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Dr Mahendra Lal Sarkar Part 3

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Dear friends,

Please find below wonderful association and discussion between Sri

Ramakrishna and his treating doctor. It will be completed in four parts.

(DR. C. S. SHAH)


Sri Ramakrishna and Dr. Mahendra Lal Sarkar

Part 3


3. From lower truths to higher truth

In course of a discussion, Sri Ramakrishna mentioned that the God cannot

be limited by any form or name. He is both with form and without form;

as well as transcending both. To emphasize the point, he likened God to

the dyer who could dye a cloth in any colour from the same tub.

Once, there was an unnecessary argument between Girishchandra and the

doctor. To this Sri Ramakrishna took mild objection and observed that

when one realizes God there is an end to logic and reasoning. He also

pointed out how pride of learning comes in the way of going ahead on the

path of God realization.


Sri Ramakrishna tried to simplify the great spiritual truths in his

talks with Dr. Sarkar. When the doctor asked him about the meaning of

'ego', Sri Ramakrishna smilingly explained,


" It is God who has kept this 'ego' in us. All this is His play; His

Lìla. A king has four sons. They are princes; but when they play, one

becomes a minister, another police officer, and so on. Though a prince,

he plays as a police officer. "


Sri Ramakrishna also talked about the necessity of going beyond the

duality of knowledge and ignorance:

" When a thorn enters the sole of your foot you have get another thorn.

You then remove the first thorn with the help of the second. Afterwards

you throw away both. Likewise after removing the thorn of ignorance with

the help of the thorn of knowledge you should throw away the thorns of

both ignorance and knowledge. "


4. Personal Advice to the Doctor

After prolonged association with the doctor, Sri Ramakrishna emphasized

the last point of selfless service as the ideal spiritual practice for

the professionals. He touched upon almost all aspects of spirituality in

presence of the doctor. These included, as we have already seen, the

goal in life, the ways and the means of achieving spiritual

consciousness, and the importance of Jnana, Bhakti, and Karma in the

life of householder devotees. For instance:


Sri Ramakrishna said to the doctor:

" Many think that the duty of a physician is a very noble one. The

physician is undoubtedly a noble man if he treats his patients free, out

of compassion and is moved by their sufferings. Then his work may be

called uplifting. But a physician becomes cruel and callous if he

carries on his profession for money. …But the medical profession is

certainly very noble if the physician devotes himself to the welfare of

others in an unselfish spirit. "


One day Sri Ramakrishna told the doctor to give up false modesty. He

even encouraged him to sing and dance in the praise of the God. Shame,

pride, fear, caste superiority, and similar concepts were bondage in the

progress of God realization. Sri Ramakrishna again and again told doctor

to become free from the egotism. 'I and mine is ignorance, while thou

and thine is knowledge,' Sri Ramakrishna used to say. Reading a few

books waters the plant of pride to grow; and submission at the lotus

feet of the Almighty alone makes us happy and knowledgeable.


Sri Ramakrishna gave further advice to the doctor:

· After one or two children, husband and wife should live like brother

and sister.

· The householder devotees should fulfill their duties while attempting

to seek God.

· One may make oneself a laughing stock if one goes on lecturing others

without having proper knowledge himself; like 'a person telling others

that he has many horses in his cow-shed!'


5. The Blessed Doctor

Sri Ramakrishna once told the doctor: " If you won't take offense, I

shall tell you something. It is this: You have had enough of such things

as money, honour, lecturing, and so on. Now for a few days direct your

mind to God. And come here now and then. Your spiritual feeling will be

kindled by hearing words about God. "


The effects of his association with Sri Ramakrishna were visible in the

life of Dr. Sarkar. His eyes used to get wet with the tears of joy and

emotion while listening to songs of divine love sung by the devotees.

The frequent ecstasies of Sri Ramakrishna made him understand the true

import of spirituality, and meaning of love for God. His dry belief in

science gradually grew into a tender 'reason with faith.' He developed

utmost respect not only for Sri Ramakrishna but also for his devotees.

Once he did not even hesitate to bend low and touch their feet.


dr c s shah



E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:




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If one keeps the paper containing the 'Words' of the Master on one scale of the

balance and even the entire universe on the other, the former will not still

come up.



Dr C S Shah <drcssha

Ramakrishna <Ramakrishna >

Friday, August 13, 1999 10:15 AM

[ramakrishna] Dr Mahendra Lal Sarkar Part 3



>Dr C S Shah <drcssha


>Dear friends,

>Please find below wonderful association and discussion between Sri

>Ramakrishna and his treating doctor. It will be completed in four parts.

>(DR. C. S. SHAH)


> Sri Ramakrishna and Dr. Mahendra Lal Sarkar

>Part 3


>3. From lower truths to higher truth

>In course of a discussion, Sri Ramakrishna mentioned that the God cannot

>be limited by any form or name. He is both with form and without form;

>as well as transcending both. To emphasize the point, he likened God to

>the dyer who could dye a cloth in any colour from the same tub.

>Once, there was an unnecessary argument between Girishchandra and the

>doctor. To this Sri Ramakrishna took mild objection and observed that

>when one realizes God there is an end to logic and reasoning. He also

>pointed out how pride of learning comes in the way of going ahead on the

>path of God realization.


>Sri Ramakrishna tried to simplify the great spiritual truths in his

>talks with Dr. Sarkar. When the doctor asked him about the meaning of

>'ego', Sri Ramakrishna smilingly explained,


> " It is God who has kept this 'ego' in us. All this is His play; His

>Lìla. A king has four sons. They are princes; but when they play, one

>becomes a minister, another police officer, and so on. Though a prince,

>he plays as a police officer. "


>Sri Ramakrishna also talked about the necessity of going beyond the

>duality of knowledge and ignorance:

> " When a thorn enters the sole of your foot you have get another thorn.

>You then remove the first thorn with the help of the second. Afterwards

>you throw away both. Likewise after removing the thorn of ignorance with

>the help of the thorn of knowledge you should throw away the thorns of

>both ignorance and knowledge. "


>4. Personal Advice to the Doctor

>After prolonged association with the doctor, Sri Ramakrishna emphasized

>the last point of selfless service as the ideal spiritual practice for

>the professionals. He touched upon almost all aspects of spirituality in

>presence of the doctor. These included, as we have already seen, the

>goal in life, the ways and the means of achieving spiritual

>consciousness, and the importance of Jnana, Bhakti, and Karma in the

>life of householder devotees. For instance:


>Sri Ramakrishna said to the doctor:

> " Many think that the duty of a physician is a very noble one. The

>physician is undoubtedly a noble man if he treats his patients free, out

>of compassion and is moved by their sufferings. Then his work may be

>called uplifting. But a physician becomes cruel and callous if he

>carries on his profession for money. …But the medical profession is

>certainly very noble if the physician devotes himself to the welfare of

>others in an unselfish spirit. "


>One day Sri Ramakrishna told the doctor to give up false modesty. He

>even encouraged him to sing and dance in the praise of the God. Shame,

>pride, fear, caste superiority, and similar concepts were bondage in the

>progress of God realization. Sri Ramakrishna again and again told doctor

>to become free from the egotism. 'I and mine is ignorance, while thou

>and thine is knowledge,' Sri Ramakrishna used to say. Reading a few

>books waters the plant of pride to grow; and submission at the lotus

>feet of the Almighty alone makes us happy and knowledgeable.


>Sri Ramakrishna gave further advice to the doctor:

>· After one or two children, husband and wife should live like brother

>and sister.

>· The householder devotees should fulfill their duties while attempting

>to seek God.

>· One may make oneself a laughing stock if one goes on lecturing others

>without having proper knowledge himself; like 'a person telling others

>that he has many horses in his cow-shed!'


>5. The Blessed Doctor

>Sri Ramakrishna once told the doctor: " If you won't take offense, I

>shall tell you something. It is this: You have had enough of such things

>as money, honour, lecturing, and so on. Now for a few days direct your

>mind to God. And come here now and then. Your spiritual feeling will be

>kindled by hearing words about God. "


>The effects of his association with Sri Ramakrishna were visible in the

>life of Dr. Sarkar. His eyes used to get wet with the tears of joy and

>emotion while listening to songs of divine love sung by the devotees.

>The frequent ecstasies of Sri Ramakrishna made him understand the true

>import of spirituality, and meaning of love for God. His dry belief in

>science gradually grew into a tender 'reason with faith.' He developed

>utmost respect not only for Sri Ramakrishna but also for his devotees.

>Once he did not even hesitate to bend low and touch their feet.


>dr c s shah



>E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:

> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/1704/index.html

> http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/index.html




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>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London



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