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Women -western influence

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You have a genuine doubt. For all our deification of women, they are in real

life a harassed lot. Unfortunately, this is the general state of affairs.

The explanation perhaps lies in our religious bias being overwhelmed by

economic matters. `The farther the mind from lust-greed, the closer it is to

God,'' said Sri Ramakrishna.

What has happened is the opposite. In our obsession with modern civilisation

we have moved away from God and thus these aberrations. For hundreds of

years we have been a poor people, which has bred various maladies including

that of dowry (for e.g.), requiring the bride's side to pay a fat sum to the

groom's family in return for marrying her. Any economic `liability' is

considered a hindrance to a happy life. Thus, a daughter is not a happy

thing for parents, etc.etc.


There is also the fact of western influence, which has caused havoc on an

already depraved and culturally almost bankrupt society. The way pornography

and licentiousness have increased is shocking to say the least. Pornography

and poverty have together led to increased prostitution and immorality. The

present-day cinema is a reflection of declining social values. So is



This does not however mean that women are disrespected generally by

everyone. Sri Ramakrishna speaks of women with vidya maya and avidya maya.

The former are those that work in concert with their husbands towards a life


ultimately leads to God. There are obviously men with these same two

attributes. But, then, everything is the Mother's mahamaya; so who are we to

say what is good or bad? Just seek Him. Every thing else is ephemeral.

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