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The Top 10 Positive Sources of Energy


Negative energy sources like adrenaline, stress and worry drain your

energy. These sources will provide an effective positive boost to your




1. Eat healthy.

Determine the types of food YOUR body needs for optimum

performance. By developing a personal way of eating that supports who

you are you will be more successful at adapting to a healthy eating

lifestyle. Confer

with a good nutritionist, if necessary. Make gradual changes by picking

just 1 food you know you should eat less of and replace it with a better

food for the next 30 days.



2. Exercise " fun-ly. "

By making exercise fun and interesting you will stay motivated

to continue. The benefits are cumulative rather than immediate. Remind

yourself of the benefits and adapt exercise habits as part of your daily

routine of self care. Stop thinking of exercise as an option--start now

and experiment until you find something you truly enjoy. When it becomes

uninteresting and a drag--it's time for a change--not a halt!



3. Get adequate shut-eye.

Sleep is vital for your body and for you to have the opportunity

to enjoy life fully. Determine how much sleep your body needs in order

to be properly fueled. Create the environment that nourishes your most

effective sleep. Try on new habits--avoid watching TV, reading, doing

work in bed and use yor bed instead as a quiet time to fuel your body with


Be sure your bedroom is a peaceful place for you.



4. Creat boundaries.

Determine what is absolutely important to you and begin saying

" no " more often to requests outside of the list. Focus on your current

priorities and let that guide you to make wise choices about how to use

your time and how to live your life. Define and honor your priorities into

your everyday life. Take control of your life and your time by establishing





5. Use positive thinking.

Negative thoughts and worry zap your energy. Think high quality

thoughts instead. The power of thoughts is often the creation of reality.

Hang out with positive people, as well.



6. Write it Down!

Put your goals and dreams in writing to help make your

intentions more clean and begin drawing these things into your life

(based on metaphysical law!). Be very specific and include as many exact

details as

possible. Keep this list visible and refer to it regularly to keep the


alive in your mind.



7. Eliminate tolerations.

" Putting up " with things is one of the biggest energy drainers

for many people. By identifying and eliminating whatever it is you are

tolerating you will free yourself to start attracting more of what you do




8. Let it out!

Laugh, cry, etc., but do whatever it takes to let the emotions

you are feeling out.



9. Use body work to alleviate the tension.

Our bodies hold high amounts of tension and anxiety. Whatever

you select, a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, herbal wrap,

chiropractic care, reflexology, accupuncture, etc., bodywork is an

important measure for restoring balance, getting circulation flowing and


your energy level.


10. Do something!

Whether you choose to do something wild and extravagant or just

something you have always wanted to do, stop dreaming about it and start

doing it. Rather than using your energy to dream or think about it--just put

yourself in action and DO IT! "


- Natalie Gahrmann, M.A.




" The first sign that you are becoming religious is that you are becoming

cheerful. "

-Swami Vivekananda



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when spirituality sounds uninteresting and a kind of drag--it's time to

understand wat reality is ?



> 3. Get adequate shut-eye.

> Sleep is vital for your body and for you to have the opportunity

> to enjoy life fully. Determine how much sleep your body needs in order

> to be properly fueled.


If someone needs 8 hours than it's not good . Generally sleeping hours

should be between 6 - 7 hours.


> Create the environment that nourishes your most

> effective sleep. Try on new habits--avoid watching TV, reading, doing

> work in bed and use yor bed instead as a quiet time to fuel your body with

> rest.

> Be sure your bedroom is a peaceful place for you.


Let the boundaries be bit diffused towards good things.



> 5. Use positive thinking.

> Negative thoughts and worry zap your energy. Think high quality

> thoughts instead. The power of thoughts is often the creation of reality.

> Hang out with positive people, as well.


it's great



> 6. Write it Down!

> Put your goals and dreams in writing to help make your

> intentions more clean.


> and begin drawing these things into your life (based on metaphysical > >

law!). Be very specific and include as many exact details as

> possible.


Begin drawing only the good ones. Change the things so as to avoid the

bad dreams becoming a reality ( Here dreams r the real dreams) .

Writting down dreams n the information one gets from them can be of

great help to an inddividual.



>Keep this list visible and refer to it regularly to keep the

> thoughts alive in your mind.




> 7. Eliminate tolerations.

> " Putting up " with things is one of the biggest energy drainers

> for many people. By identifying and eliminating whatever it is you are

> tolerating you will free yourself to start attracting more of what you > do



> 8. Let it out!

> Laugh, cry, etc., but do whatever it takes to let the emotions

> you are feeling out.



Sure it does help in a great way.


> 9. Use body work to alleviate the tension.

> Our bodies hold high amounts of tension and anxiety. Whatever

> you select, a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, herbal wrap,

> chiropractic care, reflexology, accupuncture, etc., bodywork is an

> important measure for restoring balance, getting circulation flowing and

> increasing

> your energy level.


Missed Meditation or Yoga or spending some time with Lord n in peace.



> 10. Do something!

> Whether you choose to do something wild and extravagant or just

> something you have always wanted to do, stop dreaming about it and start

> doing it. Rather than using your energy to dream or think about it--just put

> yourself in action and DO IT! "


Only if such dreams r positive n helpful fone one n society both. If

such is not case correct ur dreams n physce.



> - Natalie Gahrmann, M.A.


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