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Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 28

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(translator - Swami Chetanananda)


I am not the cosmic principles. I am that selfsame Reality, which is devoid

of inference and reason, and free from subject and object. How can I know my





Cosmic principles - According to Sankhya cosmology there are twenty-four

cosmic principles:


1. Prakriti (primordial nature)

2. Mahat (cosmic intelligence)

3. Ahamkara (the ego-sense)

4. Manas (the mind)

5-9. Five organ of perception (hearing, touch, sight taste, and smell)

10-14. Five organs of action (tongue, hands, feet, and the organs of

evacuation and generation)

15-19. Five tanmatras (sound-potential, touch-potential, sight-potential,


potential, and smell-potential

20-24. Five gross elements (space, air, fire, water, and earth)


Know my Self - A knower of Brahman destroys the idea of duality, which

originates from ignorance. At that time who will see whom? Who will know



Cf. Max Planck: " Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And

that is because in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and

therefore part of the mystery we are trying to solve. The most penetrating

eye cannot see itself any more than a working instrument can work itself. "

(Where is Science going?)

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