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>A message to pass on...


>We heard recently from someone who returned from India. Her group met with

>the Dalai Lama for several days. The meetings focused on dialoguing what

>they believed were the 5 most important questions to be considered moving

>into the new millennium. The group were asked to come up with five

>questions before meeting with the Dalai Lama.


>They asked:

>1. How do we address the widening gap between rich and poor?

>2. How do we protect the earth

>3. How do we educate our children?

>4 How do we help Tibet and other oppressed countries/peoples?

>5. How do we bring spirituality - deep caring for each other - through

>all disciplines?


>The Dalai Lama said all the questions fall under the last one. If we have

>true compassion, our children will be educated, we will care for the earth,

>and for those who " have not " .


>He asked the group: Do you think loving on the planet is increasing or

>staying the same?


>His own response was, " My experience leads me to believe that love IS

>increasing. "


>He shared a practice with the group that will increase loving and

>compassion in the world, and asked everyone attending to go home and share


>with as many people as possible.


>The Practice


>1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day remembering we all want the

>same thing (to be happy and loved) and we are all connected.


>2. Spend 5 minutes cherishing yourself and others. Let go of judgments.

>Breathe in cherishing yourself, and breathe out cherishing others. If the

>faces of people you are having difficulty with appear, cherish them as well.


>3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet - we are all the

>same and I cherish myself and you. {Do it with the grocery store clerk, the

>client, your family, co-workers, etc.].


>4. Stay in the practice, no matter what happens.




" Open mind, open heart, tolerance of all viewpoints "


Visit " The Core " Website at http://coresite.cjb.net -

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