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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.147


Thursday 25/11/99


The Master Said:


" A man endowed with tAmasic bhakti has burning faith.

Such a devotee literally exhorts boons from God,

even as a robber falls upon a man and plunders his money. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.147


Jeudi 25/11/99


Le Maitre A indique:


" Un homme dote de bhakti 'tAmasic' a la foi brulante.

Un tel passionne recommande instamment litteralement des

avantages de Dieu, meme comme un voleur qui tombe sur un

homme et pille son argent. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~




JAIRAM SESHADRI Namaste, Yes, that was very interesting.

However, sometimes little 'untruths' creep in to these humorous

compositions....and they end up getting away with it, 'cause nobody

says anything. Case in point:


" Some of these religions state that if you are not a

member of their religion, you will go to Hell "


This is obviously an allusion, to the widely held belief among

ill-informed people, concerning Roman Catholic Doctrine.


Of course, the Vatican's position on the matter, is that of

St. Paul, in Romans chapter 2, verse 14:


" For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the

things that are contained in the law, these, having not the law,

are a law unto themselves. "


To put it into simpler terms: If any soul is saved in Heathenism,

it is because it has assumed the same attitude toward God as

Chritianity requires.


In other words, it is not necessary to join any Christian

denominational group in order to achieve Salvation.


The essential thing is to follow the ONE commandment, left for us by

Lord Jesus Christ, and that is: " Love one another as I have loved you "


All else is really unneccessary.


For instance, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a great lover of

Christ, but not necessarily of Christianity.






Tim Namaste,


RE: " That seems a little unfair to the

other religions of the world. For

example, there is Quabalah in Judaism, and Gnostic

Christianity, and there

is Sikhism and other religions that have the view of Advaita. "



Very well spoken. However, what about 'Sufism'...we mustn't forget

that [especially since your father is a Muslim].

I think that you are very fortunate to be a product of such a marriage, one

truly made in Heaven and obviously very fertile ground for the precious seeds of

Sanatana Dharma !


Om shanthi om








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