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Your Bioresonant newsletter(fwd)

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Dear Friends,


I was just going through some search on the research

Bio-Energy Fields. Dr. Tom sent me this News Letter.

Those interested in research on Kundalini or Auraa may

find it resourceful.


Love n Light,


Your BIORESONANT newsletter August 1999


Welcome to the August issue of the Bioresonant newsletter! Thank you

for subscribing. We hope that this information will inspire you and

awaken your imagination. Your feedback is always welcome!

Dr. Tom Chalko, Andreas Soderlund - feelit


=-=-= In this issue =-=-=


- transmitting DNA information using electromagnetic waves?

- your bio-energy field and why it is important to keep it high

- improve your bio-energy

- see your bio-energy field with your own eyes OR ask your children

- listen to real audio interviews with Dr Tom Chalko online


==== Transmitting DNA information using electromagnetic field ==


Did you know that living potatoes can 'learn' to acquire the taste,

color and shape of a carrot - with no one even touching them?? This is

accomplished by listening to the 'Music of Life' of a carrot and

broadcasting this 'Music' to a plantation of growing potatoes....


Welcome to bio-technology of the 21-st century...


What is this 'Music of Life'? Every living thing is surrounded by an

'aura' of a very complicated electromagnetic field that spans in

spectrum from microwave to U.V. Light. It is not just a 'body heat'!

Russian bio-physicists have discovered that this field is very

coherent and contains INFORMATION, that is essential for life to



Current view of leading bio-physicists on Earth is that the essence of

the process of life is an intelligent EXCHANGE of this information.

The information exchange occurs within one organism as well as between

different living organisms in the eco-system. Preventing this exchange

of information has been proven equivalent to stopping life itself.


Years of successful experiments on plants and animals were followed by

experiments on humans. Russian scientist Dr Chiang Kazhen discovered

that human DNA can be altered, healed and even rejuvenated by

positively influencing its 'music of life'. One of the most

spectacular Russian experiments involved the amplification of the

microwave light emitted by a very young human body and 'playing' it

back, much like a music, to an 80 year old man. Amazingly, the old

man started growing black hair as well as teeth, which had fallen out

some 20 years earlier!


If you think that the traditional science of genetics and medicine is

30 years behind the times - you are right !!! You are invited to join

the leaders!


=== Your bio-energy field and why it is important to keep it high ==


Our bio-energy field is constantly receiving and transmitting

information - from other people, plants and animals - from all living

things that surround us. When our own field is weak it is easily

disturbed by other influences. We can even pick up diseases!


Consider for example a 'virus'. It is well known, that a virus is a

toxic form of protein, produced by our own body.


How does it 'propagate'? When we are in the vicinity of organisms who

are sick, we 'listen' to the distorted 'music of life' they emit -

whether we like or not.


If our bio-energy field is weak our own cells may become 'fooled' by

this distorted music and may start producing similar toxins themselves

in a panic! When sufficiently many people become sick with a virus, an

epidemic starts - many people with weak bio-energy 'copy' the virus

within their own bodies.


Results of experiments conducted by Russian bio-physicists indicate,

that our digital phones, nuclear devices (such as smoke detectors !!!)

and other equipment generating frequencies within the spectrum range

of the 'music of life' may misinform and even scramble our DNA.

The aim of this article is to demonstrate what we can do ourselves to

IMPROVE our own bio-energy. After all, it is an individual

responsibility to take care for ourselves, especially at times when

making money seems to prevail over our health and well being...


A strong, harmonious, coherent bio-energy field is much harder to

scramble and distort. On the contrary - healthy individuals can help

other people to heal quicker, by emitting strong positive, coherent

information about the harmony within their bodies. Have you noticed

how vigorous elderly people become in a company of young and healthy



===== Improve your bio-energy =====


There are several indirect ways that will help you to improve your


- taking extreme care about the diet - (eliminating toxins,

incompatibilities and the excess food)

- physical exercise (of the correct type, intensity and duration)

- mental exercises (especially meditation) and mental discipline

(see http://www.thiaoouba.com/medit.htm )

All above methods are very effective, especially when applied together,

however, they require your commitment, effort, skill and discipline

for a considerable amount of time.


At Bioresonant we work to develop the most 'direct' as well as

practical way of improving the body's bio-energy field that requires

no power supply and no effort at all. How is it possible?


The essence of Life seems to be an intelligent EXCHANGE of

information. Can we stimulate this exchange directly? As the

bio-energy field itself is a form of light, can we use colours to

enhance it? The answer is YES, of course!


By integrating many of the latest discoveries in bio-physics into our

research program we have developed so-called 'bio-resonant' clothing.

Scientifically designed multi-colour patterns that not only 'resonate'

with the human bio-energy field 'amplifying' it significantly, but

also helping those who wear it to potentially become happier,

healthier and more energetic.


Please visit our website at http://www.bioresonant.com and discover

how you can benefit from this discovery yourself.


Don't forget to check out what other people have experienced when

wearing our Bioresonant shirts. Receive a free book about self-healing

'The Joy of Perfect Health' by Dr Chalko, founder of Bioresonant, with

any order you place with us. Just quote 5946790 in the comment box and

request the book.


=== See your bio-energy field with your own eyes OR ask your children ==


Nature gave us all we need to see the bio-energy field with our own



Seeing so-called 'auras' is a skill, much like swimming or playing

piano. As any other skill - it takes practice, and the final result

depends on your talent as well as commitment.


See http://www.thiaoouba.com/seeau.htm for instructions, and learn

from a scientist. If you have difficulties following these instructions

- explain them to your children (the younger the better) and they will

soon tell you what your aura looks like.


=== Interviews with Dr Tom Chalko online at www.bioresonant.com ===


Listen to radio and TV interviews with Dr. Chalko, the founder of

Bioresonant technology. Hear for yourself what Dr Chalko has to say

about Bioresonant technology and living with colour. Find out how our

mind is influenced by colours, what kind of colours are the most

beneficial, what works, what doesn't and why.


Very interesting and positive information from a scientist that has

decided to develop technology that will benefit humanity - technology

which is not open to mis-use in any way.




Feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who you believe may

benefit from the information it contains. Together we stand.


Questions and comments are welcome! Mail to feelit

Copyright © 1999, Tom Chalko, Andreas Soderlund,



" If you insist that only crawling is possible - you will never learn to fly "

(Tom Chalko)


== Subscribe and Un ==

To to this newsletter, send a mail to

mychoice with the word '' in the subject, or

visit our site at http://www.bioresonant.com/ and enter your email



In the event you wish to from this mailing list, send

email to mychoice with the word 'remove' in the



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