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Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17

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You have no birth or death, no memory, no bondage or liberation, nor have you

good or evil. Why do you weep, O my dear? Name and form belong neither to

you nor to me.




No birth or death...good or evil - Birth and death are connected with the

body; bondage and liberation, good and evil, are connected with the mind; but

the Atman, the real nature of man, is beyond the body and the mind.


Name and form - According to Vedanta philosophy, Brahman is one, without a

second; but It appears to be manifold by the interposition of name and form,

which is called maya. As the wave has a form and a name, " wave " , but is not

different from the sea, so the objects of the universe have various forms and

names but they are not different from Brahman. In samadhi, when name and

form disappear, man experiences the oneness of Brahman.

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Looking for a good defination of religion..need help.







>Ramakrishna , Vivekananda

>[ramakrishna] Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17

>Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:39:53 EDT


>You have no birth or death, no memory, no bondage or liberation, nor have


>good or evil. Why do you weep, O my dear? Name and form belong neither to

>you nor to me.




>No birth or death...good or evil - Birth and death are connected with the

>body; bondage and liberation, good and evil, are connected with the mind;


>the Atman, the real nature of man, is beyond the body and the mind.


>Name and form - According to Vedanta philosophy, Brahman is one, without a

>second; but It appears to be manifold by the interposition of name and


>which is called maya. As the wave has a form and a name, " wave " , but is


>different from the sea, so the objects of the universe have various forms


>names but they are not different from Brahman. In samadhi, when name and

>form disappear, man experiences the oneness of Brahman.



>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London


><< text3.html >>

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Once i was reading a book on Religion ( " Dharma " ). It said that " Gyaan "

" Vigyaan " together make the Religion or Dharma.


I think religion is truth n truth is religion.



On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, rajiv chatterjee wrote:


> " rajiv chatterjee " <chats


> Looking for a good defination of religion..need help.


> rajiv


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" What is thy duties? " and to know them and perform them is Religion.

*************** ***** *************

Man is man's enemy because they were and are always ignorant fo the

duties.The different faith or relgions is nothing but man's fear from man.

So they united under different sects and so called religions to protect them

from death and to save thier belongings and wife and children. You can see

all the sects or religion are fighting with oneanother? Why. If they truly

belied in God or thier duties, they wouldn't fight.

And they will keep on fighting, whatever definition of God or Religion one

will put forward.

Sometime people do help people but in the name of thier religion. Hey I'm

helping you because, I believe I'm a true Christian or true Hindu or true

Mohmedan. But not truly in the name of the creature or considering tone's

duty.They perform duties as a message to thier religion to the world.



rajiv chatterjee [chats]

Wednesday, October 13, 1999 12:43 AM


Re: [ramakrishna] Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17



" rajiv chatterjee " <chats


Looking for a good defination of religion..need help.







>Ramakrishna , Vivekananda

>[ramakrishna] Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17

>Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:39:53 EDT


>You have no birth or death, no memory, no bondage or liberation, nor have


>good or evil. Why do you weep, O my dear? Name and form belong neither to

>you nor to me.




>No birth or death...good or evil - Birth and death are connected with the

>body; bondage and liberation, good and evil, are connected with the mind;


>the Atman, the real nature of man, is beyond the body and the mind.


>Name and form - According to Vedanta philosophy, Brahman is one, without a

>second; but It appears to be manifold by the interposition of name and


>which is called maya. As the wave has a form and a name, " wave " , but is


>different from the sea, so the objects of the universe have various forms


>names but they are not different from Brahman. In samadhi, when name and

>form disappear, man experiences the oneness of Brahman.



>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London


><< text3.html >>


Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London


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To speak trueth is thy duty too!



Anurag Goel [anurag]

Wednesday, October 13, 1999 6:29 AM


Re: [ramakrishna] Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17



Anurag Goel <anurag



Once i was reading a book on Religion ( " Dharma " ). It said that " Gyaan "

" Vigyaan " together make the Religion or Dharma.


I think religion is truth n truth is religion.



On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, rajiv chatterjee wrote:


> " rajiv chatterjee " <chats


> Looking for a good defination of religion..need help.


> rajiv



Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London


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Knowledge of Duties is called Gyaan and agyaan is the reverse.Perform thy

duties, and one could be a religious man or a kind man or whatever you want

to call him..When someone is going to the temple or Masjid or Church and see

he a person on the road who needs immediate medical help.He must be helped

out first, that is thy duty or thy worship to God or thy knowledge or thy

religion. Whatever you want to call it. Similarly a hungry person needs

food and not the good words of his Updesh.

Om shanti shanti shanti.


Anurag Goel [anurag]

Wednesday, October 13, 1999 6:29 AM


Re: [ramakrishna] Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 17



Anurag Goel <anurag



Once i was reading a book on Religion ( " Dharma " ). It said that " Gyaan "

" Vigyaan " together make the Religion or Dharma.


I think religion is truth n truth is religion.



On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, rajiv chatterjee wrote:


> " rajiv chatterjee " <chats


> Looking for a good defination of religion..need help.


> rajiv



Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London


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> " What is thy duties? " and to know them and perform them is Religion.


Very true


> *************** ***** *************

> Man is man's enemy because they were and are always ignorant fo the

> duties.


I guess they fight Because they ignorant of who they are.



> The different faith or relgions is nothing but man's fear from man.


Different religions r there depending on one's culture or goegraphical

region or to save humanity.


> So they united under different sects and so called religions to protect them

> from death and to save thier belongings and wife and children. You can see

> all the sects or religion are fighting with oneanother? Why. If they truly

> belied in God or thier duties, they wouldn't fight.


They just don't know wat reality is that's why they fight.


> And they will keep on fighting, whatever definition of God or Religion one

> will put forward.


one can never understand wat is put forward to one unless one tries to

understand wat reality is n who the one is .


> Sometime people do help people but in the name of thier religion. Hey I'm

> helping you because, I believe I'm a true Christian or true Hindu or true

> Mohmedan. But not truly in the name of the creature or considering tone's

> duty.They perform duties as a message to thier religion to the world.

> Mahesh

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