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Glory of the Divine Mother, Kali

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Dear Dave


You clearly have a 'Speical

Grace' of the Divine.



" One faces one's fear of

letting go, invites and

surrenders to Death the

supreme Teacher i.e. death of

the (surface) known and falls


into an Unknowable Mysterious



" surrender to Mother Kali the

Supreme Teacher " ,

since She is the

personification of death.


How true! How can there be

'Love', without the 'death' of

the 'ego'? Can the 'ego' kill

itslef? Is there any other

way than the 'terrible sword'

of the 'Terrible Mother?'


Sri Ramakrishna and Sri

Aurobindo surrendered to

Mother Kali and had immediate

release and deliverance from

the " tears of the terrible

ocean of Samsara " . what the

other goddesses takes ages to

do, KaliMa acts swiftly and

decisively with her sword and

accomplishes the same thing in

a day.



This world is the 'hidden face

of the Mother Kali'. Wherever

the 'ego' goes in pursuit of

'pleasure' it will only manage

to get 'terrible pain'. As

Swami Vivekananda righlty said

this world is like a heated

iron rod with sugar coating at

its tip. Noone is beyond Her



And, if you surrender, the

result is 'instatntaneous and

total'. She is the 'Cosmic



I especially adore the aspect

of Mother Kali depicting her

own head cut

off and held in her hands,

illustrating total divorce

from superficial



As you have righlty pointed

out, what we need first is

'freedom from all kinds of

superficial knowledge'.


It is so natural to be

attracted to the Form of

Mother Kali. Even for those

who can't believe in any

Personal God, Her Form is a

true representation of 'the

terrible way in which the

world works'. A True

Teaching, indeed!


Could Bernard or anyone else

send me a photo of this

particular aspect of the

Mother, if it is available ?



Please find attached some

photographs of Mother Kali.

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