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Reg: SELF (Atman)

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Compiled by Swami Soddhasattwananda of Sri ramakrishna Math.


II AUM II Sri Krsnay Namah !



Salutations to Lord Krsna


I salute that All-blissful Madhava whose compassion makes dumb to eloquent

and enables the lame to cross the mountains!





SELF (Atman)


* But know that by which all this is prevaded, to be imperishable. No one

can bring about the destruction of this immutable principle.


* He who looks on the Self as slayer, and he who looks upon the Self as

slain-neither of these apprehends aright.The Self slays not, nor is slain.


* It (Self) is never born nor does it ever die, nor having been, does it

again cease to be. Unborn, eternal,permanent, and primeval.It is not slain

when the body slain.


* Whom, O Partha, acn that person, who knows this Self to be

imperishable,constant, birthless and immutable,slay or cause to be slain,

and how ?


* Just as a person casts off worn-out clothes and puts on others that are

new, the embodied that are new,the embodied Self casts off worn-out bodies

and enters into others that are new.


* This Self cacnot be cut, nor burnt, nor wetted,nor dried.Changes,all

prevading,stable,immovable,the Self is eternal.


* This Self is said to be unmanifested,unthinkable,and

unchangeable.Therefore,knowing this to be such,thou oughtest not to mourn.


* This, the embodied Self in everyone's body is eternally indestructible, O

descendant of Bharata (Arjun); therefore, you ought not to grieve for any



* The Supreme Purusha in this body is called the Onlooker, thr

perimitter,the Nourisher, the Protector, the Great Lord and also the Supreme



* Some see the Self in the self by the Self thro' meditation, others by the

Path of Knowledge, some others by Yoga and still others by the Path of



* For, seeing the Lord abiding everywhere equally, he does not injure the

Self by the Self; therefore he attains the supreme goal.


* He who see that actions are every way performed only by Prakriti (Nature)

and likewise sees the Self as the non-doer alone sees in truth.


* This Supreme Self, being without a beginning and devoid of attributes, is

immutable.Though residing in the body, O son of Kunti,it neither acts nor It

is attached.


* Just as the all-pervading Aakasa (ether) because of its subtlety,is not

contaminated, so is the Self located everywhere in the body not



*Just as the one sun illuminates the whole world, even so, O descendant of

Bharata, does the embodied Self Illuminates all bodies.


* Two birds which look alike and are friends have casually come and built

their nest in a tree. One of these eats the fruit of the tree, while the

other though not eating is stronger.

That which does not partake of the fruits is wise and knows itself as well

as the other; but not so the one that eats the fruits; that which is tied to

ignorance is always bound,while that which is full of knowledge is eternally



* Wakefulness, dream, and profound sleep attributes of intellect,being due

to the Gunas. the self is distinct from them,since It si conclusively proved

to be their witness.


* Last of all, mediate on the oneness of the Self with God, the one blissful

existence, the One I Am.








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