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Periyapuranam-6 to 9

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Dear Shankar,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I was wondering if I could post your stories on

the 63 Nayanmars, with due reference and acknowledgement to the translator and

provider of the articles, on my homepage. If acceptable, please let me know and

I will have them posted for more people to know on my homepage. I enjoy your

postings very much. Do keep in touch, my e-mail address is purush

Thanks, Purush




Friday, September 03, 1999 10:47 PM

[ramakrishna] Periyapuranam-6 to 9



Dear Purush


Suddenly all the Periya Puranam Stories from SaiNet stopped coming. Today,

they all poured in, as if to enable me to send them to you in response to your

request! I am astonished at the way the Divine works! One was missing. I

wrote to Mr. Krishnan to send the same. He has sent the missing one.


I am attaching all of them.


I don't feel there is anything inapporpriate in posting these stories on Lord

Shiva on onelist.

I am reminded of the statement by the Holy Mother that the words of Lord Shiva

and Sri Ramakrishna can never be untrue! (Gospel of the Holy Mother).


Mr. Ramana Sarma, a r to the onelist and not to the Sainet, also

reads these stories with interest and devotion.


However, I have added your personal e-mail address to my e-mail address book.


Thanks and Kind Regards.

Purush <purush

Ramakrishna <Ramakrishna >

Friday, September 03, 1999 1:15 PM

Re: [ramakrishna] Ellam Ondre - All is One



Dear Shankar,

It's been long since you posted the stories of the Sivanadiars from the

Periapuranam. I am one who has been reading it with interest and have been on

the lookout for the remaining stories. You left off after four or five stories.

I hope you will continue. If you think this is not the right forum, could you

e-mail those stories to me on a personal level. I look forward to your postings

on the subject. Thanks, Shankar.


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