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Digest Number 241

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I am rather distressed to read the hurt reactions concerning the

outlandish, and quite unChrist-like Southern Baptist proposal. I say:

do not dignify them with response.


To those who say they are proud to be a Hindu, and one who said to be a

Hindu is the most cultured and civilized way of life, I take issue: to

be a man or woman of God is the most cultured and civilized way of life

-- no matter what path one is on or what religion speaks to one.


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Dear Seshadri:



I read the said article of washington post. I fully

agree with you that we should let the Baptists

understand Hinduism.


It seems that they are really in dark. And , so the

person in dark cannot lead others.


We do not know whom should we write to about this.

Like Shri Ramakrishna said, who are we to change

others? I am sure they will not succeed either. It is

God alone who changes everything. He is creater,

preserver and destroyer.




Yours in vedanta

Kanakbhai Pandya



Pranaams and Namaskar to all...


After reading the reaction and the article in the Times Of India, it

is evident that the Southern Baptist attitude has really created a

furore among Hindus


i dont know whether our reacting in any way will do any good...for it

will further entrench them in their views...India has always absorbed

the 'foreign' viewpoint and always turned it like a philosophers

stone into gold...every time this has been the case. That is why

Hinduism has remained so vibrant.


so even though i initially wanted to react, would any reaction be of

any good... for eg even if they were engaged in a discussion, would

it make them see light? i think not.


the only that does irritate me is that this kind of views is never

aired against Islam...for they know that they will not be let off

easily...look what happened to Salman Rushdie...

India has always been taken to be passive and not prone to reacting,

sometimes to its detriment.

Mohammad Gazni invaded India 17 times.....SEVENTEEN times...he would

have nothing better to do..and he would say ... " Well let us invade

India today... " and India never retaliated strongly enough to silence



Sometimes I wonder whether Ramakrishna's words of " hissing but not

harming " is effective when the victimiser KNOWS that the person will

only hiss and will never harm...

The recent events at Kargil too reflect that ...


i for one though i am glad i was born a Hindu...because i can

appreciate all religions and have as much reverence for the Christ as

i have for Buddha and Ramakrishna... and not feel insecure.


is that not a wonderful feeling


utmost pranaams to all



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EDTipple wrote:

<<< and one who said to be a Hindu is the most cultured and civilized

way of life, I take issue: to be a man or woman of God is the most

cultured and civilized way of life -- no matter what path one is on or

what religion speaks to one. > edtipple >>>


Dear edtipple,

This e-mail is inadequate medium of communication. It leads to lots of

misgivings and misunderstanding. From our association of many months on

this list I am sure you must have formed a certain opinion about me.

But I never thought it would be so low that you could not call out:

" Dear Dr Shah,

I would rather not agree with you here... "

But instead you chose to refer to my mail indirectly:

" and one who said to be a Hindu is the most cultured and civilized way

of life, I take issue: ... "

My conscience is clear; as a Vedantin I love every sect, every religion.

I do not want to take any issue with anyone.

dr c s s


E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:



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