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Periyapuranam-Re Permission to post them on your webpage

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Dear Purush


The stories have been rendered into plain English from the abstruse Tamil of

PeriyaPuranam, by Sri Sri Krishnan of the Sainet. Sri Sri Krishnan is a great

devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who is a full incarnation of Lord Shiva

and the Divine Mother.


I am just receving them from the Sainet, reading them and reposting them to the

OneList (for that is the true spirit of the Life and Teachings of Sri

Ramakrishna). Therefore, it will be inapporpriate for me to give the authority,

which as a matter of fact, I do not have.


I am very sure that Mr Krishnan will not have any objection to your idea of

posting them on your website, with the view that it may be available to more

number of persons who may be or happen to become, interested.


It may be a better idea to communicate to him seeking his informal permission to

do so, at the following e-mail address of his, namely;-




You can communicate to him, more with an attitude of getting in touch with a

great devotee of God, than for getting the requisite permission,-which you can

even now assume as already having been granted,-to post his stories on Lord

Shiva on your homepage.


By the way, I have changed your e-mail address to the rather simpler e-mail

address of yours, namely, 'purush' in my e-mail address book.


Thanks and kind regards.

Purush <purush

Ramakrishna <Ramakrishna >

Saturday, September 04, 1999 9:01 AM

Re: [ramakrishna] Periyapuranam-6 to 9



Dear Shankar,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I was wondering if I could post your stories

on the 63 Nayanmars, with due reference and acknowledgement to the translator

and provider of the articles, on my homepage. If acceptable, please let me know

and I will have them posted for more people to know on my homepage. I enjoy your

postings very much. Do keep in touch, my e-mail address is purush

Thanks, Purush

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