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> It is not everything to find out the cause of our misery, we must

> find some means to eliminate it; and nothing does this so well as

> practical wisdom. We must fortify ourselves with practical wisdom.

> There is no need of falling down, if we fortify our house against

> attack. We fortify our houses against flies and insects; all the

> more should we fortify our spiritual house against jealousy, hatred,

> anger and petty thoughts.




Hi Jody and Namaste everyone...



in treading the spiritual path, i have always

tried to envision or articulate Wisdom, and would like to request

others also to give their version of what Wisdom is ...especially

practical wisdom. It is important, in my humble opinion, (i may be

wrong) to always have the end result as clearly in mind as possible.

Or else the end result will not be ours. The more clearly we see

ourselves in the end state the easier it will be to achieve that



To illustrate... I am reminded of Bo the baseball and football

player. It is difficult to achieve any level of greatness in either of

those sports...but Bo achieved a marked greatness in both professional

baseball and NFL football. An amazing personality. There was a point

in his life however when he was severely injured and the doctors had

written off his playing career. But Bo would hear none of it despite

tremendously great odds stacked against him after the operation that

he had to undergo. I remember seeing him on TV, being interviewed

after the op and he was asked whether he was resigned to merely

watching the games that he so loved... and he said


" Resigned?!! I am going to play again. I can see my self catching that

football again...and I can see my sliding into those bases ...better

than i ever did before "


That was a tall statement given the

condition of his hips. But when he said that he was literally staring

wildly into the distance and intently " seeing " himself doing exactly

what he was saying he would be doing in the future...Needless to say

he did play ...and play as well as he ever did...


The point is that if we are to acquire " practical wisdom " we need to

define it...and define it well enough to be able to envision ourselves

in situations donning the cloak of " practical wisdom "


Wisdom is a word that has a very positive tilt to it...and yet when we

try and define it...we find difficulty doing so...i will be pleasantly

surprised if that is not the case...


So what does wisdom entail?


May i ask members for their

input...definitions of what wisdom is...? i suppose each one of us can

and will come up with their own version or versions, but i do believe

we can group these definitions/versions into more generalised headings

which can act as sign posts in our daily lives...


i do not know if anybody is interested in this topic (which i

feel is critical, for after the whole goal of religion is

to acquire wisdom...which must necessarily be practical in our daily



so i shall wait for your response... i would nice to hear what your

feelings are on the matter. I do not want to impose my views on anyone

at this point and would rather let a free flow discussion take place.

Perhaps the real reason i am initiating this discussion is that i

myself would like to learn more about defining the world clearly

enough to be able to envision it better. Also to check whether i am

right..or wrong...or whether i need to grow more...may be all or none

of the above!


Pranaams and Namaskar to alll



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Dear js this wat i think


Will is gr8. If u believe it u can do it. Mind is gr8.

If one limits one's mind one limits one's life.


Wisdom shines when there is nothin to be selfish abt.

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