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on the power of thoughts

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> Every thought you think has its special weight and import.



talk about synchonicity and serendipity...

but i was just thinking about thoughts and the power of

our thoughts just earlier this evening. Evry act that we do, every

physical and material thing that manifests in our life has some

thought that precedes it. If we want anything in life, we first think

that thought and then we work for that 'thing' and if we work for it

correctly we manifest it in our lives.


Realized souls like the Buddha and even Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba and

even the former Shirdi Sai Baba, are known to have performed

manifestations that transcended time and space. In other words they

thought... and immediately manifested material items. Mortals that

have yet to transcend the Time Space Causation continuum are locked

into that paradigm and therefore are subject to their laws. When

individuals such as Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba transcend this paradigm

and manifest their transcendence we at times decry their " miracles " .

Of course Ramakrishna had his own reasons for not manifesting such

miracles...even though his very life was a miracle!


The Gita says this whole of Nature is a Womb and in this Womb " I " (The

Father or the Purusha ) has placed seeds of life. We are those seeds

of life awaiting our inheritance...awaiting our birth into a higher

order of life. When we transcend this space time causation paradigm,

which is possible in this very life, we have gained our inheritance.


Thought and manifestation need not be locked into the time space




utmost pranaams to all



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