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Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Teacher-1

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One wonders how great a Teacher was Sri Ramakrishna. This 'teacher' was one of

the many facets of His Divine Personality. The text, 'Sri Ramakrishna, the

Great Master' by Swami Saradananda, throws great light on this facet of the

Master's personality.


The 'Procedure and Rule of Complete Reading of a Scriptural Text in a Fixed

Number of Days', when applied to this wonderful elucidation of the Master's

Life, gradually begins to unravel the 'Wealth of Teachings' embodied by the

Great Personality of the Master.


As Swami Saradananda lucidly explains in the light of Vedic Scriptures, the Life

of the Master, we understand that from His childhood, Thakur had a 'unique'

mind, naturally endowed with the zeal, to carry out any 'idea' which happened to

formulate itself in His Mind,-


(i) remembering that, all the time, only 'Real Ideas' sprouted in His


(ii) which was made of the stuff of 'Pure Light', and

(iii) which was always, choicelessly as it were, ruled by an indomitable

discrimination between the 'Real' and the 'Unreal',


to its natural and logical conclusion,

(a) by applying it instantly and completely in action,

(b) so as to realise it, in its fullness and in all its aspects, in



Krishnaji,-those who dearly loved and admired Jiddu Krishnamurti, addressed Him

thus,-the pre-eminent 'Seer-Philosopher-Teacher' who walked alone, used to say

that when one investigates into a situation or a problem, gathering all of one's

eneriges, then one sees the 'truth' of the very structure and content of the

thing under investigation and that the very 'seeing' is the 'action' and that

there is no intervention of 'time' between the 'seeing' and 'action'.


We see such an extraordinary 'seeing-action' fully manifest and realised in the

Life of the Master from His very early age.


This is also the way one has to practise 'oneness' of thoughts, words and deeds.

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