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Digest Number 259

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This is a very good mail.Makes a lot of sense & i guess a real food

for your thots




I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No.

It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.


I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.God said, No.

Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.


I asked God to grant me patience.God said, No.

Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn't granted,it is earned.


I asked God to give me happiness.God said, No.

I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.


I asked God to spare me pain.God said, No.

Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.


I asked God to make my spirit grow.God said, No.

You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.


I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.God said, No.

I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.


I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me.

God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.



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> ----------

> Ramakrishna [sMTP:Ramakrishna ]

> Reply Ramakrishna

> Friday, November 12, 1999 10:31 AM

> Ramakrishna

> [ramakrishna] Digest Number 259



> > Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

> ------


> There are 7 messages in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. (no subject)

> " Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

> 2. Avadhuta Gita

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> 3. Fwd: Click & Save a life

> " Swaminathan Venkataraman " <nachiketas

> 4. Re: Tradition

> " Guha " <guha

> 5. Freedom

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> 6. Guru

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> 7. Guru

> Anurag Goel <anurag



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> Dear Sri madhava,

> Thank you very much for your posting on your three mothers. You are really

> a blessed man.The importance of these postings cannot be measured. We

> cannot count the number of people who became devotees of Sri Ramana

> Maharshi, world over, after reading the experiences of Mr. Paul Brunton in

> his book " A Search in Secret India. " . Please think of writing an auto

> biography

> and publish it. I am sure, such a work would help many devotees

> consolidate their faith and accelerate sadhana.

> In future postings, when you are referring to temples, please indicate

> their locations also like the kali temple in guntur


> With pranams


> Ramana Sarma

> Message: 1

> Thu, 11 Nov 1999 12:19:17 +0300

> " Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

> (no subject)


> People kept writing to me, now I consider that this is a call from my

> mother. Gausima this is also for you, have faith...


> This is a humble offering to my Mother, who is always protecting me and

> guiding me:


> My maternal grand-father used to work as a thasasildar in Bapatla, a small

> town in Guntur District. My father (now retired as an Asst. Director,

> Survey and land records) was working as a Taluk Surveyor those days.


> There is a small village called " jillEllamuDi " , where a mother called

> " anasuya " , very famously known as " jillEllamuDi amma " . She was believed

> to

> be the avatara of Goddess Lalita. She was also called as " Annapurna " ,

> because of offering regularly free food for thousands of people. Though

> the

> Amma is physically no more, her ashram is still there and the free food

> distribution is still continuing.


> I was 11 days old infant then. My parents left me at home at my grand

> parents place and went to visit " Mother Anasuya " at Jillellamudi. Before

> that, my parents told me, that they never met her. Yet! The moment she

> saw

> them approaching her, she asked them " where is my boy " . My parents seem

> to

> have surprised. They did not say a word and stood in front of her. It

> seems she questioned: " how could you do this, poor fellow is at home

> waiting to see me and you left him and came alone? " . My father with out

> hesitating any more, sent his official jeep back to the town, in order to

> bring *me* (not yet named :-))


> Anasuya amma asked my parents to stay in the ashram for 3 days. During

> those three days, they say that she her self looked after me. She

> performed

> 3 functions (1) namakarana = She gave a name to me (2) annaprasana = she

> fed

> me the first morsel of food to my physical body. (3) uuyala = She put me

> on

> a bed in the cradle. In our families these functions are considered very

> important. All these are performed by that divine mother. My mother seem

> to have asked her to protect me and give education to me. For that

> " Anasuya

> amma " replied saying " I shall teach him when the time comes, don't worry " .

> My parents considered all these as spiritual experiences. But I turned

> their happiness turned in to worry by my childhood behavior.


> I grew up in a town called Repalle, at the banks of River Krishna. I am

> considered to be a very knotty boy. My mother got frustrated many times

> and

> punished me. I was a questioner. Every thing was a question to me.

> There

> used to be a Sri Rama temple in front of our house. The priest in that

> temple is a vaishnava. He was very fond of me. Because, I was interested

> in eating the sweet prasad (offering to the Lord) I used to visit the

> temple

> and clean the idols and help the priest. I used to call him as

> " taatagaru " ,

> (his real name was raamaanujAcAryulu) he was 90 years old then. He taught

> me many hymns. He taught me Hanuman chalisa. He used to tell me stories

> about the valor of Lord Hanuman. Every night, listening from him, the

> stories of Lord Hanuma was my ritual. Of course, in the morning again I

> am

> a notty boy. My mother used to complain to the priest about my

> misbehavior.

> The priest used to protect me from my mother's beatings, saying that I am

> a

> child... (I shall write more about him when needed)


> My father's elder brother lives in a town called Guntur. He is 75 years

> old now. He owns a cinema hall in Guntur. Listening to him is a great

> education in deed! He is more in to Karma Marga (doing Homas and Pujas

> and

> Upasanas). When I was 11 years old, I went to spend my summer holidays at

> my uncle's home at Guntur. He regularly performs homa. He also has a

> family Hanuman temple. There is a Goddess Lalita Temple near to their

> home.

> It is believed that Mother Kali, personifies in the night time and she

> doesn't like to see humans moving around the temple at that time. So

> nobody

> dare used to go near to the temple in the night times. The pujari leaves

> the temple by 9PM. I got curious to see that Kali who is scaring away all

> the disciples. I thought, if she is the mother then she should behave

> like

> my mother. I wanted to have first hand experience about Mother Kali. I

> sneaked in to the temple premises (the temple has a big garden) and stayed

> there in the night. I did wait to see Mother Kali for 1 hour. But I

> could

> not control my sleep. I think by mid-night, some body woke me up. I woke

> up and looked at her. She was very pleasant, very young, looked very

> adorable. She directly questioned me " Madhava! what are you doing here at

> this night? " . I told her that I wanted to Mother Kali. She smiled and

> asked " why you wanted to see her? " . I told her that I am just curious to

> find why every body is scared of her. She smiled and told me that people

> are scared with their own shadows, hence they can't see Mother Kali. I

> felt

> very happy to see her. I asked her " Are you Mother Kali? " . She replied

> " Yes! " . I asked her " what is the proof that you are mother Kali " . She

> laughed loud and told that she expected this question from me. She told

> me

> that I am going to meet the " real teacher of my life " the next day. She

> also told me that I wouldn't realize it till I meet her again after 12

> years. After telling me about various things, she finally told me that I

> should go home and sleep. I obeyed. Normally, the priest locks the main

> doors of the temple premises, that day, miraculously the temple doors were

> kept opened. I went home, my uncle was very much worried about me. They

> are all awake. They asked me where I went. I told them that I went to

> see

> mother Kali. He asked me whether I saw her. I told Yes. He was worried.

> The next day, he did a homa and instructed me to be obedient to Kali.


> In the after noon, my uncle called me and asked me to go along with him.

> I

> went with him in his car. Incidentally, my uncle (father's eldest

> brother)

> was the man who invited Swamy Chinmayananda to Guntur for his first ever

> lectures in Costal Andhrapradesh in the year 1954. He is also a founder

> member and first general secretary of Chinmaya Mission, Guntur. He took

> me

> to a place where paadapuja was being performed to a sanyasini called

> Swamini

> Saradapriyananda, Chinmaya Mission. My uncle became busy with discussions

> with other people. I got curious at the elderly lady who was sitting high

> in a chair, decorated with garlands. I went and asked her " who are you "

> :-)

> My uncle was very upset that I asked her this. She replied that " she

> knows

> who she is... " taking my question quite seriously. Because of my behavior

> my uncle drove me back to home immediately after the bhiksa (lunch). I

> did

> not get a chance to speak to her again for 10 years of my later life. I

> met

> her again, along with my sister, at a Bhagawat Gita jnanayagna place in

> Chilakaluripet. By that time I realized that, as per Mother Kali's

> instructions, she is my teacher. She taught me Vedanta....


> I have three mothers. The one who gave me birth, " Lakshmi prasanna

> Savitri " ... The one who gave me my first food " annapurna " , the one who

> taught me real education " Saarada " .. I bow to them from my heart, ever

> humble, thanking them for the privilege they gave me.


> mAdhavagurO dayA bandhO mAdhava jnAna dAyinee

> madhu vAgmaya tAptyarthaM SAradAM praNamAmyahaM ||




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> Message: 2

> Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:14:33 -0000

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Avadhuta Gita


> Avadhuta

> Chapter 1 Verse 41



> Know all this universe to be formless. Know all this universe to be devoid

> of transformation. Know all this universe to be pure existence itself.

> Know

> all this universe to be of the nature of the Supreme Beatitude.



> _____

> ________________________

> _____


> Message: 3

> Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:06:07 PST

> " Swaminathan Venkataraman " <nachiketas

> Fwd: Click & Save a life





> > " anandamoy sahoo " <sahoo1

> >32intact

> >32intact

> >Fwd: Click & Save a life

> >MIME-Version: 1.0

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> >Please check this site.

> >All you need to do is just to click on the " Save A Life " button and

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> >>Orissa. Just visit this site and save a life. Please pass this on to as

> >>many people as you can.

> >> > >

> >> > > http://www.causeanaffect.org/

> >> > >

> >> >

> >

> >

> >----Original Message Follows----

> > " Ashis Dutta " <dutta_ashis

> >ADeb, bkbasu, sahoo1,

> >sb-TNG, dbhadra,

> >skmitra, b_jaideep,

> >kallol_ban,

> >nilanjan_ray, rajatjroy,

> >sengupta_anindya, shinjit,

> >soumyachatterjee, sumanda,

> >Debankur_Das,

> >Debashis_Palchaudhuri, JITESH_SHAH,


> >Somnath.Basu, 3367-IM,

> >skmitra, jyoti,

> arijit,

> >smkbasu, sikhendra, subrojit

> >Fwd: [bit1994] Click & Save a life

> >Wed, 10 Nov 1999 19:39:53 PST

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> >Received: from by www.hotmail.com with HTTP;Wed, 10 Nov

> >1999

> >19:39:53 PST

> >X-Originating-IP: []

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> " Dharambir Marwaha " <dharambirmarwaha

> >>dharam

> >>Fwd: [bit1994] Click & Save a life

> >>Wed, 10 Nov 1999 21:37:41 GMT

> >>MIME-Version: 1.0

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> >>1999 13:37:41 PST

> >>X-Originating-IP: []

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>----Original Message Follows----

> >>Mohana Narayan <mnnaraya

> >>bit1994

> >>bit1994

> >>[bit1994] Click & Save a life

> >>Wed, 10 Nov 1999 10:41:26 -0800

> >>

> >> > >

> >> >

> >

> >____

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> ________________________

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> _____


> Message: 4

> Thu, 11 Nov 1999 22:08:08 +0530

> " Guha " <guha

> Re: Tradition


> Dear Prashant,

> The sun exists. Do you dispute that? But how will

> you make a blind man understand that the sun exists? You have to adopt

> some

> suitable method to make him accept the fact. Sri Ramakrishna described the

> situation well. A mother, according to him, cooks fish in different ways

> for

> her different children. People have different beliefs, and they are so

> engrossed in these (rituals) that they become blind to reality.


> Similarly, God exists, only the methods adopted by religious teachers are

> different. Advaita is considered a dry subject and hence sages such as

> Ramanuja chose ways that could attract the common people to God.

> Ultimately,

> all these masters realised that God is one. As Sri Ramakrishna says, you

> proceed on different paths, but reach the same spot.


> The soul, according to the Gita, is reborn in the womb most suited to it

> by

> virtue of the karma in the previous life. These are evidently stages of

> evolution. That is why people lead lives in line with the family they

> belong

> to. The religious tendencies of family members are also similar. A poor

> person is accustomed to the coarsest food and a rich man to rich food.

> Ultimately, it is food that is needed. Thus, paths may be different, the

> aim

> is the same: to fill the tummy or to realise God. - Guha



> Prashant G <gprasha

> prashanth replies


> I don't think you have to stick to your dharma, All the scholars say

> that

> you

> should fallow your dharma only if you are completely convinced with it,

> if that was not the case why did Vishishtadvaita and Dvaita came , both

> Ramanujacharya and Madhvacharya could have fallowe blindly Advaita.


> Both Ramanuja and Madvacharya were learing under Advaitha teachers

> first,

> when they found that Advaitha could not answer all there questions they

> had,

> they had to fallow fallow what they felt right , and IMO there is

> nothing

> wrong in it, and formed Vishistadvaita and Dvaita .



> sarvam vasudevamayam jagath

> Prashanth




> > " Guha " <guha

> >

> > While at the Cossipore garden house, Sri Ramakrishna was about to have

> his

> > meal one day. At that time the elder Gopal and another direct disciple

> were

> > sitting on the cot. Thakur asked them to get down so he could eat.

> > I think it was Shashi (later Sw. Ramakrishnananda) who felt embarrassed

> at

> > the Guru's action and questioned it. Sri Ramakrishna explained that he

> was

> a

> > Brahmin by birth and there was some basic `achar' (proper behaviour)

> which

> > one had to follow.

> > I think this has to do with the tendencies one inherits at birth, which

> > comprises various attributes. Modern-day scientists should be able to

> trace

> > this from the genes. But I have found that following one's dharma is the

> > only way. Once a Vaishnava, always a Vaishnava. There is no need to

> stray

> to

> > another sect and grope your way back to the correct one. Only, treat all

> > sects with respect and do not assume a superior posture. All the

> different

> > paths lead to the same Supreme Being.





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> Message: 5

> Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:58:14 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Freedom



> One i went to a satsang by Sri Ravi Shankar. There he said that if u want

> to see the bliss see it on the face of child when it comes home n throws

> away his school bag.


> Later i have been thinking abt it n i realised that wat child is doing is

> throwing away the burden. When we will throw away all the burden we have

> taken we surely will be happy forever. We have to learn not to take

> burden out of life.




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> Message: 6

> Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:19:01 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Guru



> if i am able to recall properly that rishi's name was Shukdeva




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> Message: 7

> Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:09:22 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Guru



> Some days back i read one article i am writting some things frm that

> article.


> Once such a condition prevailed on earth that all the rishis became

> selfish, started fightig with each other, there only became how to show

> other rishi down, greed pride n desires started overpowering them.


> They didn't know wat to do. Then all of them decided to choose 1 boy to be

> there Guru. I have forgotten the name of that great rishi. He said that

> though my fathers, grandfathers r sitting here but none of them n u r

> worth being caled a rishi. All of them pleaded that they be shown right

> path. Guru Pujan was the only sadhana that saved them n due to which the

> rishis could rise n once become real rishis in real sense. It was only

> then that rishi like Kaanaada wrote a whole granth on Atom.




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