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V.S Iyer and Advaita Vedanta

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I have found quite an extensive collection of notes to sayings and thought

of V.Subrmanya Iyer who I gather was a teacher and associated with the

Ramakrishna Math in the 30's and 40's as well as the Maharaja of Mysore.

He wrote the introduction to the Mandukya Upanishad published by them. So

maybe I will share some of the material with as I go through it, with you

and perhaps if anyone of you has further information on him they could let

me know.



" A gnani may be reborn in three days or three years. And if he thinks of

form in any shape when dying that will bring him back to incarnation again.

So if he thinks of serving humanity just prior to death, and wills it, he

will reincarnate in order to fulfil that task. And if he thinks of a

particular work or service he will incarnate in such a way as to carry it

out. And if he thinks of his group of disciples and wants to continue their

instruction, then he will be reborn in their neighborhood or they will be

reborn so as to meet him again, and thus instruction will continue.

Whatever picture he holds in mind just prior to death will draw him back to

earth and materialize. Where he dies in sleep his subconscious tendencies

will dictate the next birth. These tendencies are vasanas and samskaras. So

the student should think of his guru when dying in order to meet him again.

If student dies in sleep or suddenly then all his subconscious thoughts of

devotion to his guru will bring about the same result and if he had thought

prior to death. It is really the two together which determine next birth.

Hence the importance of psychology to philosophy, with its teaching of the

power of subconscious. Were the gnani not to hold this last thought of

service of humanity he would not be reborn. It acts as a downward pull.

However it does not cause him to lose his gnan because side by side with it

he knows humanity or his disciples to be also Brahman. "

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> Mark Scorelle [sMTP:wg]

> Tuesday, September 28, 1999 7:41 PM

> Ramakrishna

> [ramakrishna] V.S Iyer and Advaita Vedanta


> Mark Scorelle <wg

> Mark

[Madhava Replies:]

Thank you Mark.


> And if he thinks of his group of disciples and wants to continue their

> instruction,

[Madhava Replies:]

I am giving this for the people who might be interested in knowing

the vedic words:


The proper vedic noun for the Jeeva (individual soul) who keeps a

wish (either good or bad) while leaving the body is called as " aatArya "


> then he will be reborn in their neighborhood or they will be

> reborn so as to meet him again, and thus instruction will continue.

[Madhava Replies:]

The jeeva who thus takes a birth again by traveling through the

Krishna Marga (the path of darkness) is called as " aalAdya " .




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