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Mind and Reincarnation

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I was recently thinking that conciousness manisfests itself through mind.

It's due to mind that thought processes starts it will operate

(concentrate) on one or the other thing. Rather it would be more right to

say that thought processes occur due to interactions between body, mind

and universe.


When the soul gets detached from mind there should be no thoughts. Hope

soul doesn't think . Separation of mind from should be liberation n

one is just there in the universe existing with it and there is nothing

more to known.


Till we have something or the other to be looked in to , mind will be at



Soul is said to be all perfect. So when the body leaves

there should be

something else that leaves along with soul when this body dies .

A yogi has said that two kinds of mind exist ( Baahya Mann and

Antar Mann). Antar Mann is the reason for the occurence of dreams. It

can transcend the dimensions of time n space.


Bahyaa mann (external mind) is active when we are awake n sleeps when we

are asleep i.e.

it is linked with the senses which are there when we are awake. Antar

mann ( internal mind)

becoms fully active when we are asleep . Antar mann is guided by

Depending on the thoughts that antar mann acquires during daily activity.

If there is one thought it carries antar mann in one direction if there

are many thoughts all will try to influence antar mann and the net result

is weird dream. Lesser thoughts which are guiding it higher will be the

probability of its going in to past or future.


I thin it's Antar mann that goes with soul. If it is it should carry all

watever we

did in this life. These will decide where n which state one will take

birth or will remain in some other yoni before again taking birth with a



All that leaves impression on antar mann n that wat hasn't been accounted

for should appear in next birth.


This can explain the child prodigies too. The genetic frame work should be

formed according to the state of antar mann. Watever is there in antar

mann will become manifest in body through genetic frame work or DNA or

somethig else.


Also i am thinking that thinking on the lines of antar mann praying for

parted souls n doing some pujaa or shraadhs will affect the antar mann of

these souls n they will gain more stability. this can burn down some of

their sins or our sins towards them.


The yonis like spirits , bhoot , pret , etc. should

comprise of antar mann n soul. they can't be only soul for soul should be

totally pure. This is one other form of existence the only difference

between us n them is that we have body n they don't have body.


Also when a realized dies i think he dissolves his mind in to universe

before dying so that wat remains is only free soul . If the soul leaves

through Shahsrar than it should dissolve in universe for it's only at

shasrar that such a state can occur. It may or may not be that a realized

soul will dissolve it's antar mann or not.


But still i am not able to account for Aadarniyaa Brahama rishis for they

are still out there and i think that they have achiehved mokshaa.


A decription of Pakayaa parvesh can reaveal much abt the natures of Prana

, Mann n their relation to soul.




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Dear Anurag,


Two of your statements made me want to share a couple of thoughts:


First you wrote,


" This can explain the child prodigies too. The genetic frame work should be

formed according to the state of antar mann. Watever is there in antar

mann will become manifest in body through genetic frame work or DNA or

somethig else. "


I like to think that even though science has explained much through study of

DNA and so on, that there are two different viewpoints still -- one is that

(using an example) DNA (heredity) *causes* certain traits in us. The other

is that something subtler causes the physical manifestation (DNA, etc.)

I think this second view seems to be close to what you are saying. I like

to think that even my struggles and weaknesses were somehow chosen

(or at least agreed to) in some subtle way so that my soul could progress,

that they are for my learning. (though sometimes i want to scream 'enough!!!

I can't learn any more today!!! :-) '


Second, you wrote,

" Also i am thinking that thinking on the lines of antar mann praying for

parted souls n doing some pujaa or shraadhs will affect the antar mann of

these souls n they will gain more stability. this can burn down some of

their sins or our sins towards them. "


There is a very similar idea in the Catholic (Christian) religion in the idea


souls go through purgatory, a place where they are purged of imperfection.

It is said that our prayers help these souls in their ascent toward God. Me,

sometimes I think HERE is purgatory for some souls. I don't know if it

is only after death.

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Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs <urbanashram


> Me,

> sometimes I think HERE is purgatory for some souls. I don't know if it

> is only after death.


Kathi: I agree with you and thought of this too. But I'm trying to

see that heaven all around me too. One aspect of Heaven is this List itself



Om Shanti


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I wondered if someone would comment on that. The tricky part is though,

that the purgatory is still god. Suffering and Joy. At least that is what I

strive to see -- I'm not going to pretend I actually see that all or even most

of the time! I think understanding does not come without much purgation

anyway (to use a St. John of the Cross type of term for it). Durga is one

of my favorite deities -- but will She bring me the flower or the sword today,

I wonder???? And can I spread the welcome mat for Her no matter what

She has in Her " bag of tricks " today?????? :-)


Hope all is well with you Kathi and with everyone


-- Karen


K Kathirasan ADM NCS wrote:


> K Kathirasan ADM NCS <kathirasan


> Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs <urbanashram


> > Me,

> > sometimes I think HERE is purgatory for some souls. I don't know if it

> > is only after death.

> >

> Kathi: I agree with you and thought of this too. But I'm trying to

> see that heaven all around me too. One aspect of Heaven is this List itself

> :)


> Om Shanti


> > --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

> >

> > You can WIN $100 to Amazon.com!

> > If you join ONElist's FRIENDS & FAMILY program. For details, go to

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> >

> > ------

> > Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> > Vivekananda Centre London

> > http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


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> ------

> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs wrote:


> Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs <urbanashram



> Dear Anurag,


> Two of your statements made me want to share a couple of thoughts:


> First you wrote,


> " This can explain the child prodigies too. The genetic frame work should be

> formed according to the state of antar mann. Watever is there in antar

> mann will become manifest in body through genetic frame work or DNA or

> somethig else. "


> I like to think that even though science has explained much through study of

> DNA and so on, that there are two different viewpoints still -- one is that

> (using an example) DNA (heredity) *causes* certain traits in us. The other

> is that something subtler causes the physical manifestation (DNA, etc.)

> I think this second view seems to be close to what you are saying. I like

> to think that even my struggles and weaknesses were somehow chosen

> (or at least agreed to) in some subtle way so that my soul could progress,

> that they are for my learning. (though sometimes i want to scream 'enough!!!

> I can't learn any more today!!! :-) '


A person will incarnate at some place according to the some aspects which

predominate in one's nature (Antar Mann) . This can explain heredity

traits . As u said Explaining the reincarnation sounds too complicated. I

am feeling the same . But as soon as soul enters the womb.

It's life will depend much on the nature of mother. Mother too being in

progress n having a free will can affect the life of child to a great

extent when the child is still in mothers womb.


yes karen i too think that it's more close to the second one. Very true

abt choosing of struggles n weaknesses. I too some time think like that.



> Second, you wrote,

> " Also i am thinking that thinking on the lines of antar mann praying for

> parted souls n doing some pujaa or shraadhs will affect the antar mann of

> these souls n they will gain more stability. this can burn down some of

> their sins or our sins towards them. "


> There is a very similar idea in the Catholic (Christian) religion in the idea

> that

> souls go through purgatory, a place where they are purged of imperfection.

> It is said that our prayers help these souls in their ascent toward God. Me,

> sometimes I think HERE is purgatory for some souls. I don't know if it

> is only after death.



Sure i think Unless enlightment is there one is learning where ever or in

which ever form one may be.

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Thank you Anurag for your insights which I enjoy always!


Anurag Goel wrote:


> Anurag Goel <anurag


> On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs wrote:


> > Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs <urbanashram

> >

> >

> > Dear Anurag,

> >

> > Two of your statements made me want to share a couple of thoughts:

> >

> > First you wrote,

> >

> > " This can explain the child prodigies too. The genetic frame work should be

> > formed according to the state of antar mann. Watever is there in antar

> > mann will become manifest in body through genetic frame work or DNA or

> > somethig else. "

> >

> > I like to think that even though science has explained much through study of

> > DNA and so on, that there are two different viewpoints still -- one is that

> > (using an example) DNA (heredity) *causes* certain traits in us. The other

> > is that something subtler causes the physical manifestation (DNA, etc.)

> > I think this second view seems to be close to what you are saying. I like

> > to think that even my struggles and weaknesses were somehow chosen

> > (or at least agreed to) in some subtle way so that my soul could progress,

> > that they are for my learning. (though sometimes i want to scream 'enough!!!

> > I can't learn any more today!!! :-) '


> A person will incarnate at some place according to the some aspects which

> predominate in one's nature (Antar Mann) . This can explain heredity

> traits . As u said Explaining the reincarnation sounds too complicated. I

> am feeling the same . But as soon as soul enters the womb.

> It's life will depend much on the nature of mother. Mother too being in

> progress n having a free will can affect the life of child to a great

> extent when the child is still in mothers womb.


> yes karen i too think that it's more close to the second one. Very true

> abt choosing of struggles n weaknesses. I too some time think like that.


> >

> > Second, you wrote,

> > " Also i am thinking that thinking on the lines of antar mann praying for

> > parted souls n doing some pujaa or shraadhs will affect the antar mann of

> > these souls n they will gain more stability. this can burn down some of

> > their sins or our sins towards them. "

> >

> > There is a very similar idea in the Catholic (Christian) religion in the


> > that

> > souls go through purgatory, a place where they are purged of imperfection.

> > It is said that our prayers help these souls in their ascent toward God. Me,

> > sometimes I think HERE is purgatory for some souls. I don't know if it

> > is only after death.

> >


> Sure i think Unless enlightment is there one is learning where ever or in

> which ever form one may be.


> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------


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> ------

> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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Thanks karen.


On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs wrote:


> Westend Ashram at Colorado Springs <urbanashram


> Thank you Anurag for your insights which I enjoy always!


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