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More About Hinduism

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Dear Clifford

These information I am quoting and giving are only to give you an insights

into Hinduism and is not to degrade any other faiths or religion. Infact

being a Hindu helps me to understand deeply and appreciate other religions

and saints as Vedas declare 'Truth is one wise man see and call it in

different ways'.

And also proved to this world by our very own Guru Maharaj Sri Ramakrishna


Here is some more on this subject which is so vast and complex..

I am just quoting some of the points made by Mr.Ram Chander

And my sincere thanks him.

Vedanta, the starting premise of Hindu Religion, asserts that Brahman

(the abstract God) is the Absolute Truth. The Brahman has multiple

roles to play: the creator, the mountaineer, and the destroyer all in

one. Vedanta states that the universal soul, Brahman is eternal and the

individual human soul, Atman ultimately superimposes the Brahman.

Advaita recognizes the ultimate identity of Brahman (Universal soul) and

Jivatman (human soul). Dwaita opposes Advaita on almost all points and

maintains the ultimate diversity of Brahman and Jivatman. Visistadvaita

(qualified non-duality) maintains a crucial differentiation as well as a

fundamental identity.

The Hindu philosophy and logic provide unassailable strength to the

concept of the fundamental unity in the worship of a multitude of gods.

Hinduism is highly individualistic and Hindus love the freedom to

worship their personal choice of an icon (IshTa DevaTa) to visualize the

abstract Brahman. The rapid growth of temples, gods, and rituals across

India and beyond represent the visualization of " Infinity " by the finite

" mind. " Even illiterate villagers are proud and enthusiastic to elaborate

on stories about their temple gods and their significance.

Such stories invariably are more adventurous and heroic t " Superman "

episodes, but with a divine touch. The temple epitomizes God in a

spiritual form and the various parts of his body symbolizes

philosophical concepts. It serves as the symbolic link between Human

and God, between Material and Spiritual and between Obvious and Ideal.

Names of the miscellaneous segments of the temple designate different

organs of the human body (Garbhagraha (Sanctum Sanctorum) represents the

human heart).


The symbolism of temple worship is analogous to the modern

communication methods adopted by the computer industry. They both

adjust to the diverse tastes and needs of the world. Only a small

segment of the general public really looks for sophistication and

special features. The majority of the common folk demand simple

illustrations and practical examples rather than lengthy logic and

boring intellectual debates! The computer industry employs creative

graphic displays of " icons " to satisfy the general public. Behind every

Icon on the computer screen, there is a complex computer program resides on

the hard-drive. The common folks don't pay attention to the logic of the

computer program and ask and look only for results and functionality.


The Hindu symbolism strongly demonstrates its

disapproval of " one-size-fits-all theory! " Artistic temples with

idols, heroic stories, and colorful and meaningful rituals demonstrate this

fact. But only knowledgeable Hindus can grasp and unravel the symbolism and

unearth the philosophical and spiritual truths. Puranic stories create role

models by dramatization of legendary events to preserve social ethics

(Dharma). An ideal spouse, parent, offspring, or teacher is orchestrated to

help the society to conduct its daily duties (Nithya karma). Hinduism has

perfected the art of symbolism as a powerful media to teach complex

philosophical ideas to the common man.

The communication of values using the Puranic stories in Hinduism could be

the origin for the modern case study procedures applied in business

management institutions.

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