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Ed/Digest Number 264

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Dear Ed,


At 02:34 PM 11/17/99 -0800, you wrote:

>EDTipple <edtipple


>Dear Tim,


>It was time and I thank you for your letter on exclusionism. As Swami

>Prabhavananda used to say, " Put Christ, Krishna, Shankara, Mohammed,

>Ramakrishna, Buddha in a room together and they would get along

>famously. Put their disciples in a room together and they will fight to

>kill. "


Unfortunately that would probably be true. Perhaps the followers of

Hinduism and Buddhism would merely shout at everyone though, while the

Muslims and Christians drew swords :-) (that was meant in humor, but maybe

a grain of truth?)...


>We must stop all better-than-thou-ism. Truth is one -- and we do

>it a great disservice to become entangled in the arguments of ignorance.


I don't think it will ever stop completely (maybe I'm being cynical)... but

I will continue to cry from the heart for an end to it anyway. The heart

cries out for love and harmony and peace. The mind, though, seems to enjoy

the excitement of argumentation (as the senses are stimulated by various

pleasures, so argumentation has a similar effect on the mind), and I think

anyone who says that most minds don't enjoy argumentation is putting the

lie to a simple fact.


That's the essential problem -- that disagreement is the basic nature of

the mind and ego, which see only dualities. Until there is an ability to

go beyond the mind altogether, the argumentation will continue on some

level or another.


HariH OM,





" Open mind, open heart, tolerance of all viewpoints "


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>It was time and I thank you for your letter on exclusionism. As Swami

>Prabhavananda used to say, " Put Christ, Krishna, Shankara, Mohammed,

>Ramakrishna, Buddha in a room together and they would get along

>famously. Put their disciples in a room together and they will fight to

>kill. "


This is a great saying! And oh, soooo, true. I have witnessed it happening

numerous times. When diciples of the great teachers fight amongst themselves

it does such a disservice to the teacher...


<<That's the essential problem - that disagreement is the basic nature of the

mind and ego, which see only dualities. Until there is an ability to go

beyond the mind altogether, the argumentation will continue on some level or



I don't agree that it is the nature of the mind to argue and disagree....the

ego perhaps, but not the mind.


<<I think anyone who says that most minds don't enjoy argumentation is

putting the lie to a simple fact.>>


I know many folks who HATE to argue with anyone. To a fault almost, for,

there are times when confrontation is the only way to solve certain problems.

Loving to argue is a personality trait in some, not so in others...



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This is exactly happening now. Most of or say everything (for me) is there in

Gita/Mahabharat & Ramayan. All the preachers, saints tell the same basic things,

like honesty, hard work, responsibilities for parents, spouse,children,

neighbors and the environment, that is mother nature. Simply, they want to teach

thy DUTIES. Performing Puja, worshipping God in a different manner has nothing

to with performing the Duties. Take candle and chant the name of Jesus Christ in

the church or take an oil lamp and chant name of Rama or Krsna in a temple or go

to a Mosque and chant the name of Allah is all same thing, because God has been

given different name in different languages.The religion is man made and it came

from the followers, who never knew God,or never tried to experience his

existence but they form a group, namedit Religion and tried to prove superiority

one over the other.And there comes war, fights in the name of God. If the

followers, understood the meaning of " DUTIES " I.e. religion, then there won't be

any fight in the name of Religion. But now the definition of Religion has

changed, it has become a larger and larger communities who worship God in a

different way, and the " the way " or act worshipping God has become to-day's


What is the meaning of getting married? that is union of a male and female.Now

every culture has different tradition to bring the couple together.What ever the

method or tradition,bringing the couple together is a Marriage.This different

tradtions have also a become a part of the religion. Muslim,Hindus,Christians

have different traditions and that has nothing to do with " GOD " . The teachings

are same for evrybody, that is be remain faithfull to each other after marriage,

share the problems of life equally. If the married people had taken the oath in

its true meaning considering the marriage had taken place in the presence of

God in the Temple or Church or Mosque, then there won't be any divorces or

cheating on each other after marriage. This is happening because evryone knows

that this act/tradition is man made.The couple who belive in God of any race or

culture will stay togetether for ever in any circumstances.

Smilarly, a true follower of God will never look in to Hindus, Jains, Muslims or

Christians. But the followers have always fought over the superiority of one

religion over the other and there arises the conflicts and in the name of

religion (not in the name of God or Duties) they are ready to anything or even

sacrifice.That we call " Zanoon " of Dharma, brain washed, blind followers of so

caled religious leaders.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti.

God is one, there is no boundry between man and nature. Nature is all one

including homosapiens. (So called boundries are man made and because we have

gone away from nature. Its our duty or dharma to go back to nature leaving all

this artificial life we are living in.)



<Ramakrishna >

Thursday, November 18, 1999 6:58 PM

Re: [ramakrishna] Ed/Re: Digest Number 264





> >It was time and I thank you for your letter on exclusionism. As Swami

> >Prabhavananda used to say, " Put Christ, Krishna, Shankara, Mohammed,

> >Ramakrishna, Buddha in a room together and they would get along

> >famously. Put their disciples in a room together and they will fight to

> >kill. "


> This is a great saying! And oh, soooo, true. I have witnessed it happening

> numerous times. When diciples of the great teachers fight amongst themselves

> it does such a disservice to the teacher...


> <<That's the essential problem - that disagreement is the basic nature of the

> mind and ego, which see only dualities. Until there is an ability to go

> beyond the mind altogether, the argumentation will continue on some level or

> another.>>


> I don't agree that it is the nature of the mind to argue and disagree....the

> ego perhaps, but not the mind.


> <<I think anyone who says that most minds don't enjoy argumentation is

> putting the lie to a simple fact.>>


> I know many folks who HATE to argue with anyone. To a fault almost, for,

> there are times when confrontation is the only way to solve certain problems.

> Loving to argue is a personality trait in some, not so in others...


> Sue


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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

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