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The master Bankei's talks were attended not only by Zen students butby

persons of all ranks and sects. He never quoted sutras not indulged in

scholastic dissertations. Instead, his words were spoken directly from his

heart to the hearts of his listeners.


His large audience angered a priest of the Nichiren sect because the

adherents had left to hear about Zen. The self-centered Nichiren priest

came to the temple, determined to have

a debate with Bankei.


" Hey, Zen teacher! " he called out. " Wait a minute. Whoever respects

you will obey what you say, but a man like myself

does not respect you. Can you make me obey you? "


" Come up beside me and I will show you, " said Bankei.


Proudly the priest pushed his way through the crowd to the teacher.


Bankei smiled. " Come over to my left side. "

The priest obeyed.


" No, " said Bankei, " we may talk better if you are on the right side.

Step over here. "


The priest proudly stepped over to the right.


" You see, " observed Bankei, " you are obeying me and I think you are

a very gentle person. Now sit down and listen. "

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