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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.136


Friday 12/11/99


The Master Said:


" Bondage and liberation are both of Her making.

By Her mAyA worldly people become entangled in 'woman and gold',

and again, through Her grace they attain liberation.

She is called the Saviour, and the Remover of the bondage

that binds one to the world. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.136


Saturday 13/11/99


The Master Said:


" The Divine Mother is always playful and sportive.

This universe is Her play. She is self-willed and must always

have Her own way. She is full of bliss. She gives freedom

to one out of a hundred thousand. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~



Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.136


Vendredi 12/11/99


Le Maître Dit:


" L'esclavage et la libération sont tous les deux de sa fabrication.

Par sa mAyA les gens mondaines deviennent empêtrés en 'la femme et

l'or', et encore, par sa grace qu'ils atteignent la libération. Elle

s'appelle le sauveur, et elle enléve du la servitude qui lie au monde. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.136


Samedi 13/11/99


Le Maître Dit:


" la mère divine est toujours espiègle et folâtre.

Cet univers est son jeu. Elle est entêtée et doit toujours

avoir sa propre voie. Elle est pleine du bonheur. Elle donne

la liberté à une parmis cent mille. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~


Swami Yogeshananda Hari Om !


Thank you for your enlightening posting, which contained the foregoing:

" it

is important to remember that our own lack of memory does not prove

anything. There are many periods in our childhood equally forgotten. And

perhaps we might not care to recall all that we have lived through before.

Although the reincarnation explanation also raises questions, probably


answers more than it raises. There are also more persons today who find

that it makes more sense than other doctrinal solutions, like the hell


and heaven of Judgement Day, which in the West has prevailed for some

centuries. The Catholic amendment, a purgatory where the soul is " fitted "

for heaven, is evidence of the unresolved nature of this solution. Dubious,

ultimately, all the proofs must be; for let us recall our first fundamental

is that the true nature of the soul is unchanging. "




May I add, that perhaps these frightening thoughts of

eternal damnation have been implanted into the Christian mind,

for much the same purpose, as the Shakta's intimidation by

kAleemA's terrible posturing, as manifested in sculptured images.


Our very own Blessed Thakur said something to the effect that the mother

will provide different dishes to her children, according to their digestive

capabilities. Parents even threaten their children with spanking

at times, in order to keep them in line. When these same children grow

up, they realise that mother wishes only the best for them.


When the Apostles of Christ entered the heathen lands of Europe,

the Message, by necessity, required a coating of 'healthy respect and

fear for the Divine'......And, these ideas have a tendency to carry on,

from generation to generation. We are here, I believe, to try and

smooth out these obstacles to world harmony.


This, I humbly believe, dear Swamiji, is one of the Great Challenges facing

humanity in the new millenium.


om shanthi om




Mohan Dadlani Hari Om!


You said:


" Let Om Shanthi Om consider and support the ideas which will promote peace

and harmony in the world. "


My comment:


Yes, absolutely, let us promote harmony. And, by the way, every sincere follower

of Sanatana Dharma is also a Christian [follower of Christ], whether he/she

knows it or not.


The Christian postiton on the matter [as outlined by St. Paul] is as follows:


" If any soul is saved in 'heathenism', it is because it has assumed the SAME


toward God which Christianity requires " Romans II [14-16]


om shanthi om











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