Guest guest Posted August 26, 1999 Report Share Posted August 26, 1999 Hi there Edith: thank you for your reply. i agree with all that you say but i need clarification on some points i have interspersed my questions/clarifications with your response. I have capitalised your response just to distinguish your words from mine.... DEAR JAIRAM, WHAT A MARVELOUS WONDER TO " HEAR " YOU SAY THAT MY MESSAGES ARE LACED WITH COMPASSION, WHEREAS YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE SO DIRECT, SO " IN-THE-FACE " THAT YOU PUT PEOPLE OFF. I OFTEN FEAR THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I DO, SO YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A JOY IT WAS TO HEAR TO THE CONTRARY. THANK YOU FOR COMMUNICATING YOUR REACTION. i am glad that i am not the only one ..and i too feel better at 'meeting' someone who has gone thru the same pangs! and your messages are indeed laced with compassion. YES, I AGREE THAT THE BODY, THE MIND AND THE INTELLECT ARE IN A CONTINUOUS STATE OF FLUX -- BUT THE INDIVIDUAL SELF CONNECTS THE CHANGE THROUGH MEMORY AND SAMSKARAS. THE " EDITH TIPPLE " WHO GOES TO SLEEP AND DREAMS SHE IS A PRINCESS AT 10 IS THE SAME ONE WHO WAKES UP A CHARWOMAN AT 50. IT IS THAT " EDITH TIPPLE " I REFER TO, NOT TO THE SELF, THE INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS, THE WITNESS, TO WHICH SHANKARA REFERS. WE INDIVIDUAL SELVES ARE BORN WITH OUR SPECIES' GENETIC PROCLIVITIES (LUST/PROCREATION OF THE SPECIES, ETC.) AS WELL AS OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL SAMSKARAS AND KARMA. WE ARE PLAY ACTING THROUGH THEM ON THE STAGE OF RELATIVE EXISTENCE. WHEN WE REALIZE IT IS A STAGE, THE PLAY WILL BE OVER. i am slightly confused here. If you say that there is a constant edith tipple between your samskaras,memories lacing your personality together and between the Infinite Consciousness within you, i suppose you are right for the life that you live. But the identifications and attachments of that edith tipple do change. the samskaras and memories are also being erased and added to. It is only the Infinite Consciousness within you that remains ever a witness and is ever constant. the genetic proclivities that you mention all are in a state of flux... Would you not agree? or am i missing something? the edith tipple at 10 and the edith tipple as a chairwoman at 50 is only same in name, not in their identifications and attachments. if name alone were all that edith tipple is, then no change has been effected. If we continue to identify with those external attachments that continually change then we do experience disillusionment... or am i wrong? AND I AGREE THAT LUST CAN MANIFEST IN THE FORM OF THE NEED FOR APPROVAL, ACCEPTANCE, ETC., BUT THERE IS STILL THE PHYSICAL PROCREATION PROBLEM -- WHICH NOT EVERY SINGLE PERSON ADHERES, BUT THE MAJORITY DO... i do not understand what you mean here...if you are saying that procreation is a biological necessity, then i do beg to differ. procreation and the children that we beget is entirely due to a need within the mind. the need to love and the need to be loved is entirely due to a distancing of our personality from the Infinite COnsciousness... again i might be missing something...if i am please clarify... YOU SAY, " IF THE SOUL WITHIN IS ETERNALLY PERFECT AND WHOLE, AND IF WE AS JIVAS HAVE IDENTIFIED WITH THAT SELF WITHIN, WHERE IS THE NEED OF APPROVAL IN THE FORM OF PHYSICAL COMFORT, ACCEPTANCE,APPROVAL ETC. " BUT THAT IS THE PROBLEM! WE HAVE NOT IDENTIFIED WITH THAT SELF WITHIN! THIS IS SOMETHING WHICH ONE MUST REALIZE. IT IS A QUANTUM LEAP FROM TALKING ABOUT INTELLECTUALLY. i agree wholeheartedly. it is a quantum leap from talking about it and actually realizing it. but it is nevertheless true that once we realize it (and only humans can realize it) the need for lust disappears. so lust within a human being can be eradicated and the human being can live prosperously...without lust... YOU SAY: " LIFE IS FULL OF SUFFERING. IF AS YOU SAY THAT LUST IS TO PROPAGATE LIFE ON EARTH, THEN YOU ARE ACCEPTING SUFFERING AS INEVITABLE... " YES, SUFFERING IS INEVITABLE. READ BUDDHA. suffering is inevitable for one who does not choose to realize the Self within. Buddha Himself said that suffering can be overcome through realizing the Self within...or through Nirvana. Suffering is universal only for those who live at the level of the personality, at the level of the identifications, karmas, samskaras, ..... true that to an extent we are guided like automatons when samskaras are deeply ingrained in us. But the grace of a Guru and fervent prayers erase and eradicate those very samskaras... YOU CONTINUE: " THE AIM OF LIFE IS TO TRANSCEND SUFFERING... " EXACTLY. BUT DENYING IT DOES NOT ELIMINATE IT. one transcends suffering through transcends pleasure through pleasure, transcends pain through pain. it is not through denial that we extinguish or quench the desires within but it is through working through them. i agree with you cannot deny it. but there are certain needs like lust and the love of 'gold' that cannot be extinguished by merely fulfilling them, for the more you have of them the more you want of them. it is like adding ghee to the fire. that is why Sri Ramakrishna was so adamant about not fuelling the desire for lust and the love for gold. only by going deeper within and by eradicating the cause of the need felt for lust and the love of money can they eradicated. again one is not denying the presence of lust, one is only asked to seek the cause for such thoughts. self inquiry is what is asked for. when lust presents itself in our minds it is helpful to detach ourselves and ask the reason for...when we do this and look at the thought of lust arising, we are immediately putting a distance between 'us' and lust. we cannot be what we observe. if we intellectually analyse the reasons for lust, for the moment that we are intellectually analysisng, lust lets go of us...we cannot be what we observe...that is why it is said that journalising your innermost thoughts is such a tremendous aid for spiritual progress... AND YOU CONTINUE: " JUST ONE LAST POINT ...WHEN WE ARE AT OUR CREATIVE BEST, WHEN WE ARE WORKING TOWARDS A DEADLINE AND ARE UTILIZING ALL OUR CREATIVE ENERGIES TO THE MAX, WE EXPERIENCE LESS OF THAT DEMON LUST WITHIN. THE SECRET IS TO FIND OUR CREATIVE POTENTIAL, OUR VERY DHARMA, OUR PASSION THAT UTILIZES OUR EVERY OUNCE OF ENERGY ....IN SUCH A WAY THAT WE ENJOY DOING WHAT WE ARE DOING. WHEN WE LOVE WHAT WE DO AND DO WHAT WE LOVE WE WILL NOT FIND THE NEED TO SATISFY INNER CRAVINGS FOR LUST. " UNTIL YOU GET BORED WITH THAT ACTIVITY. THE ONLY WAY IS WHOLE-SOULED DEVOTION TO GOD, TRUTH, CALL IT WHAT YOU WILL. THAT IS WHAT RAMAKRISHNA SAYS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR HUNDREDS OF PAGES. AND IT IS THE SAME TRUTH KRISHNA, CHRIST, CHAITANYA, SHANKARA, ALL THE GREAT TEACHERS TAUGHT -- IN THEIR OWN WORDS. ACTUALLY, ALL IN THE WORLD WE NEED DO IS TURN THAT CONSUMING CRAVING CALLED LUST INTO LUST FOR GOD. " CRY FOR GOD WITH A YEARNING HEART " . CONTINUOUSLY. VERY BEST WISHES, EDITH i agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts above... are you in england...? i was there just this june...did i by chance get to seeing you without actually meeting you at the retreat that was held in June 99? namaskar and pranaams jairam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 1999 Report Share Posted August 28, 1999 This again reminds me of Swami Prabhavananda's response to someone who said, " But I am That! I don't need to deal with all the perplexities and complications of maya and all that. " Swami P said something to the effect, " You can say, 'I am That' when you do not feel the physical pain of my hitting you over the head or the egotistic smart when something unkind is said about you. Not before. " Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 1999 Report Share Posted August 28, 1999 Dear Dr. Shah, Thank you for your clear input on the body/mind complex discussion. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 1999 Report Share Posted August 28, 1999 Dear Jairam, YOU SAY: am slightly confused here. If you say that there is a constant edith tipple between your samskaras,memories lacing your personality together and between the Infinite Consciousness within you, i suppose you are right for the life that you live. But the identifications and attachments of that edith tipple do change. the samskaras and memories are also being erased and added to. It is only the Infinite Consciousness within you that remains ever a witness and is ever constant. the genetic proclivities that you mention all are in a state of flux... Yes, the identifications and attachments change and some memories are forgotten in the process of life, but as long as any memories and samskaras leap to activity with the slightest suggestion, we are not free. By practicing being the Witness, if we are truly able to understand that what we are watching are gunas attaching themselves to gunas, then the light of Infinite Consciousness can flood. All I meant was that simply stating the intellectual conviction that one is Infinite Consciousness, does not make one a realized free soul. YOU SAID: the edith tipple at 10 and the edith tipple as a chairwoman at 50 is only same in name, not in their identifications and attachments. if name alone were all that edith tipple is, then no change has been effected. If we continue to identify with those external attachments that continually change then we do experience disillusionment... I'm not talking about identifying with external attachments. I am talking about that individual personality you remember yourself to be at your earliest memories and the person you feel inside at the present time. It is the same personality, the same avenue for working out particular samskaras; if some samskaras have been erased, there is still a bridge of samskaras from first Jaimram to today's Jairam. I said that I agreed that lust can manifest in the form of the need for approval, acceptance, etc, but (and I did not say it well) it can also manifest because of the genetic tendency to procreate for the survival of the species. YOU ANSWER: i do not understand what you mean here...if you are saying that procreation is a biological necessity, then i do beg to differ. procreation and the children that we beget is entirely due to a need within the mind. the need to love and the need to be loved is entirely due to a distancing of our personality from the Infinite COnsciousness... We have a clear difference of opinion here. I agree that the need to love and the need to be loved is entirely due to a distancing of ourselves from the Infinite Consciousness -- but that we are!!! We may be nothing but Infinite Existence-Consciousness-Bliss -- but until we realize that, the statement is nothing but a clue. YOU SAY: i agree wholeheartedly. it is a quantum leap from talking about it and actually realizing it. but it is nevertheless true that once we realize it (and only humans can realize it) the need for lust disappears. so lust within a human being can be eradicated and the human being can live prosperously...without lust... Of course! But we haven't realized it yet! Repeat: realization does not mean intellectual conviction. You were not happy with my statement that life was indeed full of suffering (as well as pleasure, of course) and said: suffering is inevitable for one who does not choose to realize the Self within. Buddha Himself said that suffering can be overcome through realizing the Self within...or through Nirvana. Suffering is universal only for those who live at the level of the personality, at the level of the identifications, karmas, samskaras, ..... true that to an extent we are guided like automatons when samskaras are deeply ingrained in us. But the grace of a Guru and fervent prayers erase and eradicate those very samskaras... Read Shankara again. This life is birth and death, pleasure and pain, suffering and happiness, pairs of opposites to the end. Of course the goal of the spiritual aspirant is to realize the Self within and stop the suffering. I'm not there. Are you saying you are? No, I'm not in England, I'm in California in the U.S. Where are you? You saw dear Swami Dayatmananda? It has been an interesting discussion. Very best wishes, Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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