries seem to presage,

that the dependence, of the mental being,

or of the psychic entity, on the body,

is not so complete, as we first naturally conclude it to be,

from the study of the data, of physical existence and universe alone ?


What if it were found that the human personality,

survives the death of the body, and moves between,

other planes and this material universe ?


The prevalent modern idea, of a temporary conscious existence,

would then have to broaden itself, and admit a Life,

that has a wider range, than the physical universe,

and admit too a personal individuality,

not dependent on the material body.


It might have practically to readopt the ancient idea,

of a subtle form or body inhabited by a psychic entity.


A psychic or soul entity, carrying with it the mental consciousness,

or, if there be no such original soul,

then the evolved and persistent mental individual,

would continue after death, in this subtle persistent form,

which must have been either created for it before this birth,

or by the birth itself, or during the life.


For either a psychic entity pre-exists in other worlds in a subtle form,

adn comes from there with the subtle form, to its brief earthly sojourn,

or the soul develops here in the material world itself,

and with it a psychic body is developed in the course of Nature,

and persists after death in the other worlds, or by reincarnation here.


These would be the two possible alternatives.

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