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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.141


Thursday 18/11/99


The Master Said:


" There are three words that prick my flesh: 'guru'

'master', and 'father'. There is only one Guru, and that is

SatchidAnanda. He alone is the Teacher. My attitude toward God is

that of a child toward it's mother. One can get human

gurus by the million. All want to be teachers.

But who cares to be a disciple? "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~





Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.141


Jeudi 18/11/99


Le Maître Dit:


" il y a trois mots qui piquent ma chair: 'maître',

'gourou' et 'père'. Il y a seulement un gourou, et c'est

SatchidAnanda. Lui seul est le professeur.

Mon attitude envers le Dieu est celle que d'un enfant vers sa mère.

On peut obtenir les gourous humains par le million.

Tous veulent être des professeurs.

Mais qui s'inquiète pour être un disciple?


om tat sat




~~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~




Hello Everyone !


Re: Homeless in Seattle {what a great title for a song}


Yes, Tim, that reminds me of a similiar occurence,

about 20 odd years ago, near Toronto.


The only difference being, that I had joined the

monastery as a potential member. Of course, my

conscience would not allow me to participate in

their religious observances, after hearing the

prayer, which I was supposed to recite, before

getting my 'din-dins'. The words which I refused to utter:

" Oh Lord we fear Thee " .


I explained to the Abbot that I did not have that kind of

relationship with the Lord. He is my best Buddy, my Everlasting

Friend who only wants the best for me....how can I say that I

fear Him?


Well, I was told that I could not share their 'din-dins', if I

didn't particpate in their service.

However, the monk in charge of the guesthouse, kindly allowed

me to partake of the meagre fare in his refrigerator.

He placed in there for me, a MacIntosh apple, a slice of process cheese,

and two slices of buttered white bread, on a daily basis.


After a week of peaceful meditation and study [the monastery had an

excellent library containing among other great works,

the writings of Thomas Merton], I recieved a visit from the vice-abbot,

who explained that it was necessary for me to

vacate the premises forthwith. Reason being: He was expecting

a group of retreatists for the weekend and needed the space.

And, he also said that " since I was not interested in participating in

their 'set' devotions, there was really no sense in prolonging my stay "


This Vice-Abbot, who, bye the way, was an exceedingly cultured and

charming person, used to visit me on a daily basis, to see how I was

getting along....what books I was reading etc.


However, on THIS particular day, when he was delivering the official

eviction notice, he was accompanied by a huge Samoyed dog.

I could not resist asking him, if the dog was also being odered to leave

the premises. He said: " Of course not, why do you ask ? "


I then responded with:


" I guess the dog is particpating in your devotional services and

that's why it's allowed to remain well-fed in this warm place? "


Surprisingly enough, the Vice-Abbot didn't have a comment, other

than to smile and wish me luck on my way !



om shanthi om




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