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Digest Number 242

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Dear Sir...

your posting was wonderful....i always like hearing aboutBhagawan

Ramana Maharishi...He also had a cow which would not eat till He had

given permission did He not...


your message has left me perplexed and wondering whether the sparrows

actually did build their nests there and were they allowed to do so?


i hope so...


please give us more on Ramana Maharishi....

also which book are all these incidents in...so that i can read them

for myself


utmost namaskaars and pranaams


jairam seshadri




> Message: 3

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:39:53 +0200

> venkata ramana sarma podury <RPodury

> Vahanas and two sisters


> Dear Sri seshadri,

> thank you very much for sharing the very intersting encounters and

> communications. It reminded me of Bhagavan sri Ramana Maharshi's

> communication with, monkeys, tigers, snakes, squirrels, and many more

> souls in differenr bodies. For the present , I would like to quote the

> following which happened in 1939


> " Why should they build here? "

> 3rd March, 1939

> At about 4 p.m. Sri Bhagavan, who was writing something intently, turned

> his eyes slowly towards the window to the north; he closed the fountain

> pen with the cap and put it in its case; he closed the notebook and put

> it aside; he removed his spectacles, folded them in the case and left

> them aside. He leaned back a little, looked up overhead, turned his face

> this way and that and looked here and there. He passed his hand over his

> face and looked contemplative. Then he turned to someone in the hall and

> said softly: " The pair of sparrows just came here and complained to me

> that their nest had been removed. I looked up and found their nest

> missing. " Then he called for the attendant, Madhava Swami, and asked:

> " Madhava, did anyone remove the sparrows' nest ? "

> The attendant, who walked in leisurely, answered with an air of

> unconcern: " I removed the nests as often as they were built. I removed

> the last one this very afternoon. "

> M: That's it. That is why the sparrows complained. The poor little ones!

> How they take the pieces of straw and shreds in their tiny beaks and

> struggle to build their nests!

> Attendant: But why should they build here, over our heads?

> M: Well-well. Let us see who succeeds in the end. (After a short time

> Sri Bhagavan went out.)

> - Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, No. 640



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dear Omtatsat ji and Dr Shah.

thank you for your thoughts ...

i am awed by the spider experience as well

but what did you mean by your sentence... " Of course, no mercy is

shown to the eight-legged variety, who don't seem to have the same

sensitivity to the danger inherent in their surroundings. "


does that mean you kill them...you know that spiders are great for

the ecological system and are actually beneficial in keeping the

population of the mosquitoes and flies down..they do not spread any

diseases and are most industrious. I love spiders...please do spare



i really enjoyed the part when you say you looked forward to its

appearance and smiled when it showed up...


my pranaams to you sir



om tat sat

~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~


Hello Everyone,


Dear Dr. Shah,


Your articles are most edifying...always a pleasure to read.


Also, concerning the follwoing message:





Jairamji Namaste !


Yes ! Very very good.


Most of us, who travel the spiritual path, have had similiar



For instance, I remember a seven-legged spider,

that used to come out regularly, when I was working on the

computer.... it would run about here and there, scampering over photos

hanging on the wall... having a grand old time.


It knew instinctively that, while both hands were busy on the

keyboard, the environment was perfectly safe for its joyous antics.


Never would this 'handicapped arachnid' show itself otherwise.


I came to look for it and was always pleased, when

it showed itself.


Eventually, of course, it didn't show up anymore...although it's

relatives make an appearance from time to time. Of course, no mercy is

shown to the eight-legged variety, who don't seem to have the same

sensitivity to the danger inherent in their surroundings.


I imagine that the loss of a leg, created in the tiny spider, a

certain 'savoir vivre'. Who knows?


om shanthi om







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Message: 5

Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:42:51 +0300

" Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

RE: Of Vahanas and Two Sisters




> Sunday, October 24, 1999 4:45 AM

> Ramakrishna

> [ramakrishna] Of Vahanas and Two Sisters


> Thinking back on those two encounters, i somehow felt that these

> birds and animals know far, far, far more than we humans think we

> know of them....they are far more sociable and attached to each

> other, far more communicative, far more aware...

[Madhava Replies:]


In deed, that is a wonderful experience. I also had similar

encounters. In the year 1990 I spent my days in an Ashram learning

vedanta at the lotus feet of my guru. Since the ashram is in a remote

area, we often find deadly snakes around there.


I adore Lord Siva. Eveyday morning 3:30AM I used to get up and

meditate / offer my prayers to Lord Siva, then go for the satsang

which is at 5AM in the morning. One day, after the meditation I opened

my eyes to see a very big snake, with its full vigor, looking at me.

Some how, I did not feel the fear of it. I was meditating on Lord

Siva and after all this is his ornament! It has stared at me for a

few minutes and crawled near to my pillow and settled there. I went

on to my satsang and returned at 7AM and found that the snake was

sleeping over there! At first I could not comprehend the fact that

the snake is settling down there. Then I slowly sat there on the bed.

It has moved a bit and looked at me and again got back into its

relaxed posture, as if I am not a harmful creature :-) as if it didn't

care about my presence there :-) I also felt a friendly feeling

towards that snake! Any way, it has lived with me in the same kutia,

near my sleeping pillow, for almost 6 months! Those days people used

to talk about the snake and me in the ashram :-) I often used to watch

a lot of snakes around my kutia, I guess they were the visiting

friends of my room mate :-) (kutia = a small hut made of mud walls

with a thatched roof).


Our teacher never allow anybody to kill snakes or harm any beings

that are living/visiting the ashram. She says " All these creatures

have been here even before us. By constructing the ashram we have

invaded their privacy. They, in a way, allowed us to live here. So

let us not humiliate them by misunderstanding their hospitality. " By

the way, in spite of all these wild creatures living around in the

ashram, there has never been a case of snake bite or any such thing

happened in the ashram!





















Message: 6

Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:39:31 +0530

" Guha " <guha

Hinduism/Re. Southern Baptists


The problem with most adherents and proponents of Hinduism is that

they are high on rhetoric and low on actual religious activity. We'd

rather discuss religious philosophy with a lot of bombast than follow

the simplest of religious rules. How many of us can declare without

qualms that we are honest, compassionate, hard working and possess

clean habits? These are the basic requirements of a religious person.

Do most of us even qualify?










Message: 7

Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:10:52 +0530

Dr C S Shah <drcssha



Dear omtatsat and JAIRAM SESHADRI,

It was wonderful to read your experiences.

One thing is sure; the list members are a highly sensitive, sensible,

and cultured lot. dr c s s * omtatsat wrote: > Hello

Everyone, > > Dear Dr. Shah, > > Your articles are most

edifying...always a pleasure to read. > > Also, concerning the

follwoing message: > > Message: 1 > Date:Sat, 23 Oct 1999 20:44:30

-0500 > " JAIRAM SESHADRI " <seshadri >

Of Vahanas and Two Sisters > > June 3, 1999 > > In my room in

the dorm that i vacated, here in Toronto, some years > back, a mouse

would manifest from the crevices of the heating, when i > would finish

meditating,...and this mouse unlike many i have seen, > seemed to be

far different. When i first saw it, i immediately thought > of Ganesha

....Lord Ganapathi and His Vahana...The mouse sensed no > danger from

my end. It stared back at me and even seemed to be nibble > away at

the air...It kinda sensed the calm that i felt after my >

meditation...This meeting lasted for a few...but was repeated two >

more times on different occassions and days...The third time, however,

> the mouse brought a 'friend' perhaps the spouse which, unlike the >

'old hand' seemed far more reticent, far more fearful of my presence.

> The 'old hand' however seemed to reassure the spouse, squeaking and

> jumping over (her?), playfully tousling her in the process. And the

> two pairs of beady eyes looked straight at me...somehow sensing i >

would not harm... > > how could i? > > They were theVahanas of Lord

Ganapathi...and i was honoured to be in > their presence.... > >

Another time, sunning myself in the steps of Robarts Library, totally

> exhausted from the long hours of work that i had subjected myself

to > i rested my gaze mildly on a group of birds pecking away at the

fresh > green grass that the Spring had sprung on us...Seven

Sisters...and two > of the sisters were closer to me than the

rest...Suddenly one of the > two, looked straight at me and bellowed a

string of full throated > chirrupy, chirpy notes. Its feathers stood

on end, it was as if it was > performing a symphony all on its own,...

for me.... > > And i, even then, smiled in wonder...awed...ever so

grateful ... > > The other bird was truly surprised at the sudden

plethora of happy > notes emanating from its soul mate..it looked

quizzically at its > companion, looked around, looked again at its

companion, looked around > again and this time looked directly at

me...and turning away, looked > back at its companion still belching

sweet sweet melodies...looked at > me again with what seemed like a

mixture of surprise and envy....and > dismissing all, resumed its

mechanical pecking of the grass again.... > i was honoured to be in

their presence...i was moved...i was > warmed...i was awed...beyond

measure...i was in a realm sublime... > > Thinking back on those two

encounters, i somehow felt that these birds > and animals know far,

far, far more than we humans think we know of > them....they are far

more sociable and attached to each other, far > more communicative,

far more aware...and i for one, at that moment was > so glad that i

had only recently turned vegan! > > Never again will i set a trap for

a mouse...never again will i > dismiss a bird without a far greater

reverence than i have had before > ...which did not amount to a whole

lot... but now thankfully does... >

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > there...a

personal anecdote...i may be derided for courting mice > ...but i can

never kill one again... > >

______ > Comment: >

> Jairamji Namaste ! > > Yes ! Very very good. > > Most of us, who

travel the spiritual path, have had similiar experiences. > > For

instance, I remember a seven-legged spider, > that used to come out

regularly, when I was working on the computer.... > it would run about

here and there, scampering over photos hanging on the wall... > having

a grand old time. > > It knew instinctively that, while both hands

were busy on the keyboard, the environment was perfectly safe for its

joyous antics. > > Never would this 'handicapped arachnid' show itself

otherwise. > > I came to look for it and was always pleased, when > it

showed itself. > > Eventually, of course, it didn't show up

anymore...although it's > relatives make an appearance from time to

time. Of course, no mercy is shown to the eight-legged variety, who

don't seem to have the same sensitivity to the danger inherent in

their surroundings. > I imagine that the loss of a leg, created in the

tiny spider, a certain 'savoir vivre'. Who knows? > om shanthi om >

+om -- ==================================== E-magazine on science and

spirituality. Visit:


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gosh Madhavaji...this has to be best encounter that i have ever heard

from a person alive..i have read of such encounters with sages and



i too am a bhakta of Lord Shiva and i have often dreamed of having an

experience like this...you are indeed blessed to have had such a

wonderful encounter... It stayed with you for 6 months...Lord Shiva

must have been with you or in you...or else why should the snake live

so close to you...with you?


may i ask who your guru is and which ashrama you are talking about?


thank you so much for sharing this experience with us..i am blessed

to have heard ..it inspires me to meditate more...


utomost pranaams and namaskaar to you Madhavaji




> Message: 5

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:42:51 +0300

> " Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

> RE: Of Vahanas and Two Sisters

> In deed, that is a wonderful experience. I also had similar

> encounters. In the year 1990 I spent my days in an Ashram learning vedanta

> at the lotus feet of my guru. Since the ashram is in a remote area, we

> often find deadly snakes around there.


> I adore Lord Siva. Eveyday morning 3:30AM I used to get up and

> meditate / offer my prayers to Lord Siva, then go for the satsang which is

> at 5AM in the morning. One day, after the meditation I opened my eyes to see

> a very big snake, with its full vigor, looking at me. Some how, I did not

> feel the fear of it. I was meditating on Lord Siva and after all this is

> his ornament! It has stared at me for a few minutes and crawled near to my

> pillow and settled there. I went on to my satsang and returned at 7AM and

> found that the snake was sleeping over there! At first I could not

> comprehend the fact that the snake is settling down there. Then I slowly

> sat there on the bed. It has moved a bit and looked at me and again got

> back into its relaxed posture, as if I am not a harmful creature :-) as if

> it didn't care about my presence there :-) I also felt a friendly feeling

> towards that snake! Any way, it has lived with me in the same kutia, near

> my sleeping pillow, for almost 6 months! Those days people used to talk

> about the snake and me in the ashram :-) I often used to watch a lot of

> snakes around my kutia, I guess they were the visiting friends of my room

> mate :-) (kutia = a small hut made of mud walls with a thatched roof).


> Our teacher never allow anybody to kill snakes or harm any beings

> that are living/visiting the ashram. She says " All these creatures have

> been here even before us. By constructing the ashram we have invaded their

> privacy. They, in a way, allowed us to live here. So let us not humiliate

> them by misunderstanding their hospitality. " By the way, in spite of all

> these wild creatures living around in the ashram, there has never been a

> case of snake bite or any such thing happened in the ashram!


> Regards,

> Madhava


















> Message: 6

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:39:31 +0530

> " Guha " <guha

> Hinduism/Re. Southern Baptists


> The problem with most adherents and proponents of Hinduism is that they are

> high on rhetoric and low on actual religious activity. We'd rather discuss

> religious philosophy with a lot of bombast than follow the simplest of

> religious rules. How many of us can declare without qualms that we are

> honest, compassionate, hard working and possess clean habits? These are the

> basic requirements of a religious person. Do most of us even qualify?










> Message: 7

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:10:52 +0530

> Dr C S Shah <drcssha

> Appreciation


> Dear omtatsat and JAIRAM SESHADRI,

> It was wonderful to read your experiences.

> One thing is sure; the list members are a highly sensitive, sensible,

> and cultured lot.

> dr c s s

> *

> omtatsat wrote:

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > Dear Dr. Shah,

> >

> > Your articles are most edifying...always a pleasure to read.

> >

> > Also, concerning the follwoing message:

> >

> > Message: 1

> > Date:Sat, 23 Oct 1999 20:44:30 -0500

> > " JAIRAM SESHADRI " <seshadri

> > Of Vahanas and Two Sisters

> >

> > June 3, 1999

> >

> > In my room in the dorm that i vacated, here in Toronto, some years

> > back, a mouse would manifest from the crevices of the heating, when i

> > would finish meditating,...and this mouse unlike many i have seen,

> > seemed to be far different. When i first saw it, i immediately thought

> > of Ganesha ...Lord Ganapathi and His Vahana...The mouse sensed no

> > danger from my end. It stared back at me and even seemed to be nibble

> > away at the air...It kinda sensed the calm that i felt after my

> > meditation...This meeting lasted for a few...but was repeated two

> > more times on different occassions and days...The third time, however,

> > the mouse brought a 'friend' perhaps the spouse which, unlike the

> > 'old hand' seemed far more reticent, far more fearful of my presence.

> > The 'old hand' however seemed to reassure the spouse, squeaking and

> > jumping over (her?), playfully tousling her in the process. And the

> > two pairs of beady eyes looked straight at me...somehow sensing i

> > would not harm...

> >

> > how could i?

> >

> > They were theVahanas of Lord Ganapathi...and i was honoured to be in

> > their presence....

> >

> > Another time, sunning myself in the steps of Robarts Library, totally

> > exhausted from the long hours of work that i had subjected myself to

> > i rested my gaze mildly on a group of birds pecking away at the fresh

> > green grass that the Spring had sprung on us...Seven Sisters...and two

> > of the sisters were closer to me than the rest...Suddenly one of the

> > two, looked straight at me and bellowed a string of full throated

> > chirrupy, chirpy notes. Its feathers stood on end, it was as if it was

> > performing a symphony all on its own,... for me....

> >

> > And i, even then, smiled in wonder...awed...ever so grateful ...

> >

> > The other bird was truly surprised at the sudden plethora of happy

> > notes emanating from its soul mate..it looked quizzically at its

> > companion, looked around, looked again at its companion, looked around

> > again and this time looked directly at me...and turning away, looked

> > back at its companion still belching sweet sweet melodies...looked at

> > me again with what seemed like a mixture of surprise and envy....and

> > dismissing all, resumed its mechanical pecking of the grass again....

> > i was honoured to be in their presence...i was moved...i was

> > warmed...i was awed...beyond measure...i was in a realm sublime...

> >

> > Thinking back on those two encounters, i somehow felt that these birds

> > and animals know far, far, far more than we humans think we know of

> > them....they are far more sociable and attached to each other, far

> > more communicative, far more aware...and i for one, at that moment was

> > so glad that i had only recently turned vegan!

> >

> > Never again will i set a trap for a mouse...never again will i

> > dismiss a bird without a far greater reverence than i have had before

> > ...which did not amount to a whole lot... but now thankfully does...

> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

> >

> > there...a personal anecdote...i may be derided for courting mice

> > ...but i can never kill one again...

> >

> > ______

> > Comment:

> >

> > Jairamji Namaste !

> >

> > Yes ! Very very good.

> >

> > Most of us, who travel the spiritual path, have had similiar experiences.

> >

> > For instance, I remember a seven-legged spider,

> > that used to come out regularly, when I was working on the computer....

> > it would run about here and there, scampering over photos hanging on the


> > having a grand old time.

> >

> > It knew instinctively that, while both hands were busy on the keyboard, the

environment was perfectly safe for its joyous antics.

> >

> > Never would this 'handicapped arachnid' show itself otherwise.

> >

> > I came to look for it and was always pleased, when

> > it showed itself.

> >

> > Eventually, of course, it didn't show up anymore...although it's

> > relatives make an appearance from time to time. Of course, no mercy is shown

to the eight-legged variety, who don't seem to have the same sensitivity to the

danger inherent in their surroundings.

> > I imagine that the loss of a leg, created in the tiny spider, a certain

'savoir vivre'. Who knows?

> > om shanthi om

> > +om

> --

> ====================================

> E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:

> http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/index.html

> ====================================










> Message: 8

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 22:25:38 +0530

> Dr C S Shah <drcssha

> The monk, the butcher and the cow!


> Dear friends,

> Remember our story about truthfulness?

> The answer I got from one swami of Ramakrishna Order is as follows:


> " The monk should say to the butcher that he knows in what direction the

> cow has gone. But he would not tell it to him. "


> The monk is ready to face the consequences for this answer.


> dr c s s

> --

> ====================================

> E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:

> http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/index.html

> ====================================









> Message: 9

> Tue, 26 Oct 1999 00:35:53 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Re: Vahanas and two sisters



> Dear Seshadri Many thanks for sahring such a beautiful experience.

> Venakata gr8 incidnet.











> Message: 10

> Wed, 13 Oct 1999 11:48:40 EDT


> Avadhuta - Chapter 1 verse 27


> (translator - Swami Chetanananda)


> How can I speak of, or worship that Supreme Beatitude, which I do not know as

> an object of knowledge? For I myself am that Supreme Beatitude - the

> Ultimate Reality, which is full by nature and all-pervading like space.








> Message: 11

> Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:42:39 +0100

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Re: Of Vahanas and Two Sisters


> Very interesting experience Madhava!


> I am sure I speak for many on the list in requesting you to tell us bit more

> about your experiences in an Ashrama. For many of us these narratives can

> be very inspiring.


> jay






> Madhava K. Turumella <madhava

> Ramakrishna <Ramakrishna >

> Cc: advaitin <advaitin >

> 25 October 1999 14:48

> RE: [ramakrishna] Of Vahanas and Two Sisters



> > " Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

> >

> >>

> >> JAIRAM SESHADRI [sMTP:seshadri]

> >> Sunday, October 24, 1999 4:45 AM

> >> Ramakrishna

> >> [ramakrishna] Of Vahanas and Two Sisters

> >>

> >> Thinking back on those two encounters, i somehow felt that these birds

> >> and animals know far, far, far more than we humans think we know of

> >> them....they are far more sociable and attached to each other, far

> >> more communicative, far more aware...

> > [Madhava Replies:]

> >

> > In deed, that is a wonderful experience. I also had similar

> >encounters. In the year 1990 I spent my days in an Ashram learning vedanta

> >at the lotus feet of my guru. Since the ashram is in a remote area, we

> >often find deadly snakes around there.

> >

> > I adore Lord Siva. Eveyday morning 3:30AM I used to get up and

> >meditate / offer my prayers to Lord Siva, then go for the satsang which is

> >at 5AM in the morning. One day, after the meditation I opened my eyes to

> see

> >a very big snake, with its full vigor, looking at me. Some how, I did not

> >feel the fear of it. I was meditating on Lord Siva and after all this is

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Dear Dr. Shah..


thank you Sir for your appreciation of my encounters with the birds

and the mice..but after reading the encounter with spiders and the

Lord Shiva's Vasuki mine are dwarfed... but thank you again.


in reference to your posting on the reply that the Ramakrishna monk

made...what if the butcher had guessed the right way and thereby

killed the cow,,, would not the monk lament the cruel killing... in

this very life...?

Is this answer not adopting the attitude of " sitting on the fence "

for he is telling the truth( and thereby ensuring that he is not

damned and at the same time he does not venture to save the cow in a

proactive manner, nor for that matter does he go out on a limb to

satisfy the needs of the butcher..which are very legitimate needs as



i am sorry if i sound as if i am beating this (cow) to death in the

process...forgive me...but i for one, have always been reticent to

question a Ramakrishna monk directly in what might seem a

confrontatational manner. I do not mean this to be at all, but

questions such as these are often construed as being

confrontational,,,when they are not in the least...They are merely

sincere questions that are searching for the Truth..


and i am sure you will only take it in that vein Sir.


respectful pranaams to you



> The monk, the butcher and the cow!


> Dear friends,

> Remember our story about truthfulness?

> The answer I got from one swami of Ramakrishna Order is as follows:


> " The monk should say to the butcher that he knows in what direction the

> cow has gone. But he would not tell it to him. "


> The monk is ready to face the consequences for this answer.


> dr c s s

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Dear Jairam Seshadri


My two favourite books on Sri Ramana Maharshi are


1. Ramana Maharshi and the path of self-knowledge - Arthur Osborne

2. Letters from Sri Ramanashramam - Suri Nagamma


You cannorder these books by mail from


Arunachala Ashrama

Bhagawan Si Ramana Maharshi Center,

66-12, Clyde Street,

Rego Park,New York

NY 11374






> " JAIRAM SESHADRI " <seshadri


>Ramakrishna , Rpodury

>Re: [ramakrishna] Digest Number 242

>Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:50:19 -0500

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>Dear Sir...

>your posting was wonderful....i always like hearing aboutBhagawan

>Ramana Maharishi...He also had a cow which would not eat till He had

>given permission did He not...


>your message has left me perplexed and wondering whether the sparrows

>actually did build their nests there and were they allowed to do so?


>i hope so...


>please give us more on Ramana Maharishi....

>also which book are all these incidents in...so that i can read them

>for myself


>utmost namaskaars and pranaams


>jairam seshadri




> > Message: 3

> > Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:39:53 +0200

> > venkata ramana sarma podury <RPodury

> > Vahanas and two sisters

> >

> > Dear Sri seshadri,

> > thank you very much for sharing the very intersting encounters and

> > communications. It reminded me of Bhagavan sri Ramana Maharshi's

> > communication with, monkeys, tigers, snakes, squirrels, and many more

> > souls in differenr bodies. For the present , I would like to quote the

> > following which happened in 1939

> >

> > " Why should they build here? "

> > 3rd March, 1939

> > At about 4 p.m. Sri Bhagavan, who was writing something intently, turned

> > his eyes slowly towards the window to the north; he closed the fountain

> > pen with the cap and put it in its case; he closed the notebook and put

> > it aside; he removed his spectacles, folded them in the case and left

> > them aside. He leaned back a little, looked up overhead, turned his face

> > this way and that and looked here and there. He passed his hand over his

> > face and looked contemplative. Then he turned to someone in the hall and

> > said softly: " The pair of sparrows just came here and complained to me

> > that their nest had been removed. I looked up and found their nest

> > missing. " Then he called for the attendant, Madhava Swami, and asked:

> > " Madhava, did anyone remove the sparrows' nest ? "

> > The attendant, who walked in leisurely, answered with an air of

> > unconcern: " I removed the nests as often as they were built. I removed

> > the last one this very afternoon. "

> > M: That's it. That is why the sparrows complained. The poor little ones!

> > How they take the pieces of straw and shreds in their tiny beaks and

> > struggle to build their nests!

> > Attendant: But why should they build here, over our heads?

> > M: Well-well. Let us see who succeeds in the end. (After a short time

> > Sri Bhagavan went out.)

> > - Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, No. 640

> >

> >



>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London


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