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Dear friend,


" Every work must necessarily be a mixture of good and evil; yet we are

commanded to work incessantly. Good and evil will both have their

results, will produce their Karma. Good action will entail upon us good

effect; bad action, bad. But good and bad are both bondage of the soul.

The solution reached in Gita in regard to this bondage producing nature

of work is that, if we do not attach ourselves to the work we do, it

will not have any binding effect on our soul. " Complete Works of Swami

Vivekananda, Ch. Ramayana, Volume 1, pages 27- 118.


For full clarification, please read complete chapter on Karma Yoga.


dr c s shah


venkata ramana sarma podury wrote:

> venkata ramana sarma podury <RPodury

> ...

> Most of our actions in day to day life are done without being concious

> of the moment of the decision in the action except some important

> things.

> What is the dividing line which frees you from past actions to make you

responsible for the present actions?



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Dear Anurag

Thank you very much for the input on the subject.

the theory of Karma is

" One will be responsible for watever one does unless that work is done

without any attachments ( enlightented person) "

On further contemplation on the subject, I thougt i would mention the


. The most important thing is how " to do actions without

attachment " ?

Since every action cannot be sepatated from its fruits, it is suggested

that the fruits of action must be surrendered to God so that one can be

free from the effect of actions. Then how to surrender the fruits of

action to God.?

The surrender of the results can be done by self less work developing

equanimity to the results and remaining balanced in suceess and

failure. Since our actions are the result of conscious as well as sub

conscious plane, some may feel that it would be difficult to do perfect

self less work.There are many sadhakas who give importance to the

surender of fruits of action. The equanimity required to accept success

and failure is achieved by believing that they are only instruments and

that the Lord is working through them.. This leads one to believe that

whatever happens in one's life is the Will of God.. Though many say

that perfect surender is possible only to the Self realised, we cannot

ignore the sincerety of the many sadhakas who are in the process.

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Dear ramana,


ur contemplation on thoery of karma is indeed great. A

practical approach. I just had a thought that " detachment is attachment

towards lord " . The realization that one is soul n which is beyond all

material things, pleasures , sorrows , pain , death n birth will lead to

selfless work.


Something which i realised in a better way after reading all the e-mails

from everyone on Advaita n especially the postings on " Astvakraa Gitaa " .



Though many say

> that perfect surender is possible only to the Self realised, we cannot

> ignore the sincerety of the many sadhakas who are in the process.



very true! Great words n thoughts.

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