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Hello friends,

It is necessary to organize oneself. The spiritual quest is always

agonizing and challenging; but equally rewarding. One should not expect

anything initially, as expectations, if not realized, lead to sorrow,

frustration, and restlessness.

One should approach spirituality for joy, more joy than what material

comforts give us. If this spiritual quest makes us so much unhappy, what

it the use?

In this regard I am inclined to tell you a story.


Once upon a time two persons were calling upon God in their own peculiar



The first one was a learned fellow who undertook many austerities to

please the Lord. He knew the mantras and the rituals of worship. To some

extent, he knew the scriptures as well. He was devoted to the Lord and

was striving for final liberation.


The other fellow was a poor farmer. He used to look after his family,

work in the fields, and take care of the cattle. In remaining hours,

with sincere heart he prayed to God, 'O God, I am poor fellow and do not

know the rituals or the mantras. I am not well versed in the method of

worship nor do I know the scriptures. But I know that you are gracious

and will reveal yourself to me.'


It so happened that the sage Narada was passing by that village. As

Narada is believed to have access to the abode of God, the two fellows

asked him whether and when they will be blessed with the Vision and

Grace of the Lord.


To the first Narada said, " O Learned One, the Lord is pleased with your

austere way of life, worship and devotion. He will grant you liberation

in just five or six more births. "


Hearing this, the Brahmin was saddened, and said to himself: " The God,

after all, is not all that kind. He does not take into consideration my

austerities and efforts of spiritual practices. " All the same he

continued his sadhana.


When Narada met the other fellow, the farmer also inquired whether the

Lord has any consideration for his prayers. To this Narada replied, " O

Pure one, the Lord does not forget any of his devotees. I learnt that He

is considering to grant you His vision, and liberation after ten

thousand births. "


On hearing this, the poor fellow, overjoyed, started dancing in ecstasy.

Praising the Lord for His mercy on the rich and poor souls alike, this

poor farmer served Narada with sweets, etc.


After reaching the heavenly abode, Narada related the incidence to the

Lord. The Lord became desirous to meet these two devotees.


The Lord came down to earth disguised as ordinary fellow, and spoke to

the first without revealing Himself to the devotee: " My child, I come

from Heavens. The Lord is pleased with your austerities, and worship. He

is aware of your scriptural knowledge and spiritual disciplines. He has

sent blessings to you. "

The devotee was depressed that the Lord has sent him His Blessings but

has not revealed Himself.


Then the all merciful Lord went to the poor farmer. He presented Himself

to the farmer in form a ordinary person. The peasant was told that this

man comes from the district of the Lord. On hearing this, the joy of the

poor farmer knew no bounds. He offered cool water and refreshments to

the person, and served him as if he was the Lord Himself.


Pleased with the simplicity and devotion the Lord revealed His True Form

to the poor peasant and said, " O my child, I am pleased with your

devotion and faith in Me. They are rare and indeed great devotees who

with full faith surrender their all to Me. I am pleased with you and

grant you liberation right now. Come with me. "


P. S.: Please take all what I write as a general discussion. There is no

difference between you and me as far as spiritual progress is concerned.

We both are either equally ignorant or equally wise. Use your faculties

of common sense, reason, and rationality in reading what I write, and

accept only that which appeals to your conscience.

dr c s shah

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