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Once a friend initiated a discussion on " evolution " .


There should be life n something that has life should be aware of this

life for the evolution to occur.


anything that is animate n can reproduce can be termed as life.


In spiritual context wat is life. There should be body, mind , prana ,

soul all these four together for life to be there ( something which is

animate n can reproduce).


I was trying to discuss can evolution can really occur but thoughts went

along a direction which i am putting down after this dashed line.




( Devi Ahlayaa turned in to stone by the Shraapa of Gautam Rishi and

and was revived back to the human form by the blessings of Shree

Ramachandraji . This makes me think that non living things too do have

soul. If not than the soul and prana would have been made to depart from

the body and the body was transformed in to rock )


Does animals show qualities like sacrifice , good of others , helping

others at the cost of their lives, love for others ? If yes then animals

also learn and this can be termed as burning of Samskaaraas or sins that

caused the soul to take birth in an animal body.


I think they too show the saintly behaviour for chakraas r

present in them too but they are not as developed as they r in humans.


Human body is such that mind is able to express itself fully. Wat is the

difference between other living beings n human . Both have soul n mind.

Is their any difference between the minds of animals n human ? Can it be

that as we go from one yoni to other mind starts going towards acquiring

the state where all chakraas of kundalini r present ? In animals Sins

have deformed the mind to such an extent that the chakraas themselves got



Therefore can we say that living beings other than humans too have

chakraas but they r not that developed as in humans. ( Once some time back

on one list there was discussion whether animals have chakraas or not n do

they respond to kundalini energy. People having experiences in healing

animals stated that they do respond lovingly to healing energy provided

by kundalini. They do have the frame work through which Prana flows in

the body but it may be that it's not that developed as in humans).


From this can we conclude that liberation can only be attained from Human

Body for Sahasrar will open fully only in humans or the mind can become

totally free only in humans. Sushumana should be present only in humans.


Can it be that a pair ( male n female) of a particular specie lived a

saintly life and as a result of that watever chakraas that could be

opened in them were opened . Then can it be that their child will be a

step in evolving to a higher specie.


In humans it does happen that some very stressful unfavourable conditions

result in opening of some chakraas if an individual faces those

conditions bravely n survives those conditions. It can be that same thing

happens in animals and that lead to the evolution to occur through that

particular individual. But i don't think only one such event can lead to

the evolution of species. The chakraas to watever extent are present in

that individual should awaken. So the liberation towards a higher

body can't be just due to some urge to live but a kind of saintly





As a soul goes frm one body to a higher body mind starts to clear up.

When one incarnates in to a higher body the mind is cleared enough to

take birth in to this higher body.


if we go back n back then can we say that the non-living things too r

soul waiting for the mind to express itself.


But may be that if there is grace of lord then one can obtain liberation

even through body whic doesn't have human form..



other living beigs n humans differ in body. For the mind to operate fully

body plays a very imp part. That's why human body is said to be a gate

towards liberation (mokshaa) . Also people can be heard saying that

one has to go through 84 lakhs yonis to take birth in human body. Human

body should be more close to reality and tat's why liberation is possible.

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