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Why it is so with human beings?

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God has created human beings with special powers, which the animals do not have.

A human being can use his brain to improve the quality of his life in many

respects, whereas the very limited purpose of the brain of an animal is useful

only to save it from the danger to its life. Very rare one finds animals using

their brains for other purposes, unless they are well trained. Of course, they

have natural insticts, which human beings have also have, but they were veiled

by ego.


Human being, having this rare gift, does not use it either for his own welfare

in a proper way or for the welfare of the society at large. Unfortunately, in

most cases, in the present day materialistic world, it is being used for other

mundane purposes and illegal aspects, with only one view to become rich,

powerful, influencial, etc. God has been relegated to one of the objects.


Any human being, who is doing something wrong knows pretty well, unless one has

unsound mind, that what he is doing is wrong, he is capable of seeing its

consequences, its after effects, he can realise the resultant pain that is going

to be caused to him and also many others, who are affected by it, the ignominy

he is going to be put to, once he is caught and the life after that. But, he

still does it. Why? How to overcome this instinct? How to get back to the old

values? Where and how to start? What changes do we require either in our

individual approach, in education, in the society, in the spiritual and

materialistic plane?


I invite my brothers and sisters for a lively discussion and exchange of

thoughts on this.


P. Gopi Krishna


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gopi wrote:


<<< Any human being, who is doing something wrong knows pretty well,

unless one has unsound mind, that what he is doing is wrong... >>>


Dr c s shah replies:


It may not be so! Otherwise the person would have not engaged in the

act. A smuggler does not feel he is doing anything wrong; every one

tries to gain money and thereby power to go beyond the limitations!!!

The person unfortunately mistakenly believes that control over outer

nature is the source of power and freedom.

Thus selfishness is the basic cause of all the ills.

This selfishness is not sin, it is ignorance; ignorance about the real

source of power and values -- THE ATMAN.

By spiritual practices - sadhana - one can get a faint glimpse of this


This attempt to understand and realize one's true nature is all what

religion is, and should mean.

If majority of population agrees then no problem! But inscrutable are

the ways of MAYA! This does not happen en mass; only an occasional soul

comes to experience this TRUTH.

He becomes our guide and savior. Example: Sri Ramakrishna!


dr c s shah



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> Dr C S Shah <drcssha


> But inscrutable are

> the ways of MAYA! This does not happen en mass; only an occasional soul

> comes to experience this TRUTH.

> He becomes our guide and savior. Example: Sri Ramakrishna!


Kathi: A perfect example. He came not to destroy, but to fulfill.

Om Shanti

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