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Peace and Blessings to all ! Please excuse my erratic postings of late, as I

have been, by necessity, away from the computer and have

been neglecting my dear friends on the Ramakrishna Digest Mailing



Although away from the communications medium, my mind has been

engrossed with the 'Hullaballoo' caused by the recent declaration by the

Southern Baptist Convention [concerning their position on Hinduism],and also the

Holy Father's visit to India.


Let us step back and look at the whole picture. A tiny Albanian

girl of eighteen comes to India as a Roman Catholic Nun. She learns

the 'ways of the land' and eventually blends what she has learned from this

ancient culture, together with the 'newer' dispensation

of her own faith, and creates a world-wide INDIAN RELIGIOUS ORDER of selfless

social workers, clad in saris and following strict monastic rules of conduct.


Is this good for the world-image of India ? Is this good for Hinduism ? The

answer must ne a resounding YES !!!!


Whether these are Roman Catholic Nuns & Brothers or not, in the eyes of the

world, this is a Hindustan Organization, and therefore Hindu.


Hindus are BIG ENOUGH to absorb all faiths into their land. They have

no fear of being dominated. History has proven, time and time again,

the resilience, the self-invigorating power of Sanatana Dharma, forever modern,

forever learning and absorbing. Not mired in ancient

dogma, but rather searching for new ways to respond to the urgent demand of our

very own Sri Swami Lord Vivekananda of Bengal:


" This is the great ideal before us, and every one must be ready for it - the

conquest of the whole world by India - nothing less than that, and we must all

get ready for it, strain every nerve for it. Let foreigners come and flood the

land with their armies, never mind.

Up, India, and conquer the world with your spirituality ! Aye, as has been

declared on this soil first, 'love' must conquer hatred, hatred cannot conquer

itself. Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by materialism.

Armies when they attempt to conquer armies only multiply and make brutes of

humanity. Spirituality must conquer the West. Slowly they are finding out that

what they want is spirituality to preserve them as nations. They are waiting for

it, they are eager for it. "


So, my dear brothers and sisters in tapasyA, let us encourage the

Christian sects to make new converts on the subcontinent. How else will India

and Hinduism be able to help her brothers and sisters

worldwide? Any religion practised in the spiritual environment of India, will

produce beneficial effects and increase levels of tolerance, which may then be

shared with the rest of humanity.


Does this sound reasonable ?


om shanthi om




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SWami Vivekananda once said: " If India dies, there is real danger that

Truth will also vanish from this earth. " (somewhat to this effect). This

predicament lends the concern and urgency to save spiritual treasure of


If this is done by the leaders and saints of other religions we welcome

it; but the fact is that still there is no requisite growth visible in

other religious organizations that should take over the task of keeping

the flame of Advaita Alive!

In whatever crude or ambiguous form it may be alive, only Sanatana

Dharmi (follower of Sanatana Dharma) is the saviour at present.

And because Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda are the torch bearers

of such Principles of Truth, this love for and hope from them!


dr c s s


omtatsat wrote:


> Hindus are BIG ENOUGH to absorb all faiths into their land. They have

> no fear of being dominated. History has proven, time and time again,

> the resilience, the self-invigorating power of Sanatana Dharma, forever

modern, forever learning and absorbing. Not mired in ancient

> dogma, but rather searching for new ways to respond to the urgent demand of

our very own Sri Swami Lord Vivekananda of Bengal:

> " This is the great ideal before us, and every one must be ready for it - the

conquest of the whole world by India - nothing less than that, and we must all

get ready for it, strain every nerve for it. Let foreigners come and flood the

land with their armies, never mind.

> Up, India, and conquer the world with your spirituality ! Aye, as has been

declared on this soil first, 'love' must conquer hatred, hatred cannot conquer

itself. Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by materialism.

Armies when they attempt to conquer armies only multiply and make brutes of

humanity. Spirituality must conquer the West. Slowly they are finding out that

what they want is spirituality to preserve them as nations. They are waiting for

it, they are eager for it. "

> So, my dear brothers and sisters in tapasyA, let us encourage the

> Christian sects to make new converts on the subcontinent. How else will India

and Hinduism be able to help her brothers and sisters

> worldwide? Any religion practised in the spiritual environment of India, will

produce beneficial effects and increase levels of tolerance, which may then be

shared with the rest of humanity.

> Does this sound reasonable ?

> om shanthi om


E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:



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Nothing is possible for us unless we come up as one, united Hindus and the

downtrodden, known as Harijans (Mahatma Gandhi christened this name) as one

soul of Hindus. Till then, there is no Dharma or no question of vanishing

truth from earth. They have been ignored before independence and they are

being ignored more even after independence. And that's the reason why they

would prefer to convert in to a Christian and have better name in the

society. A harijan with the name Suman will be respected by everyone if he

is called Samuel. We have hidden so many things under the name of Hinduism.

Well, I'll will not argue the same thing against any Christian

Missionary/missioners because what they are doing is wrong and at the same

time why its being done is the fault of our system.We have not changed a bit

after independence. many of us think that we were better under British

regime.There are thousands of Panthas in Hinduism and one is confused whom

to follow and whom to worship. If some body will ask me a question who is

responsible for the present condition of India. I'll definitely say, the

educated people and the religious leaders. They have spoiled India. True or

false, this is my opinion.


Dr C S Shah <drcssha

<Ramakrishna >

Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:25 PM

Re: [ramakrishna] hullaballoo



> Dr C S Shah <drcssha


> SWami Vivekananda once said: " If India dies, there is real danger that

> Truth will also vanish from this earth. " (somewhat to this effect). This

> predicament lends the concern and urgency to save spiritual treasure of

> India.

> If this is done by the leaders and saints of other religions we welcome

> it; but the fact is that still there is no requisite growth visible in

> other religious organizations that should take over the task of keeping

> the flame of Advaita Alive!

> In whatever crude or ambiguous form it may be alive, only Sanatana

> Dharmi (follower of Sanatana Dharma) is the saviour at present.

> And because Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda are the torch bearers

> of such Principles of Truth, this love for and hope from them!


> dr c s s

> --------

> omtatsat wrote:


> > Hindus are BIG ENOUGH to absorb all faiths into their land. They have

> > no fear of being dominated. History has proven, time and time again,

> > the resilience, the self-invigorating power of Sanatana Dharma, forever

modern, forever learning and absorbing. Not mired in ancient

> > dogma, but rather searching for new ways to respond to the urgent demand

of our very own Sri Swami Lord Vivekananda of Bengal:

> > " This is the great ideal before us, and every one must be ready for it -

the conquest of the whole world by India - nothing less than that, and we

must all get ready for it, strain every nerve for it. Let foreigners come

and flood the land with their armies, never mind.

> > Up, India, and conquer the world with your spirituality ! Aye, as has

been declared on this soil first, 'love' must conquer hatred, hatred cannot

conquer itself. Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by

materialism. Armies when they attempt to conquer armies only multiply and

make brutes of humanity. Spirituality must conquer the West. Slowly they are

finding out that what they want is spirituality to preserve them as nations.

They are waiting for it, they are eager for it. "

> > So, my dear brothers and sisters in tapasyA, let us encourage the

> > Christian sects to make new converts on the subcontinent. How else will

India and Hinduism be able to help her brothers and sisters

> > worldwide? Any religion practised in the spiritual environment of India,

will produce beneficial effects and increase levels of tolerance, which may

then be shared with the rest of humanity.

> > Does this sound reasonable ?

> > om shanthi om

> ====================================

> E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:

> http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/index.html

> ====================================


> > Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


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Dear Ramakrishna list members


I think that the response in India certainly does not arise out of feeling

that Christian religious ideas " threaten " Hindus in any way. I heard this

biblical story yesterday.


When god gave Moses the ten commandments and asked him to enjoin them upon

his followers, Moses asked god " Who am I to say gave this to me? " God said "

I am that I am " . What a wonderful statement. Just a literal translation of

" Om Tat Sat " . Sri Ramana Maharshi has quoted the above biblical statement

several times when asked to summarise his teaching.


I personally cannot in any way look differently upon the Christian teachings

and Hinduism than I can differentiate between, say, the followers of Sri

Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana Maharshi.


Any discomfort that exists in India , if I may say so, has its roots in what

maybe called the difference between religiosity and spirituality.

Missionaries and Converted christians in India (irrespective of the caste

which they belonged to as Hindus) immediately adopt what I can only call a

fanatical attitude denouncing all Hindu philosophy as arrant nonsense purely

with the aim of increasing their own flock in India. For instance, Krishna

is denounced as a war-monger for asking Arjuna to fight (in contrast with

Christ's injunction to show the other cheek), as a womaniser when they

understand nothing about the significance of Rasaleela. All kinds of

ridiculous stories are circulated in pamphlets about how Ganesha got his

elephant head which could well have been sent to the trashiest magazine in

town catering to people's base instincts. The list is endless and I could go

on and on with my own experiences.


It is such behaviour coupled with the use of economic incentives to

conversion (which many view as exploitation of India's poverty) that have

given rise to these tensions.


I write this mail only as information to my brothers and sisters who may not

be very much in the know about happenings at the grass-root level in India.

Let us clearly separate religiosity from spirituality and concentrate on

imbibing and living the spiritual truths that every realised soul has sought

to convey.


If my mails on this subject have disturbed anybody's spiritual practices for

even a day, please forgive me.


Someone asked Sri Ramana Maharshi, " If I realise myself, can I help

alleviate suffering the world? " .


Bhagawan replied, " If you realise yourself, there is no one else to help "


So, if we can realise ourselves, there is no one else to " converted " either.


Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramakrishnaya

Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramanaya

Glory to the father in heaven







>Let us step back and look at the whole picture. A tiny Albanian

>girl of eighteen comes to India as a Roman Catholic Nun. She learns

>the 'ways of the land' and eventually blends what she has learned from this

>ancient culture, together with the 'newer' dispensation

>of her own faith, and creates a world-wide INDIAN RELIGIOUS ORDER of

>selfless social workers, clad in saris and following strict monastic rules

>of conduct.


>Is this good for the world-image of India ? Is this good for Hinduism ?

>The answer must ne a resounding YES !!!!


>Whether these are Roman Catholic Nuns & Brothers or not, in the eyes of the

>world, this is a Hindustan Organization, and therefore Hindu.


>Hindus are BIG ENOUGH to absorb all faiths into their land. They have

>no fear of being dominated. History has proven, time and time again,

>the resilience, the self-invigorating power of Sanatana Dharma, forever

>modern, forever learning and absorbing. Not mired in ancient

>dogma, but rather searching for new ways to respond to the urgent demand of

>our very own Sri Swami Lord Vivekananda of Bengal:


> " This is the great ideal before us, and every one must be ready for it -

>the conquest of the whole world by India - nothing less than that, and we

>must all get ready for it, strain every nerve for it. Let foreigners come

>and flood the land with their armies, never mind.

>Up, India, and conquer the world with your spirituality ! Aye, as has been

>declared on this soil first, 'love' must conquer hatred, hatred cannot

>conquer itself. Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by

>materialism. Armies when they attempt to conquer armies only multiply and

>make brutes of humanity. Spirituality must conquer the West. Slowly they

>are finding out that what they want is spirituality to preserve them as

>nations. They are waiting for it, they are eager for it. "


>So, my dear brothers and sisters in tapasyA, let us encourage the

>Christian sects to make new converts on the subcontinent. How else will

>India and Hinduism be able to help her brothers and sisters

>worldwide? Any religion practised in the spiritual environment of India,

>will produce beneficial effects and increase levels of tolerance, which may

>then be shared with the rest of humanity.


>Does this sound reasonable ?


>om shanthi om




>123India - India's Premier Search Engine

>Get your Free Email Account at http://www.123india.com





>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London


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