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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.141


Wednesday 17/11/99


The Master Said:


" All men look alike, to be sure, but they have different natures.

Some have an excess of sattva, others an excess of rajas,

and still others an excess of tamas. You must have noticed

that the cakes known as puli all look alike.

But their contents are very different.

Some contain condensed milk, some coconut kernel,

and others mere boiled kalAi pulse. "


This last comment brought forth laughter among the devotees


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.141


Mercredi 17/11/99


Le Maître Dit:


" Pour être sûrs, tous les hommes regardent de même,

mais ils ont des natures différentes. Certains ont un excès de

sattva, de d'autres un excès des rajas, et encore de d'autres un

excès des tamas. Vous devez avoir noté que les gâteaux connus sous

le nom de 'puli' tout regardent de même. Mais leur contenu est très

différent. Certains contiennent le lait condensé, un certain grain

de noix de coco, et d'autres, rien que les plantes légumineuses

de kalAi bouillie. "


Ce dernier commentaire a apporté le rire parmi les passionnés


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~





Message: 7

Mon, 15 Nov 1999 09:23:17 PST

" Swaminathan Venkataraman " <nachiketas

Re: hullaballoo


Dear Ramakrishna list members


I think that the response in India certainly does not arise out of feeling


that Christian religious ideas " threaten " Hindus in any way. I heard this


biblical story yesterday.


When god gave Moses the ten commandments and asked him to enjoin them upon


his followers, Moses asked god " Who am I to say gave this to me? " God said


I am that I am " . What a wonderful statement. Just a literal translation


" Om Tat Sat " . Sri Ramana Maharshi has quoted the above biblical statement


several times when asked to summarise his teaching.


I personally cannot in any way look differently upon the Christian teachings


and Hinduism than I can differentiate between, say, the followers of Sri


Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana Maharshi.


Any discomfort that exists in India , if I may say so, has its roots in


maybe called the difference between religiosity and spirituality.

Missionaries and Converted christians in India (irrespective of the caste


which they belonged to as Hindus) immediately adopt what I can only call


fanatical attitude denouncing all Hindu philosophy as arrant nonsense purely


with the aim of increasing their own flock in India. For instance, Krishna


is denounced as a war-monger for asking Arjuna to fight (in contrast with


Christ's injunction to show the other cheek), as a womaniser when they


understand nothing about the significance of Rasaleela. All kinds of

ridiculous stories are circulated in pamphlets about how Ganesha got his


elephant head which could well have been sent to the trashiest magazine


town catering to people's base instincts. The list is endless and I could


on and on with my own experiences.


It is such behaviour coupled with the use of economic incentives to

conversion (which many view as exploitation of India's poverty) that have


given rise to these tensions.


I write this mail only as information to my brothers and sisters who may


be very much in the know about happenings at the grass-root level in India.


Let us clearly separate religiosity from spirituality and concentrate on


imbibing and living the spiritual truths that every realised soul has sought


to convey.


If my mails on this subject have disturbed anybody's spiritual practices


even a day, please forgive me.


Someone asked Sri Ramana Maharshi, " If I realise myself, can I help

alleviate suffering the world? " .


Bhagawan replied, " If you realise yourself, there is no one else to help "


So, if we can realise ourselves, there is no one else to " converted " either.


Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramakrishnaya

Om Namo Bhagawate Sri Ramanaya

Glory to the father in heaven








Warm greetings to all ! Swami Yogeshananda Hari om !


When I read a digest, such as yesterdays, with the many

'profound' and also 'light' postings, I cannot help to feel

most humble and thankful to be welcome amongst you.


Sri Swaminathan om Namah !


Perhaps the good people of the Republic of India may be able to

pressure their politicians in enacting strict 'anti-hate'

legislation, such as we have in America. Charges are brought

against those who violate the fundamental laws of decency,

such as the 'Christian' pamphlets, you describe in your

wonderful message featured above.


In fact, they are 'Christian' in name only, if they spread

malicious un-truths, which are hurtful to their neighbours.


And, we can safely say, that Moslem, Christian or Hindu-bashings,

are only the sad by-product of a weak human rights code, and a

deplorable general lack of honest, vigorous and competent

police protection.


These are the cold hard facts. Corruption cannot exist

'hand-in-hand' with Sanatana Dharma.


Sri Aurobindo said it so well: " 'THIS Hindu nation [speaking of India]

was born with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it

grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines.' "


Political pressure, to eliminate the many forms of corruption from the

personal, political and business habits of Indians, must be exerted on

all fronts. This is a vital necessity, for the continued progress of the

nation, in the coming 'brutally-harsh economic realities'

of the Twenty-first Century.


To papraphrase again our dear Swami Vivekananaji " We must strain

every nerve and every muscle for it " ...that is the ideal,

my brothers and sisters in tapasyA, ZERO TOLERANCE !!!!


om shanthi om





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