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daily sutra + Near death experiences

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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.116


Sunday 24/10/99


The Master Said:


" One must propitiate the Divine Mother, the Primal Energy,

in order to obtain God's grace. God Himself is MahAmAyA,

who deludes the world with Her illusion and conjures

up the magic of creation, preservation and destruction. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om



Namaste All !


Re: Near death experiences


Here is an interesting passage from: " The Theory and Practice of the Mandala " by

Professor Giuseppe Tucci published 1973 - Samuel Weiser NY

Page 7


" ....'O son of noble family, in the moment when thy body and thy mind seperate,

thou wilt experience images of the ideal plane, pure, subtle, scintillating,

luminous, through their own nature dazzling with a light which alarms like the

mirage that appears shimmering on desert plains.


Do not be frightened by these visions, have no fear for this is the constant

play of the ideal planes's lightning which is within thee. Recognize it as such.

By means of this light, the sound of the Absolute, with raging voice, will come

like the roll of ten thousand thunder-claps which explode at the same moment.

This is the sound of the ideal plane contained within thee. For that reason, be

not afraid. Have no fear.


'Now that thou hast a mental body constituted by the propensities of thy karma

and no longer a material body made up of blood and flesh, neither injury nor

death can come to thee from that sound, from that light, from those flashes of



'Recognize these things as only thine own imaginings, recognize that all this is

the intermediate state of existance.


'The world and all its experiences are demolished. Then the images will appear

like luminous bodies. The heaven will manifest itself as deep blue light. In

that moment, from the depths of paradise,

T'ig le brdal, which is the centre of the Universe, will appear the Blessed rNam

par snang mdsad, white, seated upon a leonine throne. He holds in his upturned

hands a wheel with eight spokes, and he clasps in his embrace Nammk'a dbyins

" The Mother " .


'A deep blue light, the manifestation of the gnosis of the sphere of ideas, the

purification of the Conscious Principle, of deep blue light, transparent,

emanating from the heart of rNam par snang mdsad

and from the Mother in mutual embrace will appear to thee in such a way that

thine eyes will not support it.


'Together with this [deep blue light] there will rise before thee white light

[emanating from] the world of the Gods and not dazzling,

corresponding to the light of gnosis. In that moment, through the force of thy

karma, thou wilt have fear, terror and dismay because of that deep blue light of

gnosis of the sphere of ideas; it is as a splendour of dazzling lightning and

thou wilt flee, and thou wilt feel born within thee a desire for that white

light [emanating from the world of] the Gods, which is not dazzling.


'Therefore, have no fear, have no terror of that deep blue light of dazzling,

terrible and awful splendour, since it is the light of the Supreme Way. This is

the refulgence of the TathAgatas, the gnosis of the sphere of ideas; but thou

must have faith in it and intense devotion and must pray with fervour thinking

that it is the refulgence of the compassion of the Blessed One rNam par snang



'In him must thou take refuge and the Blessed One rNam par snang mdsad will come

toward thee in the distress of the intermediate existence.

This white light that does not dazzle is the path of light accumulated by thy

mental perturbation. Have no attachment for it, have no desire for it. If thou

have for it attachment thou wilt wander in the world of the Gods and

transmigrate in the six different spheres of the intermediate existance and

there will arise hindrance to the Way of Salvation.


'Therefore, turn away thine eyes from it, and have trust in that deep blue light

of dazzling splendour'. "






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