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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.113


Wednesday 20/10/99


The Master Said:


" Perform your duties in an unselfish spirit.

Always try to perform your duties without desiring any result.

All, without exception, perform work.

Even to chant the name and glories of God is work,

as is the meditation of the non-dualist on 'I am He'.

Breathing is also an activity. There is no way of renouncing

work altogether. So do your work, but surrender the result to God. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~




Hello Everyone !


A very special birthday today !


Born on this day 1n 1891:


Sir James Chadwick


He was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for Fizzix for his discovery of the



Born in Manchester in 1891, he attended the Manchester Grammar School and

entered the University of Manchester in

1908. He graduated with Honours from the Fizzix Department in 1911. He continued

to work there with Rutherford from

1911 to 13, when he recieved his MSc. He worked with Geiger at the

Physikalische-Technische Reichsanstalt in Berlin from

then on, and published a book called " Radiation from Radioactive Substances "

jointly with Ellis and Geiger in 1930. In

1919, he returned to England to work at Cavendish, and eventually became the

director. His research there was based on

the split- ting of atoms by bombardment using alpha particles.


In 1930 Bothe and the Joliot-Curies found that when beryllium were bombarded

with alpha particles, some sort of radiation

occured which caused paraffin oil to eject protons, however, they offered no

satisfactory explaination. Chadwick stepped in

and suggested that a netural particle, with approximately the mass of the

proton, was responsible for this strange behaviour.

Enegry measurments confirmed his theory, and he was able to calcaulate the mass

of Neutron.


At the time it was already known from Thomson and Rutherford's results that an

atom consisted of a nucleus surrounded by

a cloud of electrons. Proton was the only thing that made up the nucleus, which

was positively charged. However, when a

thin foil of Be is bombarded with Alpha radiation, (which consisted of a Helium

nucleus), a mysterious particle is ejected.

This discovery subsequently lead to the discovery of the nuclear fission

process. Chadwick's knowledge of British and

German physics and had helped the development of the Uranium fission bomb during

the second world war, a project which

he regretted for getting himself involved. He eventually retired in 1958 and

lived in North Wales for the rest of his life [humour: that is enough of a

punishment for his sins].





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