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Sw. Ramakrishnananda, part II

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Today is Swami Ramakrishnananda's birthday anniversary. Just a word before

the second half of his life: Often, the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna don't

hear much about the apostles besides Sw. Vivekananda, Sw. Brahmananda, and

Sw. Shivananda, and maybe one or two others. I practically knew nothing

about Swami Ramakrishnananda, but I figured that we should remember anything

about him on his b-day anniversary so I decided to mail out his life. Just

by skimming one or two books on him, I can truly say that I am blown away!

What potent and powerful spirituality! He is truly an amazing soul. I know

you will feel the same after you read the second half of his life. (Since I

didn't want to make this an email/book there are MANY experiences described

in his biography which reveal how great he was that aren't included in this.

If you have the book, I suggest you skim it today, or start reading and it

and if you don't have it I suggest you get it.)


(The following is the second part of Sasi (pronounced SHASHI) Maharaj's life.

The information is from revered Swami Ranganathananda's speech as well as

from reminiscences on his life and exerpts of " Swami Ramakrishnananda, The

Apostle to Sri Ramakrishna to the South. " Again none of the ideas are mine)


<<<<<But Swami Ramakrishnananda never took this luxury and acted as a " mother

to the infant order. " He always stayed at the monastery, keeping it clean,

maintaining it, performing the daily worship of Sri Ramakrishna and his

relics. Without his silent dedication the whole monastery would have fallen

apart. >>>>




Swami Vivekananda, after his wanderings all over India, and preaching his

divine message to the West, had come back to India and had burst upon the

national horizon with an explosive spiritual force. His dynamic character

was unavoidable and he went all over India, lifting up the masses and

reviving the Eternal Religion. (When he went to the South (Madras, now

Chennai), he said in one of his lectures, " I shall send you one who is

more orthodox than the most orthodox of men of the South and who is at the

same time unique and unsurpassed in knowledge and devotion. " ) The Swami

decided to open one center of his movement in Madras. And he deliberately

chose Swami Ramakrishnananda for Madras as the " apostle to the South. " The

call was sudden. From the even routine of peaceful life, he was to plunge

into the responsibilities of an entire ashrama and monastery in a major city.

He responded cheerfully and gladly went to Madras which again showed his

remarkable unselfishness. He reached Madras in the middle of 1897 to

commence a new form of sadhana (spiritual discipline): where the service of

God flowed into the service of man. This tireless sadhana continued to the

end of his life.


At that time, in the south of India (which has religion as its backbone), was

going through a very shaky period. The orthodox were becoming narrow-minded

and sectarian and others were advocating social reform as the real religion.

The South had preserved it ancient religion to its very core and richness but

now people were questioning it's practicality and worth. Sasi Maharaj was

not as outwardly dynamic as Swami Vivekananda. But inside, was a tidal wave

of spirituality that had the capacity to flood the South entirely. So, even

though Sasi Maharaj was quiet, calm, serene and indrawn, his subtle influence

would have a tremendous impact.


People flocked to him hearing that a spiritual giant had come to the South.

He visited many cities and gave lectures. He was well versed in Western and

Eastern philosophy and the way he taught was quite unique. He always avoided

complicated terms and doctrines, explaining so clearly the doctrines that

were very simple but really necessary to comprehend. Sasi Maharaj taught

only principles and refrained from referring to either Sri Ramakrishna or

Holy Mother who were the embodiment of those principles. He didn't want to

be responsible for founding another ' ism.' He was very strict with all the

devotees. He could not tolerate the slightest wrong doing or the slightest

drifting from the ideal. But, the devotees knew that he loved them like no

one else could and was strict with them for their own good. Inside him was

an ocean of love and tenderness that found extraordinary expressions now and



Sasi Maharaj, used to perform ritual worship with utmost love and devotion in

the ashrama. The people of the South got a glimpse of how Sri Ramakrishna

worshipped Kali at Dakshineswar through Sasi Maharaj. To a people so devoted

to temple and worship, his methods, manner, and moods of adoration, were a

constant inspiration. He never allowed anyone to leave the math until he

lovingly fed the person prasad. Once when an attendant was cleaning the

shrine room and referred to the image on the alter as 'Sri Ramakrishna's

picture.' The Swami said, 'Look here, my boy. Don't consider that as a mere

picture of Sri Ramakrishna. He is actually present. Try to feel his living

presence and do your service accordingly.' He often took care of Sri

Ramakrishna's picture, fanning it for hours at a time, laying it on a cot,

etc. that devotees really felt that Sri Ramakrishna was tangibly with them.


He lived and functioned in a constant awareness of his Master, whom he

worshipped through ritual and labor, through study and teaching. Often he

would be filled with spiritual ecstasy and emotion which would sometimes find

expression with talks with the Divine which to an onlooker were audible yet

incomprehensible. Sometimes he would merge into samadhi and sit motionless

with his attendants in absolute awe.

Sasi Maharaj's spirituality found expression in service, teaching and

philanthropic work. His worship and love for God was definitely not confined

to one religion. He was very well versed in the Bible and the Koran. He

knew the bible from cover to cover. He often went to a nearby church and was

profoundly touched by the worship and love of Jesus. His work caused many

new centers in the South to spring up, including a total of three center in

Kerala and he quenched the desire for real spirituality of countless people

and blessed them with his love.


Though he was fairly young, Sasi Maharaj had diabetes and suffered from other

ailments as well. This combined with very hard work and some other

sicknesses caused him to become very sick. His brother disciples told him to

come to Calcutta for treatment. His condition only worsened. He suffered

from delirium at times but even in his delirium he uttered the name of his

Master and the other names of God. At times, like a child, he would talk to

Sri Ramakrishna, and get impatient with him asking him, " Why must I suffer so

much? " But at all times, he could not help but merge into contemplation and

meditation, even though he was extremely sick and could barely eat anything.

His body became a mere skeleton. One day, he said to his attendant in

ecstasy, " Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, and Swamiji have come. Spread a mat

for them. " The attendant was confused and didn't do anything to which Sasi

Maharaj said, " Do you not see them? They are standing! Spread the mat so

that they may sit. " The attendant did so and after some time he said, " They

have gone now, you may fold up the mat now. "


The doctors tried to treat him but they announced that he would decease any

time soon. Sasi Maharaj had a great desire to see Holy Mother the day before

he passed away, but as she was in Jayrambhati, she could not come to him.

So, she appeared before Sasi Maharaj that night in a vision and blessed him.

The next day, he went into samadhi very frequently. Then he went into

samadhi continuously for several hours and thus passed away in that state to

be eternally united with his Master at 1 p.m., August 21, 1911. He was

cremated near the Cossipore Garden house and his ashes were scattered in the

sacred Ganga. He lived his life for the good of the world and everything he

did was utterly self-effacing. Let us salute him and pray that we may have

even a small fraction of his unselfishness, his discipline, and his deep

devotion to Thakur.


Hari Om!

-Om Lala

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Dear OM Lala (what a loving and enchanting name!)


Thank you very much.






> Vidya123 [sMTP:Vidya123]

> Monday, August 09, 1999 5:39 PM

> ramakrishna ; DrRitaSM; Ksprasad;

> momdad05; ramakrishnan

> [ramakrishna] Sw. Ramakrishnananda, part II


> Vidya123

> Hari Om!

> -Om Lala




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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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