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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.123


Thursday 28/10/99


The Master Said:


" Although Tantra prescribes spiritual discipline

in the company of woman, that is not desirable.

It is a very difficult path and often causes

the aspirant's downfall. There are three such kinds of discipline.

One may regard woman as one's mistress or look on oneself

as her handmaid or as her child. I look on woman as my mother.

To look on oneself as her handmaid is also good;

but it is extremely difficult to practice spritual discipline

looking on woman as one's mistress.

To regard oneself as Her child is a very pure attitude. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~





Message: 10

Date:Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:08:38 -0500

" JAIRAM SESHADRI " <seshadri

Re: Digest Number 242



dear Omtatsat ji and Dr Shah.

thank you for your thoughts ...

i am awed by the spider experience as well

but what did you mean by your sentence... " Of course, no mercy is

shown to the eight-legged variety, who don't seem to have the same

sensitivity to the danger inherent in their surroundings. "


does that mean you kill them...you know that spiders are great for

the ecological system and are actually beneficial in keeping the

population of the mosquitoes and flies down..they do not spread any

diseases and are most industrious. I love spiders...please do spare



i really enjoyed the part when you say you looked forward to its

appearance and smiled when it showed up...


my pranaams to you sir





Hello Everyone,


Dear Dr. Shah,


Your articles are most edifying...always a pleasure to read.


Also, concerning the follwoing message:





Jairamji Namaste !


Yes ! Very very good.


Most of us, who travel the spiritual path, have had similiar



For instance, I remember a seven-legged spider,

that used to come out regularly, when I was working on the

computer.... it would run about here and there, scampering over photos

hanging on the wall... having a grand old time.


It knew instinctively that, while both hands were busy on the

keyboard, the environment was perfectly safe for its joyous antics.


Never would this 'handicapped arachnid' show itself otherwise.


I came to look for it and was always pleased, when

it showed itself.


Eventually, of course, it didn't show up anymore...although it's

relatives make an appearance from time to time. Of course, no mercy is

shown to the eight-legged variety, who don't seem to have the same

sensitivity to the danger inherent in their surroundings.


I imagine that the loss of a leg, created in the tiny spider, a

certain 'savoir vivre'. Who knows?


om shanthi om








Jairamji Namaste,


I assure you that the spider doesn't even know what hit it, as it is

painlessly and instantly dispatched into the Cosmic Stream !


Incidentally, I always recite the sacred mantra: om tat sat, at the

moment of impact, to assure a speedy transition, from this material

world, into the Other Reality....there is not the slightest doubt

in my mind, that the eight-legged creature appreciates the honour

bestowed upon it.


This humble soul is also convinced that the swine's noble sacrifice,

in providing the pork chop and bacon for our plates, also does not

go unnoticed....it is pleased to be of service !


om shanthi om









Dear Dr. Shah, re: http://web.mahatma.org.in/


Thank you so much for the Mahatma Gandhi link. I have already

linked the page on http://www.angelfire.com/me2/sutras/mg.html





To Everyone, Pranams, Blessings & Peace :



At the risk of being repetitous, Please folks, visit the above mentioned site

and VOTE for Ganhiji as Person of the Century.


This is a lot more important than most people realise.


We Vedantists can easily perceive in Him, the same Blessed Spirit,

that inhabited the Body of Jesus of Nazareth and our own Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Paramahamsadeva....but can 'Southern Baptists' see that, or are they blinded by

outward appearances ?


Perhaps they are waiting for a 'messiah', which corresponds to the fanciful

images, portrayed by long-departed Italian artists, presented with the skin

colour of a norhtern European ?


Of course, every 'thinking' person knows that Christ was an Asian of nut-brown

hue.....oh, well, that's a story for another day.



om shanthi om






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