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A movement or a mission

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Hello friends,


Every nation, and India in particular, can proudly boast of tradition of

great saints born from time to time. As a mark of their continued

influence, we notice great changes not only in religious beliefs, but

also in social and political culture in various regions of the world.


All these luminaries are blessed with divine visions and powers. As seen

every where and in all times, the 'rationalists' and the educated middle

class label them as fake 'Babas' and their powers as 'superstition'. But

equally true is the fact that millions of rural folks worship them as

God. Their influence gradually increases to bring about social awareness

about their spiritual and divine nature.

Initially, the attitude of masses is of devotion towards them. And,

gradually people start finding some 'substance' in the lives and

teachings of these men of God. Their message of selfless love and

brotherhood finds fertile ground to flourish after their passing away.

Even the skeptics turn believers!

As a mark of respect and reverence, society erects temples and monuments

in their name. Hospitals and rest houses are built, and many educational

institutes and welfare schemes are started. Society tries to repay its

loan to these great souls by remembering them through such

religio-social movements.


A few persons realize that devotion or service to a saint does not

always constitute 'superstition'. In time, the number of such devotees

increases. Their aspirations 'to do something' results in the spread of

selfless work in the name of their ideal. Money flows in as donations

and charity. Human resources, in particular local man-power, become

available and some kind of social projects are undertaken.

The fist concern is usually abject poverty and ill health of the

have-nots. Therefore, along with religious rituals, such missionary work

as distribution of free food, running of dispensary and schools etc.

also take birth.

Some such missions or movements flourish, others decay. The integrity of

managers - trustees - depends on the life and teachings of the great

soul who has had inspired them.


dr c s s



E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:




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