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intellectual discussions

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I am little late in catching my mails from the list. This is with reference

to the posting of Sri Guha on the need to reduce pure intellectual

discussions on the list. Though the kind of dicussions that were going on

may be of interest to many, they may be reserved to some other forum. Any

amount of intellectual dicussion would not take us even an inch nearer to

our real Goal. The time is short. We should reinforce our faith in Him .Aall

those things which motivate us and increase the urgency and tempo of our

sadhana may find their way in to the list.The postings from the Gospel,

Avadhuta gita, dakshinamurty stotra etc from the scriptures and the

experiences like those of Madhav. K. Turumella

stand out in reinforcing our faith and accelerate our progress.

In this connection may I request the members to share with us the important

events in their lives which turned them towards spiritual sadhana. While

some become devotees because of the environment in the families, some may

turn devotees with some special events in their lives. These, may reveal to

us as to How God guides the devotees and benefit all of us immencely. My

sadhana and prayers have assumed a new dimension after I read Mr. madhava's

experiences. What I would like to drive home is that similar experiences of

sadhakas may help other devotees also significantly.


Ramana Sarma

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