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Thus, when Arjuna surrenders himself at the feet of the Lord, Sri

Krishna says: O Brave one, why this infatuation at this hour! Why have

you given yourself to this unmanliness and cowardice? Do not think that

by your 'high talk of renunciation and retiring to forest' people would

adore you and call you brave and intelligent. On the contrary, for

centuries to come the blame would be put on you of running away from the

battle field. ...

Full article < http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/a35.html >


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" Gopi Krishna " <gopi

Cc: <drcssha; <nachiketas

Friday, December 08, 2000 04:23




Dear Soul Brothers,




I have some inforamtion on Gita, which I would like to share with you all.


1. Gita's birth day is Margasira Ekadasi.


2. Gita was taught to Arjuna by Lord Krishna 38 years before Kaliyuga, i.e.,

almost at the end of Dwapara Yuga. By this year 1999 Kaliyuga started 5,100

years. So, it can be safely presumed that Gita had its birth around 5,138

years ago.


3. Krishna lived for 125 years, 7 months and 8 days. As the time of teaching

Gita to Arjuna, Lord Krishna's age was 87 years.


4. There are 18 chapers in Gita.


5. As per records there should have been 745 slokas, but only 700/701 are



6. Bhagavat Gita was taught at Kurukshetra during Kaurava and Pandava's war

about 5000 years ago.


7. There were only four recipients of Bhagavad Gita. They were Arjuna,

Hanumantha, Veda Vyasa and Sanjaya.


8. The first word of Bhagavad Gita is Dharma.


9. The lst word of Bhagavad Gita is Mama.


10. The first alphabet of Bhagavad Gita is Dha and the last alphabet is Ma

Dha Ma, in other words Dharma.


11. The names of Lord Sri Krishna used in Bhagavad Gita are Achyutha,

Anantha, Aprathiprabhava, Arisudana, Adya, Janardana, Deva, Devadeva,

Devavara, Devesa, Parameswara, Purushottama, Prabhu, Bhagavantha,

Kamalapatraksha, Krishna, Kesava, Bhuthabhavana, Bhuthesa, Madhusudana,

Mahathma, Mahabahu. Madhava, Yadava, Yogi, Yogeswara, Ksanishoodana,

Govinda, Jagatpathi, Jagannivasa, Varshneya, Vasudeva, Viswamurthi,

Visweswara, Vishnu, Sarva, Sahasrabahu, Hrishikesa.


12. The names of Arjuna, as used in Bhagavad Gita, are Anagha, Anusooya,

Arjuna, Kapidhwaja, Kiriti, Kurupraveera, Kurunanda, Kurushresta,

Kurusattama, Kauntheya, Gudakesha, Tata, Dehabhruthamvara, Dhanamjaya,

Paranthava, Pandava, Partha, Purusharshabha, Bharatharshabha,

Bharatashresta, Bharatasattama, Bharata, Mahabaahu and Savyasaachi.


13. I shall give the meaning of these names separately.


14. Arjuna was both Deena and Dheera. Basically, he was dheera, but due to

realisation that he was going to kill his own kith and kin, he became deena

due to attachment. So he was both.


15. Gita is applicable at every moment of our lives, provided one takes

interest in it as a spiritual seeker.


16. Every word in Gita is important and applicable for our daily life. Every

sloka is a principle. Each sloka gives different meaning to different people

and at different stages of life.


17. Gita has 18 names, including the popular name Gita. They are Gita,

Ganga, Gayatri, Sita, Satya, Saraswathi, Brahmavidya, Brahmavalli,

Trisandhya, Muktigehini, Arthamatra, Chidananda, Bhavagni, Branthinaasini,

Vedathrayi, Para, Apara, Thathva Jnana Manjari.


18. Gita is part Bheeshma Parvam of Bharatam 43 Adhyayam or chapter and it

starts with 4 sloka


19. In Gita, Lord Krishna tells 574 slokas, Arjuna 84 or 85 slokas, Sanjaya

41 slokas and Dhritharashtra 1 sloka Total 700 or 701 slokas.


20. The Kurukshetra war took place for 18 days, Bharatam has 18 Parvas and

the total number of army was 18 Akshauhinis. Each Akshuhini is equivalent to

21870 Elephants 21870 Horses 65610 Chariots 109350 Sainiks Now you add up

each number i.e., 21870 18.Like wise all other numbers. If you add up all

the numbers the total sum is equivalent to 18.


21. Even the steps of a sadhaka for Moksha are 18.


The above information is copied from Gita Makarandam (Telugu Version)

written by Poojya Swami Sri Vidyaprakasananda Giri of Suka Brahma Ashram,

Srikalahasthi, Andhra Pradesh.


I hope it would be useful to every one of us.


Om Srikrishnarpanamasthu.





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